Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

Hur made a necessary decision based on lack of evidence.
Lack of evidence would mean there is NO PROOF!!

The only evidence we are seeing is the evidence of you making up shit about what you wish was in the report.

Biden't state of mind is relevant because the statute requires intent to be applicable. It has nothing to do with his reasoning or dementia. Hur couldn't prove intent because there is nothing to show Biden intended to take documents or intended to keep documents. Hur can't even prove that Biden knew he had the documents let alone that he knew and refused to turn them over.

Stop lying Ricky. The Hur report says there is evidence of WILLFUL retention of Classified documents and dissemination of Classified Information. Hur let Biden off the hook because Biden is doddering SENILE old man.
Neither matters legally except in sentencing. You don't get to rob a bank, and cooperate in giving the money back when caught and then we all just walk away any more than such should happen here. Now you may get a lighter sentence for helping, but not "free and clear"...

Though that isn't what really was said here. What he said is that the central role of the hit movie "Broke Brain White House" was filled by someone who has committed the crime but would not be prosecutable as his broken brain makes it so folks would see him as having limited capacity and because of his memory issues it would look like they were persecuting your demented grandpa.

Now, "Come and get them now that I've held on to some since the 1970s"... is just not as cooperative as you imagine it is and provably he had no reasonable access to the classified information he just let lie about his house from the time he was in the Senate.
He also gave his Ghost Writer Classified Information and told him he had boxes of "Classified Files" in his basement. That was long before he finally surrendered them.
The cooperation factor most certainly figures into the situation. Every law concerning documents about national security requires knowingly and willingly to retain documents when asked for them back.
The law about bank robbery doesn't have a part that says the robber has to knowingly and willingly retain the money when the bank asks for it back.

No, "when asked for them back" only applies to documents related to work of Presidents, and then they have a time frame in which they are allowed to act. Saying, "when they are asked for" is gaslighting in this case, this enfeebled old man willfully kept documents from his earliest years in the Senate that he had no legal right to collect and witnesses clearly indicated he laughed and said he would not give them back. You don't get to retain classified documents for any length of time outside of where they are supposed to be stored.
This is a huge blow to the Brandon presidency. In my opinion, Hur knew that Garland was in no way going to pursue criminal intent with Brandon and took the route as to why any further investigation would be fruitless. Any leftie, righty, or in-between can see Brandon is rapidly becoming a vegetable.
Part of me says this was a plan to ease Joe out of the White House based on further medical tests, and the other half of me says Hur was just pissed off enough at Garland to give him the shaft.

Either way, Brandon has two choices,

Admit he has dementia and "forgot" he has the documents OR deny he has dementia and admit he did this illegally.

Interesting that his ghostwriter suddenly deleted the tapes where Joe admitted in 2017 that he has classified documents that should not be in his possession.
This is a huge blow to the Brandon presidency. In my opinion, Hur knew that Garland was in no way going to pursue criminal intent with Brandon and took the route as to why any further investigation would be fruitless. Any leftie, righty, or in-between can see Brandon is rapidly becoming a vegetable.
Part of me says this was a plan to ease Joe out of the White House based on further medical tests, and the other half of me says Hur was just pissed off enough at Garland to give him the shaft.

Either way, Brandon has two choices,

Admit he has dementia and "forgot" he has the documents OR deny he has dementia and admit he did this illegally.

Interesting that his ghostwriter suddenly deleted the tapes where Joe admitted in 2017 that he has classified documents that should not be in his possession.
I agree 100%
Neither matters legally except in sentencing. You don't get to rob a bank, and cooperate in giving some of the money back when caught and then we all just walk away any more than such should happen here. Now you may get a lighter sentence for helping, but not "free and clear"...

Though that isn't what really was said here. What he said is that the central role of the hit movie "Brokebrain White House" was filled by someone who has committed the crime but would not be prosecutable as his broken brain makes it so folks would see him as having limited capacity and because of his memory issues it would look like they were persecuting your demented grandpa.

Now, "Come and get them now that I've held on to some since the 1970s"... is just not as cooperative as you imagine it is and provably he had no reasonable access to the classified information he just let lie about his house from the time he was in the Senate.

Except this was a President of The United States and this being the real world and not a hypothetical one he was able to “walk away” by “giving it back” but he didn’t. That is what happened in this real world. Having given the former President that chance, there was no question the current President would get the same chance.
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Except this was a President of The United States and this being real world and not a hypothetical one he was able to “walk away” by “giving it back” but he didn’t. That is what happened in this real world. Having given the former President that chance, there was no question the current President would get the same chance.

No, when the person who stored the documents was not a President (in this case Biden was a Senator, not even VP when he began his classifieds collection) pretending that it magically makes the crime go away because he "let them in" to search is absurd. He held onto classified documents for decades that he had no legal right to remove from the SCIF under the capitol building. The current President didn't get the "same chance", he was solely given a (paraphrasing) "we can't prosecute because his broken brain makes him incapacitated and folks would think it was elder abuse".

The reality, this demented old man broke the law for decades, flaunted it, and then pretended that "giving them back" long after the time period any President is supposed to be allowed to go through and separate out documents without facing any charges... No. This excuse doesn't fly.

This is again someone caught holding onto $30,000 of $100,000 stolen from the bank saying they get a pass because they gave the $30,000 back as soon as they realized they were found out.

The law has no, "unless you cooperate" clause, it isn't there. It is in sentencing such a fact would come into play. He told us why they wouldn't recommend prosecution, it was because: They would have to wait until he was out of office, then prosecute an old man with a poor memory and juries would be sympathetic with Brokebrain White House.
Except this was a President of The United States and this being real world and not a hypothetical one he was able to “walk away” by “giving it back” but he didn’t. That is what happened in this real world. Having given the former President that chance, there was no question the current President would get the same chance.
Ownership of the documents is in question because of the Presidential records act. Ownership should be determined in a civil court not in a criminal court. Biden knowingly had Classified Documents in his possession for DECADES and even gave Classified information to his Ghost writer. The only issue is: was Biden a President when he took the files? The answer is no he wasn't he was a Senator when he took some of the Classified Documents. That is criminal intent.
I have no questions...I'm satisfied with the findings...
What's been presented seems to be accurate and make perfect sense...

You are obviously not satisfied with the report. When you read it, you do not think, if you report it honestly it would give the message you want.

So you lie about what it says.

It is the biggest proof you know what is in it is not damning enough for you or you would just use the facts and truth and without lying.
Hur made a difficult but necessary decision based on what everything he saw. Biden's state of mind clearly was relevant to the decision made...

Not difficult at all. Prosecutors do not charge crimes they admit they did not find and could not prove.

That he has a personal take that Biden would be difficult to convict regardless does not change that he stated Biden committed no crime.
No double standard exists in the special counsel's decision not to indict Biden for possessing classified documents, as Trump has been charged with. Trump had multiple opportunities to avoid prosecution by giving the documents back, but he spurned them all, either denying he had them or claiming they belonged to him.

Somehow this distinction seems to have escaped Senator Hawley.

Because the Russians have dirt on him
Joe still broke a number of laws regarding the documents...the cooperation factor doesn't figure into the situation, however...if a bank robber delivers the money to the police, he's still charged. Unless he's deemed mentally deficient and most likely unable to stand trial...

Um no

He was cleared of crimes

Then very unprofessionally slander by the fool leading the investigation

That man just destroyed his career in doing it
We have a POTUS, the Commander-in-Chief, the holder of the nuclear codes, who is not mentally competent to stand trial.

How can he be mentally incompetent and remain as president?

Let the 25th Amendment proceedings begin.

Link to the medical report that says that
If Biden is mentally incompetent to stand trial, he should be institutionalized.

That’s what would happen if someone who is mentally incompetent committed a crime.

Biden won’t be because a right wing lawyer is not a dr
Yes, maybe Trump should have been arrested out of the gate. Instead, when The National Archives realized documents were missing it simply sent a letter to Trump politely asking he return them. Only when Trump refused to cooperate was Justice brought in. Biden received the same opportunity, nothing more, nothing less.

As did Pense
president trump took them as president.

he was covered under the presidential records act.

biden was not.

that's an important distinction.

trump did nothing illegal, biden did.

Link to the trump case being denied by a judge for such a claim as yours

That didn’t happen

And the judge in this case has already been overturned in her attempt to illegally side for trump by a higher court in Fl

Even she didn’t try to just end the case
“Willfully retained AND disclosed classified material"

Both are crimes committed by the turnip in the White House.

If he is not competent to stand trial for his crimes, how is he competent to be president?

Which is why this lawyer destroyed his career

He did the political move to tarnish our sitting president to the ENTIRE WORLD when he knew he couldn’t charge him with a thing

Even though in that same report he admitted Trump did the crime and should be charged
Link to the trump case being denied by a judge for such a claim as yours

That didn’t happen

And the judge in this case has already been overturned in her attempt to illegally side for trump by a higher court in Fl

Even she didn’t try to just end the case

blah blah
