Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

Joe was not cleared of wrong doing...

If he wasn't cleared of wrongdoing, then why isn't he in a cell? Biden is free and clear! A victim of a weaponized justice system and a witch hunt perpetrated by the deep state House!
Nope. But like you do with that Bible you like to quote from to show us what a great Xtian you are(n't), you pick and choose which parts you agree with, and disregard the rest. Speaking of Bibles, remember last Sunday morning when you berated others for not being a believer like you claim to be? Why are you here gossiping, instead of at church? Oopsies. lol

*gasp* A fake Xtian claiming to be better than thou while slandering strangers on the internet and lying like she's a rug? I am shocked, I tell you, shocked!
No, when the person who stored the documents was not a President (in this case Biden was a Senator, not even VP when he began his classifieds collection) pretending that it magically makes the crime go away because he "let them in" to search is absurd. He held onto classified documents for decades that he had no legal right to remove from the SCIF under the capitol building. The current President didn't get the "same chance", he was solely given a (paraphrasing) "we can't prosecute because his broken brain makes him incapacitated and folks would think it was elder abuse".

The reality, this demented old man broke the law for decades, flaunted it, and then pretended that "giving them back" long after the time period any President is supposed to be allowed to go through and separate out documents without facing any charges... No. This excuse doesn't fly.

This is again someone caught holding onto $30,000 of $100,000 stolen from the bank saying they get a pass because they gave the $30,000 back as soon as they realized they were found out.

The law has no, "unless you cooperate" clause, it isn't there. It is in sentencing such a fact would come into play. He told us why they wouldn't recommend prosecution, it was because: They would have to wait until he was out of office, then prosecute an old man with a poor memory and juries would be sympathetic with Brokebrain White House.

Your comparison with ordinary criminal inquiries is idiotic. Like it or not, Presidents are not treated as ordinary. Your point that Biden was not President when the documents were first stored on his property is also idiotic. He was President when the documents came to light and the case came before a special counsel. And you fail to take into account the most important point in all this, which Phantasmal reminded us of in an earlier post. Trump was not indicted for the documents he returned, only for those he failed to return after repeated demand he do so.
Your comparison with ordinary criminal inquiries is idiotic. Like it or not, Presidents are not treated as ordinary. Your point that Biden was not President when the documents were first stored on his property is also idiotic. He was President when the documents came to light and the case came before a special counsel. And you fail to take into account the most important point in all this, which Phantasmal reminded us of in an earlier post. Trump was not indicted for the documents he returned, only for those he failed to return after repeated demand he do so.
So? Biden had documents he knew he had illegally taken, FOR DECADES.
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Toxic judges me every day in her snarky, passive-aggressive style. You should keep your sorry behind out of a girl fight.

Toxic is a cancer on this forum. I have no doubt that no one in her real life likes her -- except possibly some equally passive aggressive, dishonest, gossipy women who talk poorly about her whenever she's not around. Pigs tend to lie with pigs.
Hur's job is to evaluate evidence and people...there was enough evidence to charge Biden, but the opinion of the court after 5 hours of evaluation was that it would not be advantageous to do so...

There was no court. You have literally never read a single source document that you spend countless days bitching about on the internet, have you? Sad.
I'm not senile but you may be. That or you are just plain old stupid.

My mom was 93 when she died last August she had suffered from Dementia for at least 6 years. She could read the chyron on the TV screen

I guess you must be senile since you didn't comprehend what I wrote.
It appears you can make out the words but don't understand what they mean.
So? Biden had documents he knew he had illegally taken, FOR DECADES.

If they were taken decades ago then there can be no crime for which Biden could be indicted since the statute of limitations for the majority of federal crimes is 5 years.

It would be a complete waste of resources to even investigate something like that.
There's plenty of evidence of crimes committed...

Except there isn't. Think about what kind of person joins a thread about a document and then unceasingly lies about the contents of that document. You can't gaslight us, bitch. We're smarter than you are.
If they were taken decades ago then there can be no crime for which Biden could be indicted since the statute of limitations for the majority of federal crimes is 5 years.

It would be a complete waste of resources to even investigate something like that.

Biden ALSO gave classified information including sources and methods to his ghost writer and that is within the statute of limitation. And the fact that Biden Still kept the classified Documents he stole and did not return it means he was continuing to violate the law by possessing it. Just because you keep a Classified document for X number of years doesn't mean you suddenly legally get to keep it.
Biden ALSO gave classified information including sources and methods to his ghost writer and that is within the statute of limitation. And the fact that Biden Still kept the classified Documents he stole and did not return it means he was continuing to violate the law by possessing it. Just because you keep a Classified document for X number of years doesn't mean you suddenly legally get to keep it.

Yep. You clearly are senile. The law has been explained to you multiple times and you still get it wrong.
Possession isn't a crime. Not returning when asked is the crime.
For it to be a crime, you have to prove 3 things.
Biden knew he had the documents.
Biden was asked to return the documents
Biden refused to return the documents.

You can't even prove one of the three things.
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to take a report seriously if it says "Eiden" multiple times...especially if you claim that was the White House report...;)

It's Hur's report, you umitigated moron. Open it. It says Biden. The copy and paste function doesn't work perfectly when transferring between formats. Is this your first day with a computer?
Joe still broke a number of laws regarding the documents...the cooperation factor doesn't figure into the situation, however...if a bank robber delivers the money to the police, he's still charged. Unless he's deemed mentally deficient and most likely unable to stand trial...

Different crimes, different results… Different attitudes. If a bank robber returns the money before anytime knew it was taken, they would be much more lenient.
I looked at what you posted...

But you didn't look at the underlying material. Which is the topic of this thread.

This idiot continues to post breathlessly on a topic about which she knows nothing. As usual. As always. You're a loser, toxic.
Joe still broke a number of laws regarding the documents...the cooperation factor doesn't figure into the situation, however...if a bank robber delivers the money to the police, he's still charged. Unless he's deemed mentally deficient and most likely unable to stand trial...

Bringing up bank robbery. Your argument is similar to "everyone that goes into a bank and walks out with money can be charged with bank robbery."
It seems you aren't smart enough to know that not everyone that takes classified documents home is guilty of a crime.
Trump wasn't guilty of a crime for taking the documents home. He is charged with not returning the documents when asked to do so and trying to hide them so his attorneys and the FBI couldn't find them and return them.