Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Invited to Testify Before Congress

Her mother called the Larry King show near the time of the assault an told him her daughter had been assaulted by a Senator.

She also claimed she wrote a complaint to a Senate personnel office and they did nothing. Why didn't the GOP take this up at the time? I think we both know the answer.
She also claimed she wrote a complaint to a Senate personnel office and they did nothing. Why didn't the GOP take this up at the time? I think we both know the answer.
Why didn't Congress expose the numerous settlements for sexual assaults in Congress that were paid by our own government.

Congress paid out $17 million in settlements. Here’s why we know so little about that money.

Two things have become painfully clear on Capitol Hill this week: Lawmakers and staffers say sexual harassment is “rampant” – but even members of Congress have no idea just how widespread the problem is.
Read was also asked to provide evidence for her accusations and didn't/couldn't.

I love a good political circus. If Biden has anything to worry about, he should be worried, but if he doesn't, then the Republicans will appear to be, once again, repeating their "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" mistake.
Exactly what I was alluding to. Fast forward to the Clinton impeachment, when all the holier-than-thou types condemning him were found to have plenty of skeletons in their own closets.
You have no disagreement from me . Get rid of them all. Especially the old ones with dementia.