Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Invited to Testify Before Congress

I welcome it. Think it'll happen? Hope it's televised.

Agreed. This should be fun. My guess is that the Republicans don't want her on television. Fearmongering, innuendo and gossip are more their style. Presenting trumped-up facts on global television only make them look stupid. <--- see what I did there? LOL
She supposedly sent a complaint letter to the Senate but didn't keep a copy for her own paper trail?

Sounds like she's not too bright.

Is there a copy of this letter anywhere?

If so, having her and whomever she sent it to swear to its validity under oath would be fun.
Is there a copy of this letter anywhere?

If so, having her and whomever she sent it to swear to its validity under oath would be fun.

She claims she doesn't have a copy. The GOP should request Senate personnel records from that year to see if they have it. If nobody has it, it probably doesn't exist.
Her personnel file from the Biden archives at the University of Delaware would be a good start.

"Biden has repeatedly said the university would not have a record of any complaint like the one Reade says she filed. He has instead asked Secretary of the Senate Julie E. Adams to search the National Archives for papers that might have been filed with the entity that was then called the Office of Fair Employment Practices.

"The National Archives is where the records are kept at what was then called the Office of Fair Employment Practices," Biden continued. "I am requesting that the Secretary of the Senate ask the Archives to identify any record of the complaint she alleges she filed and make available to the press any such document. If there was ever any such complaint, the record will be there."

But Adams later got back to Biden, telling him that her hands are tied and there is no way she could confirm whether the complaint exists, even to Biden or Reade herself.

"The Secretary's Office was advised by Senate Legal Counsel that disclosing the existence of such specific records would amount to a prohibited disclosure under the Government Employee Rights Act of 1991. Furthermore, we are not aware of any exceptions in law authorizing our office to disclose any such records that do exist, if any, even to original participants in a matter," Adams' office said."

"Biden has repeatedly said the university would not have a record of any complaint like the one Reade says she filed. He has instead asked Secretary of the Senate Julie E. Adams to search the National Archives for papers that might have been filed with the entity that was then called the Office of Fair Employment Practices.

"The National Archives is where the records are kept at what was then called the Office of Fair Employment Practices," Biden continued. "I am requesting that the Secretary of the Senate ask the Archives to identify any record of the complaint she alleges she filed and make available to the press any such document. If there was ever any such complaint, the record will be there."

But Adams later got back to Biden, telling him that her hands are tied and there is no way she could confirm whether the complaint exists, even to Biden or Reade herself.

"The Secretary's Office was advised by Senate Legal Counsel that disclosing the existence of such specific records would amount to a prohibited disclosure under the Government Employee Rights Act of 1991. Furthermore, we are not aware of any exceptions in law authorizing our office to disclose any such records that do exist, if any, even to original participants in a matter," Adams' office said."

So the government bureaucracy never stone walls. Did you know the FBI has Hunter's laptop and hasdone nothing with it? Whistle blowers were told not to investigate it.
She claims she doesn't have a copy. The GOP should request Senate personnel records from that year to see if they have it. If nobody has it, it probably doesn't exist.

I'd love to see it and have everyone involved swear under oath to its authenticity. Must see TV!