Biden's Tax the Rich Scheme

I proved you wrong long ago.

The issue isn't that you have the wrong answer, the issue is you don't know what the question is - nor indeed the subject.

Partisanship is not a substitute for knowledge, regardless of what CNN programs you to think.

You seem to have the standard reply when you have no answer, no ability to prove me wrong.
How can you mention Biden, when trump ran up the largest 4 year deficit in American history. Equal to 25% of our total historical debt.

I wish you could be less than a dishonest lying dumbass on steroids, but apparently you cannot help yourself.

The CBO predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic would increase the FY 2020 deficit by $2.2 trillion and the FY 2021 deficit by $600 billion.\

In March 2020, Trump declared a state of emergency as the pandemic broke out in the United States. Nonessential businesses closed, and Americans were urged to shelter in place. Congress passed the $2 trillion CARES Act, along with other stimulus measures. The combination of reduced tax receipts and increased stimulus spending created record deficit levels.

Who was in charge of the Congress in 2020 shif-for-brains?
You seem to have the standard reply when you have no answer, no ability to prove me wrong.

Post 103 - post 108.

You whining "NUHN UHN" changes nothing.

You are economically illiterate. You know zero about the subject and keep repeating falsehoods because you need to defend your party.

Partisanship isn't a substitute for knowledge.
Post 103 - post 108.

You whining "NUHN UHN" changes nothing.

You are economically illiterate. You know zero about the subject and keep repeating falsehoods because you need to defend your party.

Partisanship isn't a substitute for knowledge.

Our national debt when trump assumed office was $20.245 trillion
When he left office it was $27.7 trillion
Do the math, if you can.
Our national debt when trump assumed office was $20.245 trillion
When he left office it was $27.7 trillion
Do the math, if you can.

Yes, we already established that you're economically illiterate and don't grasp terms such as "debt" and "deficit."

Partisanship isn't a substitute for knowledge.

Hillsdale College has a FREE online course in introductory economics.

You should enroll, and learn at least the fundamentals.
General facts - since the left is making up shit again:

{At the end of fiscal year 2020, the debt was $26.9 trillion. Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2020, a 33.1% increase, largely due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and 2020 recession.}

{Top 5 Presidents Who Contributed to the Debt by Percentage

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
President Roosevelt added the largest percentage increase to the national debt. Although he only added $236 billion, this was an increase of about 1,048% from the $22.5 billion debt level left by President Herbert Hoover before him. The Great Depression and the New Deal contributed to FDR's yearly deficits, but the biggest cost was World War II—it added $186.3 billion to the debt between 1942 and 1945.3

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
President Wilson was the second-largest contributor to the debt, percentage-wise. He added about $21 billion, which was a 723% increase over the $2.9 billion debt of his predecessor. World War I contributed to the deficits that raised the national debt.3

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
President Reagan increased the debt by $1.86 trillion, or by 186%. Reagan's supply-side economics didn't grow the economy enough to offset the lost revenue from its tax cuts. Reagan also increased the defense budget by 35%.4

George W. Bush (2001-2009)
President Bush added $5.85 trillion to the national debt. That's a 101% increase, putting him in fourth. Bush launched the War on Terror in response to the 9/11 attacks, which led to multi-trillion-dollar spending on the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq. Bush also dealt with the 2001 recession and the 2008 financial crisis.5

Barack Obama (2009-2017)
Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most in dollar terms ($8.6 trillion) and was fifth by percentage at 74%. Obama fought the Great Recession with an $831 billion economic stimulus package and added $858 billion through tax cuts. Even though the fiscal year 2009 budget was set by President Bush, Obama added to it with the Economic Stimulus Act in 2009.657

Biden doesn't have to care about the affects of taxing the rich, or about its affect on the stock market or the job market

Because his vote base doesn't participate in the stock market or the job market

What would the impact be. Specifically. And why?

I worked all my life and have millions in the stock market. Guess you were wrong about that too.
Yes, we already established that you're economically illiterate and don't grasp terms such as "debt" and "deficit."

Partisanship isn't a substitute for knowledge.

Hillsdale College has a FREE online course in introductory economics.

You should enroll, and learn at least the fundamentals.

Trumps yearly deficits created our massive national debt. See just how easy that was?
Biden doesn't have to care about the affects of taxing the rich, or about its affect on the stock market or the job market

Because his vote base doesn't participate in the stock market or the job market
You hate Nazi's are all the same , you literally have nothing to offer, Your hate can't make this world better , so you choose to make it worse.
You hate Nazi's are all the same , you literally have nothing to offer, Your hate can't make this world better , so you choose to make it worse.

I know right? Like the retarded hater that said this:

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black"
As a matter of fact there are contributing states and taking states , If it wasn't for blue states ,red states would be Third World countries'. Red states have the lowest wages ,highest crime rate , highest murder rate, the highest rape numbers. They take way more from the fed than they contribute, and what they get is directly from the blue states. Highest welfare, highest snap numbers ,
, red states are welfare states. , the worst education by far. Now here is the difference , This is all the truth, something that the right never contributes. I can back up every point I made. Something the right never can do and never does. They are the bullshit welfare party. If we used the hate party definition of socialism , then we would have to say that red states are socialist states. And they get their welfare from blue states. Love it .