Biden's Tax the Rich Scheme

Read that again so you understand it. 44 Prior POTUS and 244 years for 75% of the debt. Trump and 4 Years for 25% of the debt.

Adjust that for inflation using constant dollars and see what happens... Because right now what you're doing is using trash statistics.

And none of the rest of your insane rant is true either.

Trumper nutjob.

Ohh look, a wokester is lying.

Trump controls the budget. No item can pas into law unless he signs it into law.

He doesn't control the budget and he can veto it but it can be overriden by those who do control the budget. Im actually mesmerized that you dont know this.
Trump controls the budget. No item can pas into law unless he signs it into law.

Honest to goodness

"The Constitution makes clear that Congress holds the power of the purse, giving it authority “to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,” and specifying that “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by law.” In short, federal taxing and spending requires legislation that is enacted into law."
Biden doesn't have to care about the affects of taxing the rich, or about its affect on the stock market or the job market

Because his vote base doesn't participate in the stock market or the job market

The moron is still calling Republicans MAGA. This nearly 7 TRILLION budget is DOA. Stupid dunce thinks he will get it passed. Wake up America.
There's always some dirty cock sucker like Yakuda who's the champion for billionaires that would think nothing of pissing in his face !

You didn't answer the question you whiny little bitch. Why would anyone with a connected brain stem want to pay more in taxes? You have to be the most retarded leftists asshole on a site full of retarded leftist assholes.
There's always some dirty cock sucker like Yakuda who's the champion for billionaires that would think nothing of pissing in his face !

You mean like George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Carlos Slim, Tim Cook, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, et al?

You know, the reason all the Oligarchs are Communists isn't because democrats are out to help the little people.

Meh, you're not smart enough to grasp that...
He doesn't control the budget and he can veto it but it can be overriden by those who do control the budget. Im actually mesmerized that you dont know this.

trump had every opportunity to stop excess spending during his tenure by refusing to sign spending bills into law. Sadly he approved everyone of them.
trump had every opportunity to stop excess spending during his tenure by refusing to sign spending bills into law. Sadly he approved everyone of them.

And so did every democratic president before him. Your brain is so fucked up by TDS that you can't even think
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Honest to goodness

"The Constitution makes clear that Congress holds the power of the purse, giving it authority “to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,” and specifying that “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by law.” In short, federal taxing and spending requires legislation that is enacted into law."

Did you read the last part about being enacted into law? Trump had the power of veto, yet he enacted everything into law.
Both of your comments are dumb lies. It's about as stupid as claiming you're going to grow the economy from the bottom up.

Ah, yes, we are back to trickle down economics. Give the wealthy more money and they will create jobs. That didn't work for Bush and it didn't work for trump. It just gave the big corporations money to buy back stock, increase dividends, and pay out large bonuses.