Biden's Tax the Rich Scheme

You didn't answer the question you whiny little bitch. Why would anyone with a connected brain stem want to pay more in taxes? You have to be the most retarded leftists asshole on a site full of retarded leftist assholes.

Because they wanted to do their fair share!
Did you read the last part about being enacted into law? Trump had the power of veto, yet he enacted everything into law.

Yes and vetoes can be overriden you retarded fuck. Every democratic president before him could have done the same thing but never did. I have never seen anyone swallow as much leftist cum as you. Damn you are one in a million whore. You won't spit anything out.
And so did every democratic president before him. Your brain is so fucked up by TDS that you can't even think

This is not about anyone other than trump, every dollar of debt was his responsibility, and it was made even worse by his promise to balance the budget.
Yes and vetoes can be overriden you retarded fuck. Every democratic president before him could have done the same thing but never did. I have never seen anyone swallow as much leftist cum as you. Damn you are one in a million whore. You won't spit anything out.

Again, my dear, this soley about trump. There is no sense in even discussing an over ride of a veto, since he did not veto anything.
This is not about anyone other than trump, every dollar of debt was his responsibility, and it was made even worse by his promise to balance the budget.

Lmfao we've been running at a deficit for decades but you want to ignore all that. Keep swallowing
Adjust that for inflation using constant dollars and see what happens... Because right now what you're doing is using trash statistics.

Ahhhh so your view is that the addition to the debt by Trump was perfectly fine and good to do if you adjust it for inflation and using constant dollars. Gotcha.

You must be ok with any debt Biden add also adjusted for INFLATION and using constant dollars. You must be cheerleading Biden right now right?
Ahhhh so your view is that the addition to the debt by Trump was perfectly fine and good to do if you adjust it for inflation and using constant dollars. Gotcha.

You must be ok with any debt Biden add also adjusted for INFLATION and using constant dollars. You must be cheerleading Biden right now right?

Nice strawman. You stated that the national debt has never been higher. In terms of dollars that's true. But a 2023 dollar is worth considerably less than a say 1950 dollar. So unless you correct for inflation, the statistic you stated is meaningless.

So, using the example I gave, the national debt in 2023 dollars in 1950 was 29,323 billion and in 2022 the debt was 30,824 billion. Thus, as you can see, the national debt is about the same as it was in 1950 adjusted for inflation.
Biden doesn't have to care about the affects of taxing the rich, or about its affect on the stock market or the job market

Because his vote base doesn't participate in the stock market or the job market
Here's how this country works ,The people decide what they want the government to spend their money on and how much. So when the massive majority, as it is now, wants that fat boys to be the ones who pay more taxes, that's what happens . That's how it works. A massive majority want these pigs income taxed more. They are tired of the free ride these clowns are getting. Special tax laws written for these pigs. You don't like the way this country works , like you clowns always say , find someplace else to go , These fat old White boys get upset and threaten to leave , show them the door but they will have this market taken away from these traitors when they go.
These right wing Heroes don't like how a democracy or republic works. If it doesn't do what they want it to do they call it communist, which in reality is beautiful because in escents what they are saying is they are blind fucks who is stupid as hell. Which is a message that more people should hear , to protect us from the insane.
Nice strawman. You stated that the national debt has never been higher. In terms of dollars that's true. But a 2023 dollar is worth considerably less than a say 1950 dollar. So unless you correct for inflation, the statistic you stated is meaningless.

So, using the example I gave, the national debt in 2023 dollars in 1950 was 29,323 billion and in 2022 the debt was 30,824 billion. Thus, as you can see, the national debt is about the same as it was in 1950 adjusted for inflation.

So lets be clear, as long as Biden comes in at LESS than 25% of all combined prior National debt at the end of his 4 years, considering the adjustments you want factored in for Trump, you will consider Biden to have done good right?

And if Biden comes in at significant less than 25% of all combined debt you will consider Biden GREAT and agree he could have added a lot more debt, right?

Because you know Biden's current 4 year term is forecast to add only a little over 50% of what the prior Trump admin did in total dollars to the debt, So Biden should crank up spending right??
Ah, yes, we are back to trickle down economics.

I see the halfwit doesn't know how jobs are created. :palm:

Give the wealthy more money and they will create jobs.

No one is "giving" the wealthy more money halfwit. :palm:

That didn't work for Bush and it didn't work for trump. It just gave the big corporations money to buy back stock, increase dividends, and pay out large bonuses.

Corporations create jobs. Politicians create debt. If you weren't such an uneducated halfwit you would know this.
Please, prove me wrong. You cant!

I proved you wrong long ago.

The issue isn't that you have the wrong answer, the issue is you don't know what the question is - nor indeed the subject.

Partisanship is not a substitute for knowledge, regardless of what CNN programs you to think.