Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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Biden is nudging us off fossil fuels for the long-term benefit of America and the planet. He is doing the right thing. It is no war. That is a stupid and emotional thing to call it. He should act stronger and push solar panels. He is pushing EVs , but not enough.
STFU you commie dipwad. Venezuelans can't afford those fuel prices, fucktard.

Biden has artificially cut off America's fuel supply and it's going to be felt all the way around the world.
Liar. You said that Russia and Venezuela pay higher fuel prices than we do.

Why can't you tell the truth?

If you aren't going to tell us how Biden slashed domestic oil production, then you are going to continue to look like a moron.

Do you want to look like a moron?

We can't sustain much more of this idiocy. Never thought I'd say it, but it's time to impeach Biden.
Lol, so Biden is now responsible for the lack of nuclear facilities?

You're going to have to find another reason to impeach him.

“The administration continues to show significant support for proven solutions like nuclear. NEI looks forward to working with Congress to ensure nuclear is recognized as essential to our economic recovery, addressing the climate crisis, and creating the clean energy jobs of the future,” said NEI President and Chief Executive Officer Maria Korsnick.”
Actually, it's $.12/gallon. Your links are two years old.

No, the subsidized price--if you can find any--is for the first 120 liters in a month and only if you are in with Maduro's party and can get a card for it. That's only the official rate. The real cost is closer to the $7.50 a gallon on the black market and unsubsidized price.

The subsidized price of 0.1 USD on the chart is for the first 120 liters a month only for people with a valid Fatherland Card. Purchases above 120 liters per month are charged at 0.50 USD per liter. Also, the price listed on this page is the official gasoline price. However, during times of fuel shortages in Venezuela, there is a black market for fuel with prices that can exceed substantially the average international price levels.

Then there's the little problem that you have to pay with "Petros" a cryptocurrency, for that subsidized gasoline...

The government of Nicolas Maduro has ordered that all gas stations throughout the country must accept petros as payment for fuel. The administration posted the announcement on the official petro website and explained that the token will be accepted alongside other convertible currencies such as dollars, euros, and bolivars to "guarantee the population safe access to fuel."

But there's a catch: The announcement states that Venezuelans won't be able to use the Petro App, the only digital wallet available for use with the petro, for these purchases. Instead, fuel purchases must be made "through the available electronic mechanisms of the Patria Wallet, through the Biopago System." Biopago is a biometric payment system developed by Venezuela's largest bank.

So, officially, it might be or even be lower, but in reality--as is often the case in Leftist dictatorships--the price is astronomical and the black market rules for actual purchases. But feel free to believe that Venezuela really is a Socialist paradise if you want...
From another thread on this same subject that I apparently killed with facts:

OK, let's pick this apart to show how stupid it is...

According to EIA.Gov...

In January 2009, when Obama was inaugurated, the US was producing 5.1M barrels of oil a day.

In January 2013, when Obama's second term started, the US was producing 7.1M barrels of oil a day, which would be a 39% increase

In January 2017, when Obama left office, the US was producing 8.9M barrels of oil a day, which would be a 75% increase since 2009 and a 25% increase from 2013

In January 2021, when Drumpf left office, the US was producing 11.1M barrels of oil a day, which would be a 25% increase in production from 2017.

So if Drumpf "throttled up production", then Obama did it better.

And before you say "Trump throttled it up to 12.9M barrels a day" did he also throttle it BACK to 9.7M barrels a day 5 months later?

Or do Presidents have nothing to do with oil production?

See, you can't give credit to Trump for "throttling up production" without also giving him credit for ratcheting that production back.

How does that plate of shit taste?
No, the subsidized price--if you can find any--is for the first 120 liters in a month and only if you are in with Maduro's party and can get a card for it. That's only the official rate. The real cost is closer to the $7.50 a gallon on the black market and unsubsidized price.
Lie. After the 120 liters, the price is about $2/gallon. Why would anyone buy it on the black market?

You found the link that I was going to offer, but when dealing with brain dead fools who drunk post, I don't bother. He started by claiming that Venezuela/Russia pay more for fuel than we do, and then kept moving the goal posts until he wasn't even in the stadium anymore.

I strongly suggest you read the paragraph under the one you carefully selected in order to try and prove me wrong.

The subsidized price of 0.1 USD on the chart is for the first 120 liters a month only for people with a valid Fatherland Card. Purchases above 120 liters per month are charged at 0.50 USD per liter. Also, the price listed on this page is the official gasoline price.

Black market is mentioned only during 'shortages'. Probably terrorist attacks on refineries.
In the months leading up to the Covid-19 pandemic, U.S. oil production hit an all-time high of just below 13 million barrels per day (BPD). As the pandemic unfolded, demand collapsed, and production followed. By May 2020, oil production had dropped by more than 3 million BPD to 9.7 million BPD.

Since then, demand has recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Oil production, however, has only partially recovered. The most recent data available from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows current U.S. oil production at ~11.6 million BPD — still 1.4 million BPD short of pre-pandemic production. This shortfall is a major factor that led to the run-up of oil and gasoline prices over the past year.

So, the lockdowns, travel restrictions, business closures, and everything else associated with the response to Fauci Plague (aka Chinese Disease) slammed the economy and dropped the need for oil with a resulting drop in production.

If you read the rest of the article, it goes something like this:

Oil companies stockpiled permits late in the Trump administration as a hedge against the Biden administration following through on promises to cut oil use. Biden did do that slowing new permits. But permits don't equate to drilling. You need other government permissions like environmental certificates for example, and the Biden administration is foot dragging all of that to the max.
Then add in that there aren't enough drill rigs to go around.

The oil industry is also going slow because of a combination of fiscal uncertainty on the future price of oil, along with worries of increased government regulation due again to Biden and the Left.

Early in his presidency, Biden signed an executive order directing the Interior secretary to halt new leases and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development. But 13 GOP state attorneys general sued and a federal judge in Louisiana blocked the order.

Then last month, the administration said it was again delaying decisions on new oil and gas leases after another legal battle resulted in a judge blocking officials from using higher cost estimates of climate change when making rules for polluting industries.

Is it due entirely to Biden? No. The whole mess with Fauci Plague didn't help and put a big crimp in production. Did Biden help things? Not at all. His policies aren't helping the recovery and did hurt it to some degree. Will the oil industry recover? Yes and prices will fall slowly. The problem in all that is it doesn't matter at the polls. Biden's going to take a pasting for high gas prices.
Lie. After the 120 liters, the price is about $2/gallon. Why would anyone buy it on the black market?

You found the link that I was going to offer, but when dealing with brain dead fools who drunk post, I don't bother. He started by claiming that Venezuela/Russia pay more for fuel than we do, and then kept moving the goal posts until he wasn't even in the stadium anymore.

I strongly suggest you read the paragraph under the one you carefully selected in order to try and prove me wrong.

Black market is mentioned only during 'shortages'. Probably terrorist attacks on refineries.

Convenient you left out this:

Also, the price listed on this page is the official gasoline price.

That is, that's what the government says. It doesn't mean that's what the price you pay at the pump is. Black markets are a staple of daily life in Socialist dictatorships. They were a major reason the economy in the Soviet Union collapsed for example. They exist because the official economy doesn't work.
The whole mess with Fauci Plague didn't help and put a big crimp in production.

So what you're saying is, despite all your attempts to pin *something* on Biden, ultimately domestic oil production isn't something the President has anything to do with UNLESS you want to stupidly say that Trump declared a war on oil when he reduced domestic production from 12.9M barrels a day down to 9.7M barrels a day in 2020.

So is that what you're saying, that Trump declared a war on oil that no other President has ever done?

NO OTHER PRESIDENT reduced domestic oil production as much as Trump did in 2020.

Trump is responsible for the largest drop in domestic oil production EVER.

So what you're saying is, despite all your attempts to pin *something* on Biden, ultimately domestic oil production isn't something the President has anything to do with UNLESS you want to stupidly say that Trump declared a war on oil when he reduced domestic production from 12.9M barrels a day down to 9.7M barrels a day in 2020.

What I'm saying is that Biden's policies DO have an effect on the price of gas, but they aren't the only thing having an effect. We can quibble over the exact amount those policies effect the price, but at the polls both you and I know Biden's going to take the blame for high gas prices regardless.
(Of course we both know POTUS has absolutely no control over domestic oil production, not even a little bit)


"Sec. 7. Other Revocations. (a) Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017 (Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects), Executive Order 13778 of February 28, 2017 (Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the “Waters of the United States” Rule), Executive Order 13783 of March 28, 2017 (Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth), Executive Order 13792 of April 26, 2017 (Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act), Executive Order 13795 of April 28, 2017 (Implementing an America-First Offshore Energy Strategy), Executive Order 13868 of April 10, 2019 (Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth), and Executive Order 13927 of June 4, 2020 (Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Emergency by Expediting Infrastructure Investments and Other Activities), are hereby revoked. Executive Order 13834 of May 17, 2018 (Efficient Federal Operations), is hereby revoked except for sections 6, 7, and 11.

(b) Executive Order 13807 of August 15, 2017 (Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects), is hereby revoked. The Director of OMB and the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality shall jointly consider whether to recommend that a replacement order be issued."

There's more Biden wrecked after that, but that's enough right there.
What I'm saying is that Biden's policies DO have an effect on the price of gas


They do not.

The only thing that has any effect on the price of gas are the profit margins of the multinational corporations that are selling it.

Unless you want to blame Trump for the largest decline in domestic oil production ever....

So do you want to give Trump that credit?

, but at the polls both you and I know Biden's going to take the blame for high gas prices regardless.

Because of the lies and propaganda you are spreading, thus proving AGAIN that Conservatism has no merits that it can win an election on...all Conservatives can do now is lie because every single policy you've ever come up with has failed.

And you're too fucking stupid, lazy, inbred, or whatever to come up with policies and proposals that don't.
Lol, so Biden is now responsible for the lack of nuclear facilities?

You're going to have to find another reason to impeach him.

“The administration continues to show significant support for proven solutions like nuclear. NEI looks forward to working with Congress to ensure nuclear is recognized as essential to our economic recovery, addressing the climate crisis, and creating the clean energy jobs of the future,” said NEI President and Chief Executive Officer Maria Korsnick.”

Illegal foreign lobbying would work. Running a criminal organization as well.