Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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Where the fuck do you get off with that assumption, fucktarded commie faggot cocksuck?
You get violent when you're drunk.

How do you get that from me posting the precise point where Biden fucked up America's fuel supply on Day 1 of his presidency?
You should stick with the drunk excuse. Otherwise, comments like this make you look like a complete moron.
I bet you have gay seks with a unicorn every night.

Also, your gay fantasies come to the fore when you are drunk. Do you live near an airport?
SLATE You have to be kidding.


Biden's administration has also dropped uranium as a critical mineral, is siding with a handful of radical Leftist groups to close the US's only uranium processing mill, and end most uranium mining.

The US gets just over 20% of all our energy production from nuclear. With no US production of uranium, the industry will have to buy product from China and Russia to keep the plants going. There is ZERO means to replace nuclear power with solar and wind in less than several decades, if ever. Yet, the Joke administration is killing of our single largest source of zero carbon emissions because the Left hates nuclear power.

That's insane. What about the nuclear submarines? This administration is undermining national security.
How's your head this morning?

Gasoline in Venezuela today $.12/gallon.

When you leaving?

"The value of the minimum wage in Venezuela is evidently an anomaly: $2.4. It is so low that it is not enough for subsistence. According to CENDA (Centro de Documentación y Análisis para los Trabajadores) it is enough for less than 1% of the basic food basket."

Minimum amount needed for groceries daily in Venezuela: $6.03

That doesn't mean all of the necessities are even available.
When you leaving?

"The value of the minimum wage in Venezuela is evidently an anomaly: $2.4. It is so low that it is not enough for subsistence. According to CENDA (Centro de Documentación y Análisis para los Trabajadores) it is enough for less than 1% of the basic food basket."

Minimum amount needed for groceries daily in Venezuela: $6.03

That doesn't mean all of the necessities are even available.
Your claim was that a national oil company would yield higher fuel prices.

Now you want to discuss food?

While you're at it, why not tell us how much money our govt. pumps into Big Ag every year?

Is that Communism?

But about those fuel prices...
Your claim was that a national oil company would yield higher fuel prices.

Now you want to discuss food?

While you're at it, why not tell us how much money our govt. pumps into Big Ag every year?

Is that Communism?

But about those fuel prices...

STFU you commie dipwad. Venezuelans can't afford those fuel prices, fucktard.

Biden has artificially cut off America's fuel supply and it's going to be felt all the way around the world.
No. You didn't care to check gas prices when you claimed that they pay higher rates than we do.

So you have to resort to changing the topic.

How quaint.

Actually, right now, Venezuelans pay about the equivalent of $7.50 a gallon for gasoline. The price there is between $2 and $4 a liter.

Venezuela's gasoline goes from world's cheapest to steepest

Venezuela to increase subsidized gasoline price

Venezuela announces the end of subsidized fuel prices together with privatized service stations

Put simply, Venezuela ran out of OPM to pay for the gas subsidies so now people have rationing and incredibly high gas prices to look forward to.