Big Money

Hate to disagree but the guy was a world class douchebag.

Incapable of responding to even the most innocuous of questions with anything other than his vile insults.

Sarcasm has it's place...not on a board where the main form of communication is written and identifying sarcasm is difficult..

I agree 100%, he is just a prat. Maybe he is working on his next persona.
Hate to disagree but the guy was a world class douchebag.

Incapable of responding to even the most innocuous of questions with anything other than his vile insults.

Sarcasm has it's place...not on a board where the main form of communication is written and identifying sarcasm is difficult..

I was the one being sarcastic Zap.

Don't worry though, no one else caught it either. I guess I wasn't clear enough.
Nice sarcasm. I should point out that Legion has never responded to questions - he typically responds with spam (like Desh). Hope he comes back liberal this time. I think he has done two leftists, one libertarian, and one conservative. Perhaps he can pull off a Marxist or something? He used to never develop personas - just tons of user accounts with varying themes.
if he wasn't your "old friend" you wouldn't be saying this stuff. he was probably the most racist poster on here. spamming the board with any story about an african american lifting a candy bar or something and then posting a bunch of shitty emoticons after his link and joke of a picture. I mean get real bro, BM was the trash of JPP. plenty of other liberal posters saw it the same way. Ask howey, ask tekky, ask prob darla or rana or desh or whoever.

His impression of ila was spot on.
Nice sarcasm. I should point out that Legion has never responded to questions - he typically responds with spam (like Desh). Hope he comes back liberal this time. I think he has done two leftists, one libertarian, and one conservative. Perhaps he can pull off a Marxist or something? He used to never develop personas - just tons of user accounts with varying themes.

When did he do a libertarian? What was the name?
The liberal commentariat are split on this question. Some believe he is a liberal mocking conservatives by pretending to be one. Others believe he is one of the mods, or personal friends of one of them. (Damo) Others hate him. Still others just find him to be a nuisance.

We don't all agree. In fact, even Christie and I have a difference of opinion on him. I really don't like when any of the Darlaks step out of line, and I did pull a knife, but Rana talked me down.

I just felt the two of us could never have an interesting discussion and put him on 'ignore' to save other people's annoyance, he (unless I'm muddled) carefully banned me from threads so as to keep them pure and free from socialism, but, on the whole, even so, I don't believe in banning anyone It only encourages 'em: when I am banned anywhere I feel I must really have been getting to them!
I do feel saddened by it. He wasn't the person people thought he was, he was capable of arguing from any viewpoint and often did. As I said, I don't like limiting things, but it seems people here want it. Of course I'll redo the poll at the end of the month and see what I get, people may change their minds after a time.
And low and behold big money is gone
Fucking troll
Yes, and grad school just started again. I know you are too stoned to notice patterns and all, but legion disappears about now every fucking year.

By the way, you must be the last retard on the entire site that thinks I am legion :palm: Except Cawacko :facepalm:
I do feel saddened by it. He wasn't the person people thought he was, he was capable of arguing from any viewpoint and often did. As I said, I don't like limiting things, but it seems people here want it. Of course I'll redo the poll at the end of the month and see what I get, people may change their minds after a time.

He'll be back, don't worry.
you guys are really fucking stupid. whether his "act" of being a racist for 6 months was actually an "act" or not, it doesn't make him having been any less annoying. pretty stupid how you let him post things like that and give him a free pass because of a half a year long experiment. maybe with ILA it's all an "act" too.