Big Money

He's not the only one. I don't think that, but it's been bandied about by others.

first, it doesn't fit our style at all.

second, look at how many posts he makes, it would be nearly impossible for us to make that many posts while still maintaing our main accounts. the idea is ridiculous.
He's not the only one. I don't think that, but it's been bandied about by others.

Howey thinks I am this character. He's tweeted about it several times to the @JPPolitics_com twitter account. He's infinitely wrong, but what do I care? Not much.
Howey thinks I am this character. He's tweeted about it several times to the @JPPolitics_com twitter account.

LOL Yep, it's you, I didn't want to be specific. And you don't post much under your main account so one of Grind's objections is ruled out. I don't think you're legion though. It's funny to me actually.
howey has accused me of being big money too.

I actually don't think he is that dumb. What he is trying to do is make completely asasine claims in order to bait us into telling the truth. So we say something like "no you retard, big money is actually x"