Big Money

There is no FUCKING way that retard is in grad school.

You are a bright boy, no doubt, but you are young and have yet to develop the skills needed to judge another's IQ. I have tuned that skill to a fine art, and I assure you, legion is easily smart enough to attend any school he wants to.

You are also blinded by your hatred of him, though I admit he is very annoying, and also cruel for no reason other than his own pleasure.

Topspin, you may want to take a block off. You are quickly developing premature senile dementia. Even I stop smoking for a few weeks at a time now and then. You are burning the bacon brother.
you guys are really fucking stupid. whether his "act" of being a racist for 6 months was actually an "act" or not, it doesn't make him having been any less annoying. pretty stupid how you let him post things like that and give him a free pass because of a half a year long experiment. maybe with ILA it's all an "act" too.

Not comparable. As Damo pointed out, Legion can argue all three sides of any argument, successfully. ILA, not so much. He is a nasty one trick pony who has repeatedly shown his true stripes here, with zero variation, i.e. he is consistently a severe ass wipe.
I will say that ever since he started posting regularly under his successive personas, Legion hasn't been as interested in playing with the toys that are his numerous troll accounts.

Also, if Top can get into a master's program (even in the deep south), then I suppose Legion can as well.
I will say that ever since he started posting regularly under his successive personas, Legion hasn't been as interested in playing with the toys that are his numerous troll accounts.

we did like a mass purging of most of his accounts
you guys are really fucking stupid. whether his "act" of being a racist for 6 months was actually an "act" or not, it doesn't make him having been any less annoying. pretty stupid how you let him post things like that and give him a free pass because of a half a year long experiment. maybe with ILA it's all an "act" too.

ILA has stated that he will always fight fire with fire, to be honest anybody that managed to cause Rune, Darla and Howey to fuck off can't be all bad.
The liberal commentariat are split on this question. Some believe he is a liberal mocking conservatives by pretending to be one. Others believe he is one of the mods, or personal friends of one of them. (Damo) Others hate him. Still others just find him to be a nuisance.

We don't all agree. In fact, even Christie and I have a difference of opinion on him. I really don't like when any of the Darlaks step out of line, and I did pull a knife, but Rana talked me down.
My vote goes for nuisance. In any of his guises he's a pain in the ass.
howey is the only one I know that is convinced it is one of us mods. I can't even begin to go through how retarded that assertion is.