BIG!!! Trump Expected to EXCLUDE illegal aliens From U.S. Census

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
If true this is really important. Right now the number of members a state has in the House of Representatives is based on it's resident population whether legal or illegal. That's crazy but that's how it is and it needs to change. Illegals should not count.

july 17 2020 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to soon issue an executive order that would ban undocumented immigrants from being included in the 2020 census count of every person living in the United States, a source familiar with the matter said on Friday.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, had no details of the order.

The exact timing of the order was unclear. It was not expected to be issued on Friday, the source said.

The government's census count helps in determining where taxpayer money is spent for building public facilities like schools, hospitals and fire departments, as well as calculating states' apportionment in the U.S. House of Representatives.
We'll see. So far trump has done nothing about illegals. It would be very easy to get the illegals to leave and at no cost. In fact it would save money. But trump does nothing.
Why is that a good thing? Shouldn't we keep a track of those illegals?

No,...we should load them up on traincars and dump them off at the border. Then mine it and have gun ships patrolling in the skies above. Those miniguns can be a real bitch in open terrain....LOL
No,...we should load them up on traincars and dump them off at the border. Then mine it and have gun ships patrolling in the skies above. Those miniguns can be a real bitch in open terrain....LOL

Then we should keep a track of them. Thanks for agreeing. ;)
Nope. If we don't know how many illegals there are or we cannot keep a track of them, then how the fuck are ICE agents able to locate them? :laugh:

The article seems to be saying that they will still be counted by the Census but they won't figure into official numbers for population in each state.

Currently, the Census has no citizenship question on it, so I'm not exactly sure how they can go about separating who is a citizen vs. who isn't, however.
The article seems to be saying that they will still be counted by the Census but they won't figure into official numbers for population in each state.

Currently, the Census has no citizenship question on it, so I'm not exactly sure how they can go about separating who is a citizen vs. who isn't, however.

The illegals on DACA are known.
Since it's impossible for him to know, that's laughable. Even if it was, excluding those people would basically be a big 'screw you' to the states that are now forced to spend money to support the illegal population. They would receive less Federal Funding, a have less representation in Congress. Seems awfully stupid.