BIG!!! Trump Expected to EXCLUDE illegal aliens From U.S. Census

I think we should use part of the stimulus package to entice them to come to this nation.......then we should offer them free healthcare (of course at the expense of the taxpayers), educate them, allow them to have a litter of anchor babies, grant their children automatic citizenship, give them valid state drivers licenses which will in turn allow them to cast a ballot for those who give them all the free shit, also.......we should make sanctuary cities where they will be safe and secure from any type of criminal prosecution even when they commit crime after crime, even murder and rape.......

And by all means they should be counted via allowing them to cast MAIL IN BALLOTS........

All it takes is democrat policy makers to solve any problem.......:bigthink:


we should, but they shouldn't count towards apportionment should they?

I can see how states like Commiefornia, Illinois and New York would complain. As productive citizens have left, they have sought to maintain political power through illegal immigration.

Can you give us a good reason why people who have broken our laws and come here illegally should be counted toward congressional representation AND the electoral college?

The funny thing is, Florida, Texas and Georgia are the states most likely to be impacted by this. Leave it to the GOP to cut off their nose to spite their face.

Based on persons per representative in the previous apportionment-
Texas would lose 2. Florida would lose 1. Georgia would lose 1.
California would lose 2, maybe 3, NY would is less likely to lose 1 than Florida, Illinois may not lose any because they have 100,000 more per than Georgia.

The states most likely to gain because of this would be VA, NC, MA, NJ, OR, ID.

As to a good reason why they should be counted - The US Constitution would be that reason.
The Constitution requires a count of all "free persons" (plus 3/5 of any enslaved person.). It then requires representation based on the count. There is no allowance to subtract non citizens from the count.
You don’t seem to give a damn about our Constitutional. Nowhere in it, does it say that illegals (non-residents) should be counted.

The Constitution states that it is the count of all "free persons". Are you arguing they aren't persons? or that they aren't free?

The more the left whines and bitches and causes the issue to become NEWS.........the more the illegal aliens will fear to even come close to filling out a census, fearing deportation due to all the left wing publicity. Its damned if they do and damned if they don't. They've been TRUMPED AGAIN. I know, you know and especially THEY KNOW.........they can never keep their mouths shut about anything concerning ORANGE MAN BAD.
“Illegal Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1325 makes it a crime to unlawfully enter the United States. It applies to people who do not enter with proper inspection at a port of entry, such as those who enter between ports of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or who make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. A first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both.
“Illegal Re-Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1326 makes it a crime to unlawfully reenter, attempt to unlawfully reenter, or to be found in the United States after having been deported, ordered removed, or denied admission. This crime is punishable as a felony with a maximum sentence of two years in prison. Higher penalties apply if the person was previously removed after having been convicted of certain crimes: up to 10 years for a single felony conviction (other than an aggravated felony conviction) or three misdemeanor convictions involving drugs or crimes against a person, and up to 20 years for an aggravated felony conviction.”
“Illegal Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1325 makes it a crime to unlawfully enter the United States. It applies to people who do not enter with proper inspection at a port of entry, such as those who enter between ports of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or who make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. A first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both.
“Illegal Re-Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1326 makes it a crime to unlawfully reenter, attempt to unlawfully reenter, or to be found in the United States after having been deported, ordered removed, or denied admission. This crime is punishable as a felony with a maximum sentence of two years in prison. Higher penalties apply if the person was previously removed after having been convicted of certain crimes: up to 10 years for a single felony conviction (other than an aggravated felony conviction) or three misdemeanor convictions involving drugs or crimes against a person, and up to 20 years for an aggravated felony conviction.

The democrats have done such a fantastic job with all the rioting and destruction of property, murders, gun deaths....etc., I am sure the ILLEGALS...i.e., "undocumented" folk will trust them and know they have their backs......just like they have managed the Russia Investigation, The impeachment of Trump, the DEMPANIC.......and most recently........the Antifa/BLM riots.....Yeah......I'd wager you could not wad up a census report and throw it at a wetback and come anywhere near hitting them.........:laugh: After Trump just released the memo...........
There is nothing in the Constitution that requires counting illegals (non-citizens).

We don’t count tourists who are in the US.
The democrats have done such a fantastic job with all the rioting and destruction of property, murders, gun deaths....etc., I am sure the ILLEGALS...i.e., "undocumented" folk will trust them and know they have their backs......just like they have managed the Russia Investigation, The impeachment of Trump, the DEMPANIC.......and most recently........the Antifa/BLM riots.....Yeah......I'd wager you could not wad up a census report and throw it at a wetback and come anywhere near hitting them.........:laugh: After Trump just released the memo...........

Arrest and deport.
Good old Donald, getting his cult all whipped up into a frenzy. It is very amusing.

actually, it appears the Demmycunt cult is getting whipped up by the possibility they may not get to count illegals in qualifying for federal tax money and many electoral votes do you think California will lose....
Illegals (non-citizens) should never be counted...qualifying for tax money and representation.

Illegals should be in jail and then deported.
Constitution says count the whole number of persons in each state. In the 1970s the Repubs tried to change it to citizens and it did not pass. They were shooting for an abridged count by 2020.
Anyone who wants to come here can. Just apply, wait your turn and assimilate.

Any illegal (non-citizen) who works here is doing so illegally.

There is a difference between legal and illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants must be arrested and deported.

It’s the law.

Yes, it's "the law." But what we're saying is that "the law" is flawed. Immigration laws have changed many times in the US, and it's far more difficult now to become a US citizen than at any point in US history. My ancestors came here legally in the 1930s, but they wouldn't have met today's qualifications. Maybe you should think about that for a bit.