BIG!!! Trump Expected to EXCLUDE illegal aliens From U.S. Census

If true this is really important. Right now the number of members a state has in the House of Representatives is based on it's resident population whether legal or illegal. That's crazy but that's how it is and it needs to change. Illegals should not count.

He loses this one. The Constitution is clear. It does not say “resident. It says “free persons”. The 14th Amendment says “number of whole persons”.

Your stupidity wins again and you lose again, idiot.
He loses this one. The Constitution is clear. It does not say “resident. It says “free persons”. The 14th Amendment says “number of whole persons”.

Your stupidity wins again and you lose again, idiot.
Show us where the constitution says the census must include everyone in america - even illegal aliens and tourists.
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The 14A has nothing to do with the census or how many electors a state has. Show us where the constitution says the census must include everyone in america - even illegall aliens and tourists.

Article I Section 2. Apportionment. “Free persons” modified in the 14th to say “whole persons”. Census determines those numbers according to the Constitution.

You lose again, you stupid fucking idiot. Even when provided the facts, you still fuck it up.

One dumb motherfucker.
I'm sure they will next exclude all the business that send recruiters over to Mexico, fly them back and hire them as well as all the suburban dipshits that hire illegal lawn care workers to do that sweet under the table cheap labor.
Also fuck that, we need to stop those illegals picking our cheap assed food. I know Everyone here will gladly pay triple for produce picked by 'citizens'. And those meat packers that recruit that cheap illegal labor.


Who's ready to mow their own lawn, pick those fields and cut up that meat at Mexican labor prices, huh?

Can I get a set of hands all for it here?

I can guess the groans will be the first on that labor front line for food.
Also fuck that, we need to stop those illegals picking our cheap assed food. I know Everyone here will gladly pay triple for produce picked by 'citizens'.

Paying crop pickers is a very small part of the cost of produce. If we paid orange pickers $30 an hour, the cost of an orange would rise around 10 cents.
Paying crop pickers is a very small part of the cost of produce. If we paid orange pickers $30 an hour, the cost of an orange would rise around 10 cents.

No labor is the cost. Marketing is another cost at the start... Bullshit is the final cost for those established. They make so much money from labor that they cut the pickers and get you to think you have a point.
No labor is the cost. Marketing is another cost at the start... Bullshit is the final cost for those established. They make so much money from labor that they cut the pickers and get you to think you have a point.

You're an idiot. If you were an orange picker, you could pick 300 oranges an hour. That's just one orange ever 12 seconds. At $30 an hour that is 10 cents an orange. Labor is a very small part of the cost of that orange. THINK
Yes, it's "the law." But what we're saying is that "the law" is flawed. Immigration laws have changed many times in the US, and it's far more difficult now to become a US citizen than at any point in US history. My ancestors came here legally in the 1930s, but they wouldn't have met today's qualifications. Maybe you should think about that for a bit.

If you don’t like the law, change the law. You don’t get to circumvent the law just because you don’t like it.

It’s illegal to enter this country without proper documentation. Perhaps you should think about that for a bit.