BIG!!! Trump Expected to EXCLUDE illegal aliens From U.S. Census

This has everything to do with reapportionment of House seats. Overall, the Republicans would gain somewhere around 10 to 15 seats because of the illegals not being counted nationwide. It would also hurt blue states more in terms of government social-welfare benefits and the like. This is why Trump is proposing it and Democrats are railing against it.

The people against it understand the Constitution
Try reading it, moron. It makes no difference who it helps or hurts because it’s law on who is counted. If you’re for counting “all persons”, then you are following the Constitutional mandate.

Article I, Section II of the Constitution provides each state at least one U.S. Representative, while the size of a state’s delegation to the House depends on its total population.

If the state population doesn't include illegal immigrants then the total population of that state is lower. In states like California with a very large illegal population that equates to fewer seats in the House. Since the number of members in the house stays the same overall, that means other states with growing legal populations pick up more seats.


The Democrats recognize that not counting illegals primarily hurts states that have large numbers of Democrat held seats in Congress so they want this rule squashed.

If the state population doesn't include illegal immigrants then the total population of that state is lower. In states like California with a very large illegal population that equates to fewer seats in the House. Since the number of members in the house stays the same overall, that means other states with growing legal populations pick up more seats.


The Democrats recognize that not counting illegals primarily hurts states that have large numbers of Democrat held seats in Congress so they want this rule squashed.

The census, and therefore apportionment, includes EVERYONE. There is no fucking “rule” and no fucking “if” about it. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

There was a political fight over the citizenship question on the census, which the Republicans tried to force through. They lost. We know the reason they wanted it. Very similar to voter disenfranchisement, they wished to decrease participation of the undocumented, who normally lean towards Democrats.
The census, and therefore apportionment, includes EVERYONE. There is no fucking “rule” and no fucking “if” about it. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

There was a political fight over the citizenship question on the census, which the Republicans tried to force through. They lost. We know the reason they wanted it. Very similar to voter disenfranchisement, they wished to decrease participation of the undocumented, who normally lean towards Democrats.

While it does state illegals have to be counted, the don't have to be included in the apportionment of House seats. That's what Trump's order does. It takes the illegals out of the count for apportionment of seats. His argument is they are not citizens and therefore have no Right to representation in the House being foreign nationals.
While it does state illegals have to be counted, the don't have to be included in the apportionment of House seats. That's what Trump's order does. It takes the illegals out of the count for apportionment of seats. His argument is they are not citizens and therefore have no Right to representation in the House being foreign nationals.

Yeah, they do. That’s how the Constitution reads. The Census and apportionment are inextricably linked.

“Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state,...”

Why haven’t you learned by now that Trump is a fucking clueless moron.
Yeah, they do. That’s how the Constitution reads. The Census and apportionment are inextricably linked.

Why haven’t you learned by now that Trump is a fucking clueless moron.

No, the Constitution reads they have to be counted. It doesn't say they have to be included in apportionment. There is already a body of case law on that supporting it.

https://legal-dictionary.thefreedic...U.S. House of Representatives from each state.

I don’t know what you think your references prove, other than EXACTLY what I’ve been telling you. One of your references:

“The U.S. Constitution requires that a census of the entire population, citizens and noncitizens alike, be made every ten years (Article I, Section 2, Clause 3). The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution directs that the census will be used to determine the number of members of the U.S. House of Representatives from each state.”

Your other references validate that. And me.
I don’t know what you think your references prove, other than EXACTLY what I’ve been telling you. One of your references:

“The U.S. Constitution requires that a census of the entire population, citizens and noncitizens alike, be made every ten years (Article I, Section 2, Clause 3). The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution directs that the census will be used to determine the number of members of the U.S. House of Representatives from each state.”

Your other references validate that. And me.

Here's the White House's argument.

This is the effect of excluding illegals from apportionment. The Democrats lose big time.

The question also is... Why should persons illegally in the US be counted in apportionment? They have no right to Congressional representation as they are neither citizens or legal guests of the US.
Here's the White House's argument.

This is the effect of excluding illegals from apportionment. The Democrats lose big time.

The question also is... Why should persons illegally in the US be counted in apportionment? They have no right to Congressional representation as they are neither citizens or legal guests of the US.

I gave you the answer. Because it’s the law. Try a remedial reading course.
What do you think the Founding Fathers would say of Donald Trump?

What do you think they would say about a Fascistic ideology that promotes illegal immigration, mobs burning and looting our cities, impugning law and order, supports confiscatory taxation, wants to disarm Americans, makes a mockery of our institutions and election process and which thinks we are too stupid to make it without Government????
The founders did not plan on a person as self centered and ego driven as Trump is.

You stupid presumptuous dumb fuck. STFU already you willful idiot. You add ZERO to any thread other than bloviate the same insane stupidity and epic TDS. :palm:

Like the emoluments clause, as an example Other presidents respected it and tried to do right. Trump blew right through it.

Turn CNN off you loony dunce. :palm:
What do you think they would say about a Fascistic ideology that promotes illegal immigration, mobs burning and looting our cities, impugning law and order, supports confiscatory taxation, wants to disarm Americans, makes a mockery of our institutions and election process and which thinks we are too stupid to make it without Government????
Exactly, TD, exactly.
Article I Section 2 - “whole number of free persons”

14th - “whole number of persons”

Article I Section 2 + 14th Amendment = You are an illiterate loser

I can't find ILLEGAL aliens in there shit-for-brains. :palm:

Clue for you morons on the left; our founders never realized there would be a Party of the Jackass that encouraged people to enter this country ILLEGALLY. Dunce.