BIG!!! Trump Expected to EXCLUDE illegal aliens From U.S. Census

If true this is really important. Right now the number of members a state has in the House of Representatives is based on it's resident population whether legal or illegal. That's crazy but that's how it is and it needs to change. Illegals should not count.

Good! THey are here illegally then they don't count. A sane nation would have no problem with this.
Go wipe our chin Trumpet. That is worry some to begin with, but with your history of inbreeding it gets really disgusting.
Poor lonely Trumpet. It must suck needing attention that bad. Mommy/sister/daddy/uncle/brother issues obviously. Hard to tell who his father or mother is.
While that might make the RWNJ's happy, in reality it is impossible to do with the Census in it's current form.

The Census simply asks how many people are living in a home. There is no way to determine who is a citizen and if they aren't a citizen whether they are in the country legally or not. Not only would it be impossible to carry out Trump's memo, it would likely be illegal to refuse to count someone on the census.

We have the names of all the people on DACA plus there are many illegals on welfare.
Slavery was also "the law" once upon a time. If you found a runaway, it was "the law" to return the runaway.

Well hell - let's legalize murder and bank robbing then too..

Slavery MAY have been a bad idea but that doesn't mean all laws are bad. We can't let anyone who wants to come here. There are literally BILLIONS of third world losers who want to come to america and go on welfare.