BIG!!! Trump Expected to EXCLUDE illegal aliens From U.S. Census

If illegals are excluded, it slams the Left, Democrats, and states like California.

First, because illegals are excluded, apportionment of seats in the House will change. California would lose 3 or 4 seats in this. Money, particularly for the social-welfare state would be reapportioned and again states like California would lose big time. All of this would be very detrimental to the Democrat party.
If illegals are excluded, it slams the Left, Democrats, and states like California.

First, because illegals are excluded, apportionment of seats in the House will change. California would lose 3 or 4 seats in this. Money, particularly for the social-welfare state would be reapportioned and again states like California would lose big time. All of this would be very detrimental to the Democrat party.

Counting those who are here illegally as if they were legal residents is insane.

The whole illegal alien issue is insane. There should be zero tolerance for these monsters. 40 million of them are here bankrupting our schools and hospitals and prisons and welfare systems. There is nothing to debate - they have to go.
There was just a court case about this, and Trump lost that case.

The Constitution says "all people" not all citizens.
The DACA people are known and they can be excluded. Plus there are millions of illegals on welfare. There are plenty of ways to identify the illegals. THINK

The biggest welfare moochers are anyone who lives outside of a city.

Almost every single piece of rural trash is supported by the folks who live in urban, metro areas.

Every red state is a taker state too.

Without generous welfare provided by blue states and cities, you would have to fork out more in taxes to maintain the minimal standard of living you currently enjoy.
There was just a court case about this, and Trump lost that case.

The Constitution says "all people" not all citizens.

Show us where the constitution says that. In fact it does not say who should be counted in the census. To the founders it was obvious only citizens should be counted.
Why is that a good thing? Shouldn't we keep a track of those illegals?

we should, but they shouldn't count towards apportionment should they?

I can see how states like Commiefornia, Illinois and New York would complain. As productive citizens have left, they have sought to maintain political power through illegal immigration.

Can you give us a good reason why people who have broken our laws and come here illegally should be counted toward congressional representation AND the electoral college?
If true this is really important. Right now the number of members a state has in the House of Representatives is based on it's resident population whether legal or illegal. That's crazy but that's how it is and it needs to change. Illegals should not count.

While that might make the RWNJ's happy, in reality it is impossible to do with the Census in it's current form.

The Census simply asks how many people are living in a home. There is no way to determine who is a citizen and if they aren't a citizen whether they are in the country legally or not. Not only would it be impossible to carry out Trump's memo, it would likely be illegal to refuse to count someone on the census.
Show us where the constitution says that. In fact it does not say who should be counted in the census. To the founders it was obvious only citizens should be counted.

Many of the founding fathers believed in an open-border policy, as did many early Americans. Anyone who wanted to come here and contribute to society was allowed to.

Many illegals actually pay taxes, something to the tune of $2 billion/year. Meanwhile, many Americans pay nothing in taxes.
While that might make the RWNJ's happy, in reality it is impossible to do with the Census in it's current form.

The Census simply asks how many people are living in a home. There is no way to determine who is a citizen and if they aren't a citizen whether they are in the country legally or not. Not only would it be impossible to carry out Trump's memo, it would likely be illegal to refuse to count someone on the census.
Good old Donald, getting his cult all whipped up into a frenzy. It is very amusing.
Many of the founding fathers believed in an open-border policy, as did many early Americans. Anyone who wanted to come here and contribute to society was allowed to.

Many illegals actually pay taxes, something to the tune of $2 billion/year. Meanwhile, many Americans pay nothing in taxes.

Anyone who wants to come here can. Just apply, wait your turn and assimilate.

Any illegal (non-citizen) who works here is doing so illegally.

There is a difference between legal and illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants must be arrested and deported.

It’s the law.
The whole illegal alien issue is insane. There should be zero tolerance for these monsters. 40 million of them are here bankrupting our schools and hospitals and prisons and welfare systems. There is nothing to debate - they have to go.

Every post you go up by 10 million. Will it be 50 million undocumented soon?
I think we should use part of the stimulus package to entice them to come to this nation.......then we should offer them free healthcare (of course at the expense of the taxpayers), educate them, allow them to have a litter of anchor babies, grant their children automatic citizenship, give them valid state drivers licenses which will in turn allow them to cast a ballot for those who give them all the free shit, also.......we should make sanctuary cities where they will be safe and secure from any type of criminal prosecution even when they commit crime after crime, even murder and rape.......

And by all means they should be counted via allowing them to cast MAIL IN BALLOTS........

All it takes is democrat policy makers to solve any problem....... It appears there is more than 1 way to skin an undocumented/illegal alien. :bigthink:

Reality: The current Census counting method was brought into effect (in counting illegal immigrants in the census) via an Obama Executive Order. The court has ruled that Trump cannot legally change that method via an act of legislation.....but, when you live by the sword, you die by the sword, nothing can stop Mr. Trump from issuing an executive memo at the 23 hr., Just how long does anyone suspect that it would take for that order to make its way to the SCOTUS? After the election it will be moot. Reality: Trump has already signed a memo.....a memo that demands exclusion to all "undocumented" people. A stay you say? In the meantime.....all the illegal criminals will be to scared to fill out any census questions......regardless of what question is asked. If you don't fill anything out......LMAO
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You don’t seem to give a damn about our Constitutional. Nowhere in it, does it say that illegals (non-residents) should be counted.