Bigg's indictment just took a major hit.

This is true. I have not heard one conservative lawyer say they have a good case, but I have heard quite a few leftist lawyers say that this case is weak and should not be brought for several reasons.

This still doesn't change that in reality there is no way they can be certain they have not seated at least one "Trumpper" on the jury.

isn't the jury to be picked from a district which went 90% for Biden?......
Hmmm... It would only mean that to you if you believe that if they aren't a Trump supporter they would disregard the law to vote to convict to protect a demented demagogue and keep them in power...

So, basically. You are among the number of folks who believe that nobody can get a fair trial anywhere if politics are brought into the court room.

Personally I think that those folks would vote to convict if there is actual evidence and they are convinced. I just think that they would not be set to vote one specific way before the trial starts.

I see that you believe that the leftists who agree with you politically have already decided how they are going to vote if they are selected, and it will take some inclusion of folks that disagree with you politically to get a fair trial for a political figure.
Not a lawyer, but isn't that the purpose of screening a jury?

Besides, the law is set to favor the defendant in a criminal trial. The DA would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump was guilty.

I favor the law. You seem to not agree. Do I believe Trump is guilty? Yes but then I'm not going to be on his jury and neither is anyone else on JPP. Like Trump's friends OJ and Michael Jackson, I believe they were guilty too but the law let them off.
isn't the jury to be picked from a district which went 90% for Biden?......

Which again means, that in any random selection of folks from the district you'd have 10% folks that voted for Trump (and it is more like 84%ish.) Which would mean 3 for the 84% district... 3 Trump voters on a jury you have to convince, if you assume that leftists have already decided to vote guilty. (And that it will actually get to trial).
Which again means, that in any random selection of folks from the district you'd have 10% folks that voted for Trump (and it is more like 84%ish.) Which would mean 3 for the 84% district... 3 Trump voters on a jury you have to convince, if you assume that leftists have already decided to vote guilty. (And that it will actually get to trial).

You obviously have no faith in the US justice system. Do you favor street justice like the Trumpers and far Left extremists often advocate?
You obviously have no faith in the US justice system. Do you favor street justice like the Trumpers and far Left extremists often advocate?

Again, this is not my opinion. Discussing statistics with folks in this thread is not in any way giving you an opinion.

Noting that you, personally, have stated that you believe that certain folks would vote a certain way I simply point out that "if this were true" and then give the percentages with simple mathematics.

In the particular case of the post you quoted to give this response I was speaking to someone who seemed to think that the left have already chosen how to "vote" if they are members of the jury, I simply gave him some stats to help him relax.
Not even minor. The charges are about falsifying business records. The false records don't become any less false because Stormy Daniels wins a personal lawsuit. This is another read based on conservative difficulties with
logical thought.

The problem is that the way the law being charged is written, is that the business records had to be falsified with the intent that this was in furtherance or cover up of another crime. Bragg hasn't specified what that crime was, and likely--very likely--can't.
That’s a civil case. Irrelevant to the criminal charges against Trump.

It goes to the credibility of the witness. Cohen and Daniels make horrible witnesses. One's a perjurer, the other has repeatedly lost cases against Trump for the very thing Bragg alleges is the crime he supposedly committed...
Again, this is not my opinion. Discussing statistics with folks in this thread is not in any way giving you an opinion.

Noting that you, personally, have stated that you believe that certain folks would vote a certain way I simply point out that "if this were true" and then give the percentages with simple mathematics.

In the particular case of the post you quoted to give this response I was speaking to someone who seemed to think that the left have already chosen how to "vote" if they are members of the jury, I simply gave him some stats to help him relax.

Most members of JPP are giving opinions and, IMO, most would be excluded from sitting on a jury.

Voting a certain way in elections and sitting on a jury are two different things.

It's an opinion forum. IMO, Trump is guilty of business fraud and lying about his affair with Stormy.....but I haven't taken an oath when sitting on a jury. Furthermore, I'm willing to wager the DA has the evidence to convict Trump. :)
The problem is that the way the law being charged is written, is that the business records had to be falsified with the intent that this was in furtherance or cover up of another crime. Bragg hasn't specified what that crime was, and likely--very likely--can't.

That's a different argument. If for nothing else they were falsified as part of a scheme to cheat on his state taxes.
That's a different argument. If for nothing else they were falsified as part of a scheme to cheat on his state taxes.

Then why wasn't he charged with cheating on his state taxes? That would be the crime for which you bring the charges that were brought.
Then why wasn't he charged with cheating on his state taxes? That would be the crime for which you bring the charges that were brought.

Bragg hasn't laid out the entire case yet, so we'll see. He did say cheating on taxes, either Trump's or the corporation's, by writing off the Stormy payment was at least part of the illegal scheme.
No, but intentionally lying about them being Attorney Fees to the Federal Election Commission and the IRS is illegal!

Did you think it wasn't?
under the NY law that all 34 indictments are based on it is illegal to lie about them with the intent to conceal a far, no one has been able to identify this felony.......under the FEC its a misdemeanor.......when Hiliary did it she got an $8000 fine......can you name this "IRS felony"? the way, the payments to Stormy were never listed as attorney fees.......they were listed as client costs.....
Seems that Stormy Daniels was just ordered to pay Trump a pile of cash for falsely defaming him. The 9th Circuit court just hit her for all Trump's attorney's fees after tossing her case out.

This means that the supposed reason Briggs is using to bring these charges, that Trump paid off Daniels and lied about it on his finances, just got slammed by a federal court.

Stormy Daniels must pay $300k to Donald Trump after losing defamation case appeal

Appeals Court Says Stormy Daniels on the Hook for Nearly $300K in Trump’s Legal Fees After Failed Defamation Lawsuit

If nothing else, neither Cohen--a convicted felon and perjurer--nor Daniels will make very credible witnesses in Trump's upcoming trial... I wonder how Bragg will proceed? Will he just show the jury the bookkeeping entries and say that by some divine method or maybe clairvoyance he knows what Trump's motives were?

Lets also not overlook the fact that she owes Trump for his legal fees and costs. She just lost that one.

A federal appeals court has ordered Daniels to pay Trump’s lawyers over $121,000 in legal fees stemming from her failed defamation suit against the former president

Yep, Braggs star witnesses are known liars and in one case, a felon. Gotta love it. And Bragg couldn't tell anyone what crime.