Bijou Too?

Nope. God made me heterosexual. Homosexuals have screwed up wiring. Despite their deviant urges they still choose to act on those urges. Fortunately I was born according to Gods plan. It is not my fault the gays were not. I don't hate them. But I don't need to justify what I consider immoral and deviant behavior. I don't hate murderers but I still don't like what they so. Understand?

You are trying to twist yourself in knots to make homosexuality seem less deviant than it is. I know you think it is normal because you watch Modern Family and you thought Will as Grace was "smart comedy". But it is still aberrant behavior

God intended for you to be a racist, homophobic bigot?

God does not preach hate.
The whole thesis of evolution is to pass on genetic material. That homosexuals cannot without extraordinary means shows that homosexuality is an aberration.

Either you don't understand evolution or you don't think it accounts for everything as its adherents claim.

You can't have it both ways

This is a common myth.

Another possibility is that homosexuality evolves and persists because itbenefits groups or relatives, rather than individuals. In bonobos, homosexual behaviour might have benefits at a group level by promoting social cohesion.One study in Samoa found gay men devote more time to their nieces and nephews, suggesting it might be an example of kin selection (promoting your own genes in the bodies of others).

There have been more studies done on this very effect... but I can't be bothered to go look for them right now. Keep in mind humans are very social creatures, and If a certain trait developed to help social cohesion among our species, it would be advantageous evolutionary for some in our group to pass that gene on through the survival of their relatives who may also carry that gene.
one can only hope grind doesn't procreate......


This is an actual, untouched, picture of Grind and his children.

Following is an actual, untouched photo of Yurt's 21 year old son, Burt. Mother Lambchop is quite pleased with her son.

The whole thesis of evolution is to pass on genetic material. That homosexuals cannot without extraordinary means shows that homosexuality is an aberration.

Either you don't understand evolution or you don't think it accounts for everything as its adherents claim.

You can't have it both ways

Absolute nonsense. That homosexuality is not part of procreation is the extent of it. Unless you are claiming that every believer in evolution must, at all cost, only have sex to make a baby, you are wrong. And if you are making that claim, you are ignoring millenia of social interaction and evolution on that side of our nature.
Absolute nonsense. That homosexuality is not part of procreation is the extent of it. Unless you are claiming that every believer in evolution must, at all cost, only have sex to make a baby, you are wrong. And if you are making that claim, you are ignoring millenia of social interaction and evolution on that side of our nature.

Look I get you are trying to twist yourself in knots trying to defend aberrant behavior. The fact remains that homos are freaks. I still think they are fine people, but they are freak nonetheless
Look I get you are trying to twist yourself in knots trying to defend aberrant behavior. The fact remains that homos are freaks. I still think they are fine people, but they are freak nonetheless

I get that you feel some threat from gays. I don't. If you want to insist on labels, that fine with me. But whatever deviancy they display is not an issue as long as it is between 2 consenting adults.