Bijou Too?

Yes they do. They call them Pedophiles.

These people target children because they are children, not because of their gender. The fact that girls are much more protected and watched more closely than boys is largely the reason boys are more often molested by strangers.

So children have no gender? That is news to me. Why do we call them boys and girls? At what point do they have a gender? Why are people spending so much money on ultrasounds wanting to know the sex?

You don't have to go out of your way to defend the gays
So children have no gender? That is news to me. Why do we call them boys and girls? At what point do they have a gender? Why are people spending so much money on ultrasounds wanting to know the sex?

You don't have to go out of your way to defend the gays

But apparently you have to rewrite what I said in order to try and dodge it.

I did not say children have no gender. That is simply your attempt to sidestep the issue.
Did you or did you not write the wordsv"genderless children?

In terms of the pedophiles attractions, yes I did. If the pedophile is attracted to the age group and the power he has over them, without regard to their gender, then what I wrote stands. The pedophile that is attracted to both girls and boys is attracted because of the power he has and their age. Developmentally there is little difference except genitalia. The gender is, largely, irrelevant for the pedophile. I did not mean it does not exist. But the bodies of children look remarkably similar, except for their obviously different genitals.
The gender is, largely, irrelevant for the pedophile.

do we know that to be true?......most cases I have heard about where the pedophile has attacked multiple victims they all appear to be of the same sex.......are there pedophiles who attack both male and female children?........there was a study in the UK about sexual abuse of children and the number of attacks on females versus the number of attacks on males appeared to be approximately the same ratio as that of heterosexuals and homosexuals.......
do we know that to be true?......most cases I have heard about where the pedophile has attacked multiple victims they all appear to be of the same sex.......are there pedophiles who attack both male and female children?........there was a study in the UK about sexual abuse of children and the number of attacks on females versus the number of attacks on males appeared to be approximately the same ratio as that of heterosexuals and homosexuals.......

The most recent and highly publicised case was that of Vanessa George, she was in a child abuse ring where they shared photos via the internet.
Really? So when did you choose to be heterosexual? Or is that not a choice?

Nope. God made me heterosexual. Homosexuals have screwed up wiring. Despite their deviant urges they still choose to act on those urges. Fortunately I was born according to Gods plan. It is not my fault the gays were not. I don't hate them. But I don't need to justify what I consider immoral and deviant behavior. I don't hate murderers but I still don't like what they so. Understand?

You are trying to twist yourself in knots to make homosexuality seem less deviant than it is. I know you think it is normal because you watch Modern Family and you thought Will as Grace was "smart comedy". But it is still aberrant behavior
Nope. God made me heterosexual. Homosexuals have screwed up wiring. Despite their deviant urges they still choose to act on those urges. Fortunately I was born according to Gods plan. It is not my fault the gays were not. I don't hate them. But I don't need to justify what I consider immoral and deviant behavior. I don't hate murderers but I still don't like what they so. Understand?

You are trying to twist yourself in knots to make homosexuality seem less deviant than it is. I know you think it is normal because you watch Modern Family and you thought Will as Grace was "smart comedy". But it is still aberrant behavior

If you want to strictly go by sex for procreation, homosexuality is aberrant behavior. However, considering the plethora of deviations from sex as only a means of procreation, if you want to label all of that "aberrant" and treat the participants as immoral, then do so.

But stop the selective process by which some people are given a pass for oral sex and some are condemned for it. At least have the honesty to hold everyone, gay and straight, to the same standards.

Also, if homosexuality were simply about sexual acts it would be one thing. But it is not. It is also about who they are attracted to and who they fall in love with.
If you want to strictly go by sex for procreation, homosexuality is aberrant behavior. However, considering the plethora of deviations from sex as only a means of procreation, if you want to label all of that "aberrant" and treat the participants as immoral, then do so.

But stop the selective process by which some people are given a pass for oral sex and some are condemned for it. At least have the honesty to hold everyone, gay and straight, to the same standards.

Also, if homosexuality were simply about sexual acts it would be one thing. But it is not. It is also about who they are attracted to and who they fall in love with.

Well if you are an adherent of the notion that evolution is 100% responsible for man, then you have no choice but to think that sex is merely for procreation thusly making homosexuality an aberration. It can be no other way. Unless you don't believe in evolution and thusly are anti science
Well if you are an adherent of the notion that evolution is 100% responsible for man, then you have no choice but to think that sex is merely for procreation thusly making homosexuality an aberration. It can be no other way. Unless you don't believe in evolution and thusly are anti science

Absolutely no relation between the two. The fact that humans do not rely on seasonal sex drives and fertility is an evolutionary trait. The fact that we enjoy sex in ways that have nothing to do with procreation is not.

Other than the ability to create a child without outside assistance, what difference is there between a gay couple and a straight couple, as far as our society is concerned?
Other than the ability to create a child without outside assistance, what difference is there between a gay couple and a straight couple, as far as our society is concerned?

If you believe in science and evolution then that is the only reason for sex. Don't blame me. Blame science. Are you anti science? Do you not believe in evolution?
If you believe in science and evolution then that is the only reason for sex. Don't blame me. Blame science. Are you anti science? Do you not believe in evolution?

If you want to make up rules as you go along, that is fine. But there is nothing in the Theory of Evolution that precludes sexual acts strictly for pleasure. The only way it has anything to do with evolution is that it reduces the chances of passing on your genetic material.

I do believe in science and in evolution. That does not require that I believe that it is the only reason for sex.
If you want to make up rules as you go along, that is fine. But there is nothing in the Theory of Evolution that precludes sexual acts strictly for pleasure. The only way it has anything to do with evolution is that it reduces the chances of passing on your genetic material.

I do believe in science and in evolution. That does not require that I believe that it is the only reason for sex.

The whole thesis of evolution is to pass on genetic material. That homosexuals cannot without extraordinary means shows that homosexuality is an aberration.

Either you don't understand evolution or you don't think it accounts for everything as its adherents claim.

You can't have it both ways