Bijou Too?

So long Bijuo.

Your refreshing honesty will be missed by the sane members of JPP.

Mods: Nothing to see here. Move along. Just another intelligent poster driven off the site.

ROFLMAO.... Bijou was not an intelligent poster. She was nothing short of a complete hack. Offering little of value to the board.
Bijou offered far more than you ever did.

And in your case it's 007, ILA, and Yurt. Telling, isn't it?

I speak with just about everybody on here apart from the obvious. For somebody that was in the AF you are remarkably unobservant otherwise you would have seen all my posts calling out both ILA and 007. However like so many you only see what you want to see. Yurt and I have had major run ins in the past, anybody who was here longer than you, which is just about everybody, will attest to that. As for Bijou, you can have her back she came on here guns ablazing, posting her stupid emoticons and spouting shit and contributing nothing. Even Legion troll was better than her.
rule 12 is really unwieldy and it needs to get fixed and split. he was bring up the sex comments involving children stuff
It's funny how it is apparently politically correct to say that, yet if you were to insinuate that homosexuals were more likely to target boys for sex that would be non PC.

Well by definition if a man targets a young boy isn't he a homosexual? It is obviously pedophilia. But since it is same sex it has to be homosexuality right?
Because it's not true.

Yet you feel unconstrained in painting all Catholics with the paedophile label without fear of being called an -ism of some sort!! Are Catholic priests that target young boys gay or not? If they are then what is different about them compared to non-Catholics?
Yet you feel unconstrained in painting all Catholics with the paedophile label without fear of being called an -ism of some sort!! Are Catholic priests that target young boys gay or not? If they are then what is different about them compared to non-Catholics?

I think it gives credence to the argument that homosexuality is a choice.

It is a tangled web they weave to make the deviant appear normal