Bijou Too?

Pretty much what's happening here. This place was refreshing at one time. It's devolved into Romper Room.

The fact that most here don't know what that is, illustrates the problem Bijou began to have....that of a bunch of adolescents flinging poo at each other.

This place will suffer as a result of her asking to have her acct. removed.

Instead, she shows up as banned.

We routinely ban canceled accounts now so we can keep track of IPs of those accounts. It's a CYA move, nothing more.
Runes ok. He was a lot better before he took his absence though. I'm still holding out the hope that one day he'll wake up, realize he's been an asshole, and go back to being cool again.

Bill, you were a welcoming voice when I arrived here and I will always appreciate that.
You may remember though, that I faced vicious opposition at the time.
Unfortunately that experience colored my actions towards new posters of the conservative persuasion, and yes, I was an asshole to many newcomers for quite some time.
I have since become aware of my failings (two wrongs do not make a right).

On a separate note, you seem to be implying that I changed for the worst last summer? (the only time I would consider myself to be absent from here for a noticeable period).

What would you say are my major flaws at this point, bearing in mind that our views are hardly perfectly aligned?
Bill, you were a welcoming voice when I arrived here and I will always appreciate that.
You may remember though, that I faced vicious opposition at the time.
Unfortunately that experience colored my actions towards new posters of the conservative persuasion, and yes, I was an asshole to many newcomers for quite some time.
I have since become aware of my failings (two wrongs do not make a right).

On a separate note, you seem to be implying that I changed for the worst last summer? (the only time I would consider myself to be absent from here for a noticeable period).

What would you say are my major flaws at this point, bearing in mind that our views are hardly perfectly aligned?

You're just more of a dick here, getting involved in other peoples personal feuds and shit. The 'revenge' threads and all that. You're a decent enough dude off screen.
Pretty much what's happening here. This place was refreshing at one time. It's devolved into Romper Room.

The fact that most here don't know what that is, illustrates the problem Bijou began to have....that of a bunch of adolescents flinging poo at each other.

This place will suffer as a result of her asking to have her acct. removed.

Instead, she shows up as banned.

she flung more poo than any other poster
"what difference does it make whether she was banned or had her acct terminated". She's gone!

the point is there isn't a "delete account" button that we can click. Since the dawn of time that is how we cancel accounts. We eliminate the username and set the account to banned which quickly gets rid of the avatar and other data. Bijou's case isn't anything special.
and if she ever wants to come back we can restore her data, so even though her account is "banned" she isn't banned in the sense that she isn't allowed to be here or anything like that.
the point is there isn't a "delete account" button that we can click. Since the dawn of time that is how we cancel accounts. We eliminate the username and set the account to banned which quickly gets rid of the avatar and other data. Bijou's case isn't anything special.

I sincerely apologize that my attempt at sarcasm it Hillary Clinton's expense was lost on you and that you had to waste precious bandwidth typing this.

I don't give two shits if she is banned, excommunicated, jumped off a building or set herself on fire with a flaming tampon. She is gone and that is good enough for me

If she left because of me, then I say HUUUZAAHHHHH
Pretty much what's happening here. This place was refreshing at one time. It's devolved into Romper Room.

The fact that most here don't know what that is, illustrates the problem Bijou began to have....that of a bunch of adolescents flinging poo at each other.

This place will suffer as a result of her asking to have her acct. removed.

Instead, she shows up as banned.

That's the same way they removed my account several years ago when I left and asked them to delete it so I wasn't tempted to come back. (though you see how that worked out, ha ha). It doesn't mean anything.
I sincerely apologize that my attempt at sarcasm it Hillary Clinton's expense was lost on you and that you had to waste precious bandwidth typing this.

I don't give two shits if she is banned, excommunicated, jumped off a building or set herself on fire with a flaming tampon. She is gone and that is good enough for me

If she left because of me, then I say HUUUZAAHHHHH

i was just clearing it up for the rest of the board
I sincerely apologize that my attempt at sarcasm it Hillary Clinton's expense was lost on you and that you had to waste precious bandwidth typing this.

I don't give two shits if she is banned, excommunicated, jumped off a building or set herself on fire with a flaming tampon. She is gone and that is good enough for me

If she left because of me, then I say HUUUZAAHHHHH

You are a narcissist.
Somehow I missed out on the rationale about calling someone a pedophile being a bannable offense.
Could someone explain that rationale to me?

I mean we can call them pole smoking whores, etc but not a pedophile?
Somehow I missed out on the rationale about calling someone a pedophile being a bannable offense.
Could someone explain that rationale to me?

I mean we can call them pole smoking whores, etc but not a pedophile?

it has to do with the specific history of this board. Almost every time that stuff started up it would devolve further into people taking about posters molesting their children, or children where they worked, and other really sick stuff. So we took on a zero tolerance approach to it and just nip it in the bud right off the bat.

The other stuff while also abhorrent the logic is that it's directed at the individual on the board itself and doesn't devolve into discussing sexual acts with children, which not only is beyond all depravity but also could be illegal in some instances. It's just a massive headache we don't want.