Black Americans flee the Democrat PLANTATION as Biden replaces them w/White Hispanics


Harris - make America a 3rd world shithole
Talk about your Neo Lib replacement theory!

"What They're Not Telling You About The PANIC In The Media And The White House!"

By Barry Cunningham

Reality Check:

Are Black Voters Really Leaving the Democratic Party?
Electoral capture is real.

Exit polls estimated that Trump received 12% of the Black vote in the 2020 election. A post-election Pew Research Center analysis found that he received 8%.

Trump says racist things about Black voters. Why are some defending him?
Talk about your Neo Lib replacement theory!

"What They're Not Telling You About The PANIC In The Media And The White House!"

By Barry Cunningham

As a mixed racial person I can safely say you are a clueless cracka. You know nothing about the Black community but get your "info" from right-wing cracka sources
But they cant help trump

Republicans have jerrymandered them out of the close states impact

This idiot lie gains the republicans nothing
Guno צְבִי;5944758 said:
As a mixed racial person I can safely say you are a clueless cracka. You know nothing about the Black community but get your "info" from right-wing cracka sources

It’s a Putin propaganda lie spew
Reality Check:

Are Black Voters Really Leaving the Democratic Party?
Electoral capture is real.

Exit polls estimated that Trump received 12% of the Black vote in the 2020 election. A post-election Pew Research Center analysis found that he received 8%.

Trump says racist things about Black voters. Why are some defending him?

If you hold all this up to the light at just the right angle, you might be excused for thinking that there may be some minor partisan realignment underway within the black electorate. But—and I cannot say this strongly enough—it ain’t happening.

Because few things have been as steady in American politics in the last 150 years as black voting behavior. The centrality of federally administered civil rights protections has always governed partisan alignment for the overwhelming majority of the black electorate. It used to be that the Republican party carried this mantle, but since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, Democrats have made addressing racial inequality a more prominent aspect of its platform. This, more than any other single factor, explains why 9 in 10 black voters have supported Democratic congressional and presidential candidates for decades.
I dont know what is going on with hispanics...but blacks are certainly finally breaking the Stockholm Syndrome.
Guno צְבִי;5944771 said:
Another demented cracka

These guys deny the political shift in parties in order to maintain their BS narrative. Typical MAGA m.o., lie, deny, deflect, attack, repeat.
But they cant help trump

Republicans have jerrymandered them out of the close states impact

This idiot lie gains the republicans nothing

Excellent point! These black fools (as my grandma use to call them) just ignore what they don't like and blather what they think will get them on the media whore payroll from the likes of Murdoch and whomever is funding Charlie Kirk.

Owens, Steele, Powell...they all got their wake up call eventually. The buffoons in the OP video will follow the same path.
I've said it before but it needs repeating.

African Americans who support Trump are tap dancing, watermelon-eating Uncle Toms,
generally despised by the ethnicity's respectable majority.