Black Americans flee the Democrat PLANTATION as Biden replaces them w/White Hispanics

You are so ignorant of Black history :palm:

Yes, almost half the people the KKK killed were republican Whites.

Now Democrat Blacks do the work of the Dem KKK, murdering over 10,000 Blacks every year. As if you White libs actually give a fuck.

The Great Migration began in 1910, and the KKK spread with it to the Northern and Western States.


Mapping the Second Ku Klux Klan, 1915-1940
Destroying another White lib myth.

The NIMBY white libs quickly became racist as fuck during the Great Migration. The KKK's last Hurrah was in the North, in Skokie Illinois.

In response to Northern angst, the socialist FDR created FHA redlining.
Check out his first sentence, dear readers.

There are no readers. You can stop pretending you care about Black Americans.

60 years of White Lib rule ... and inner city public schools and crime have only gotten worse. Businesses flee, Food Deserts (and Pharmacy) have grown as white libs have encouraged Black Americans to burn down and destroy their own neighborhoods.

And White Libs till oppose School Choice for poor Black children. Joe Biden Says 'Poor Kids are Just as Bright' as 'White Kids'. :palm:
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kids going to school in a racial jungle.

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle," Biden said.

This is a big reason why TouchyLibtard worships "Boss" Biden.
I defy our resident MAGA/Alt-Right mooks to post any laws or bills by the Dems that are EXACTLY or SIMILAR to the following GOP antics:

- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently blocked AP African American history from Florida high school curriculum, citing a 2022 law passed by the GOP-controlled legislature.

Since 2020, Republicans nationwide — fueled by former President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims about election fraud — have sought to increase barriers to voting. More than 3,600 election-related bills were introduced nationwide following the 2020 election, and 368 of them were enacted, according to the Voting Rights Lab, which tracks such legislation.

- In Mississippi, Republicans in the House voted to make a separate court system in the city of Jackson, the Blackest city in America, that would be entirely appointed by white state officials.
I defy our resident MAGA/Alt-Right mooks to post any laws or bills by the Dems that are EXACTLY or SIMILAR to the following GOP antics:

- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently blocked AP African American history from Florida high school curriculum, citing a 2022 law passed by the GOP-controlled legislature.

Since 2020, Republicans nationwide — fueled by former President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims about election fraud — have sought to increase barriers to voting. More than 3,600 election-related bills were introduced nationwide following the 2020 election, and 368 of them were enacted, according to the Voting Rights Lab, which tracks such legislation.

- In Mississippi, Republicans in the House voted to make a separate court system in the city of Jackson, the Blackest city in America, that would be entirely appointed by white state officials.

Nobody cares. Like AT ALL. Everyone sees through the leftwing bullshit now. You guys are going to have to get a lot more cunning and conniving. All the old tried and true cons you have been running forever are now failing. The far left leadership KNOWS this too which is why they are replacing YOU with white Hispanics. The proof is everywhere. They are throwing you away. Sadly you did this to yourself.
I defy our resident MAGA/Alt-Right mooks to post any laws or bills by the Dems that are EXACTLY or SIMILAR to the following GOP antics:

- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently blocked AP African American history from Florida high school curriculum, citing a 2022 law passed by the GOP-controlled legislature.

The racist TouchyLibtard likes promoting racial division and teaching Black children that they are the descendants of queers. Now for the truth ...

"Florida law requires public schools to teach students about the history of African Americans, including the “enslavement experience,” and steer them to develop an “understanding of the ramifications of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping on individual freedoms.” But the College Board lessons, according to DeSantis, are “pushing an agenda” on students.

“That’s the wrong side of the line for Florida standards. We believe in teaching kids facts and how to think, but we don’t believe they should have an agenda imposed on them,” DeSantis said Monday. “When you try to use Black history to shoehorn in queer theory, you are clearly trying to use that for political purposes.”

TouchyLibtard really hates School Choice for poor Black children.

As TL's racist mentor Biden said, "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". WTF? :palm:
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I defy our resident MAGA/Alt-Right mooks to post any laws or bills by the Dems that are EXACTLY or SIMILAR to the following GOP antics:

- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently blocked AP African American history from Florida high school curriculum, citing a 2022 law passed by the GOP-controlled legislature.

Since 2020, Republicans nationwide — fueled by former President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims about election fraud — have sought to increase barriers to voting. More than 3,600 election-related bills were introduced nationwide following the 2020 election, and 368 of them were enacted, according to the Voting Rights Lab, which tracks such legislation.

- In Mississippi, Republicans in the House voted to make a separate court system in the city of Jackson, the Blackest city in America, that would be entirely appointed by white state officials.

you won't find it......lib'ruls APPROVE of teaching lies......
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I defy our resident MAGA/Alt-Right mooks to post any laws or bills by the Dems that are EXACTLY or SIMILAR to the following GOP antics:

- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently blocked AP African American history from Florida high school curriculum, citing a 2022 law passed by the GOP-controlled legislature.

Since 2020, Republicans nationwide — fueled by former President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims about election fraud — have sought to increase barriers to voting. More than 3,600 election-related bills were introduced nationwide following the 2020 election, and 368 of them were enacted, according to the Voting Rights Lab, which tracks such legislation.

- In Mississippi, Republicans in the House voted to make a separate court system in the city of Jackson, the Blackest city in America, that would be entirely appointed by white state officials.

Nobody cares. Like AT ALL. Everyone sees through the leftwing bullshit now. You guys are going to have to get a lot more cunning and conniving. All the old tried and true cons you have been running forever are now failing. The far left leadership KNOWS this too which is why they are replacing YOU with white Hispanics. The proof is everywhere. They are throwing you away. Sadly you did this to yourself.

Your proud willful ignorance coupled with your insipid stubbornness and genuine troll like stupidity is truly a site to behold. That you cannot logically or factually point for point disprove what I posted just burns your butt to no end.

No wonder Trump loves to pander to willing door mats like's so easy.
