Black Americans flee the Democrat PLANTATION as Biden replaces them w/White Hispanics

He'll can only see through his point hood any information that feeds into his narrative that belittles black folk while ignoring/denying all else (i.e., the Southern Strategy and Nixon, Atwater).

You have absolutely ZERO evidence that Nixon campaigned on a Southern strategy. VP Nixon worked with MLK to pass the FIRST CRA, the 1957 CRA signed by Ike. During Pres. Nixon's first term, he fought hard to desegregate Southern schools and was resoundingly successful. Not a very good strategy if you want Klan votes. :palm:

Atwater was in High School when Nixon won in 68. Atwater psychologically speculated about 'secret' code words. He was wrong. Lower Taxes and States Rights are NOT bad for Black Americans.

With the overturning of Roe V. Wade, Red Black States have taken that opportunity to save 10's of thousands of innocent Black lives.
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This thread has been VERY satisfying, say the least. Idiots like GUNO have been crowing about white replacement for YEARS. You all know the routine,... act like its just some natural event in an attempt to come off as level headed and non racist but then add in a bunch of NA NA NA NA NA bullshit designed to inflame. Imagine his surprise when confronted with the fact that it was never about replacing Whites,....but instead about replacing people who look like HIM! Hispanics now dwarf the Black population in sheer numbers and those numbers only grow larger by the day. What is coming has been well earned by folks like him. He got PLAYED for a fool and used like a tool only to be cast aside like a dirty rag. In the end everybody ends up getting exactly what they deserve . ;) YOU did this to yourselves.
Reality Check:

Are Black Voters Really Leaving the Democratic Party?
Electoral capture is real.

Exit polls estimated that Trump received 12% of the Black vote in the 2020 election. A post-election Pew Research Center analysis found that he received 8%.

Trump says racist things about Black voters. Why are some defending him?

a lot can change in four years.

like it becoming obvious that the admin wants to replace americans of all types with cheaper foreign imports.

the fascist system, being controlled by management, doesn't care about the lives of labor.

there's nothing racial about it.
This thread has been VERY satisfying, say the least. Idiots like GUNO have been crowing about white replacement for YEARS. You all know the routine,... act like its just some natural event in an attempt to come off as level headed and non racist but then add in a bunch of NA NA NA NA NA bullshit designed to inflame. Imagine his surprise when confronted with the fact that it was never about replacing Whites,....but instead about replacing people who look like HIM! Hispanics now dwarf the Black population in sheer numbers and those numbers only grow larger by the day. What is coming has been well earned by folks like him. He got PLAYED for a fool and used like a tool only to be cast aside like a dirty rag. In the end everybody ends up getting exactly what they deserve . ;) YOU did this to yourselves.

THIS is the reason so many Blacks are now fleeing the proverbial plantation. They are WAKING UP to the fact that they have been played. Its all around them,....the evidence is clear, are being replaced. Join us now so TOGETHER we can get our country back on the right track so that peace and prosperity can be enjoyed by all of this country's people. Things are dire,.... but its not too late if we FINALLY have the fortitude to band together and make a choice NOW. You can continue to believe the "feel good" LIES or you can come to reality and win this fight once and for all. CHOOSE.......
And for the record, be clear,...I am actually very much FOR LEGAL CONTROLLED IMMIGRATION . Hispanics bring a ton of positives to our country. But it has to be legal, controlled, and with limits.
like the lib'rul in the first video who called the Asian American a "fucking immigrant".......

Of course :thup:

The white libs immediately attacked him for his skin color. And he let those racists know he was born in the great USA!

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This thread has been VERY satisfying, say the least. Idiots like GUNO have been crowing about white replacement for YEARS. You all know the routine,... act like its just some natural event in an attempt to come off as level headed and non racist but then add in a bunch of NA NA NA NA NA bullshit designed to inflame. Imagine his surprise when confronted with the fact that it was never about replacing Whites,....but instead about replacing people who look like HIM! Hispanics now dwarf the Black population in sheer numbers and those numbers only grow larger by the day. What is coming has been well earned by folks like him. He got PLAYED for a fool and used like a tool only to be cast aside like a dirty rag. In the end everybody ends up getting exactly what they deserve . ;) YOU did this to yourselves.

Oh Lower IQ pasty pig faced goy, the fastest growing mixed racial , like my family
Well earned nickname...just another charming example of why above;) People or families of mixed race...or biracial classification are proud of their ethnicity and ancestry and would never tolerate such revolting nastiness...and would condemn such remarks every...single...time...
Well earned nickname...just another charming example of why above;) People or families of mixed race...or biracial classification are proud of their ethnicity and ancestry and would never tolerate such revolting nastiness...and would condemn such remarks every...single...time...

Guess what? They might as well be because you are born that way. They had no choice in the matter. Although Democrats say it is never to late for an abortion.
No one is proud of or supports anyone who spews that kind of any dtranger...but especially to family members....if they say they are they're lying....
Talk about your Neo Lib replacement theory!

"What They're Not Telling You About The PANIC In The Media And The White House!"

By Barry Cunningham

There's a lot of truth in this. The best contrast was this week at a Democrat fund raiser for white leftist millionaires and billionaires raking in the wealthy cash while Trump kneeled in prayer with a slain cops' family and helping pay off his widow's mortgage.
Reality Check:

Are Black Voters Really Leaving the Democratic Party?
Electoral capture is real.

Exit polls estimated that Trump received 12% of the Black vote in the 2020 election. A post-election Pew Research Center analysis found that he received 8%.

Trump says racist things about Black voters. Why are some defending him?

We shall see. The panic amongst the loony left is all the evidence I need to know there is truth to this. But wallow in ignorance and delusion for all I care.

Guno צְבִי;5944758 said:
As a mixed racial person I can safely say you are a clueless cracka. You know nothing about the Black community but get your "info" from right-wing cracka sources

But you know? :laugh:

So why would blacks want to become poorer, more dependent on handouts and lied to? That's why they are getting from Biden and the Democrats. Who wants that? Other than race hustling morons like you?
These guys deny the political shift in parties in order to maintain their BS narrative. Typical MAGA m.o., lie, deny, deflect, attack, repeat.

November is going to be harsh for delusional, brain-dead leftist dumbasses like you. Perhaps this time, you pathetic pieces of human waste will self-deport to Socialist utopias like Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea.
I've said it before but it needs repeating.

African Americans who support Trump are tap dancing, watermelon-eating Uncle Toms,
generally despised by the ethnicity's respectable majority.

Leftists cannot help erupting like racist fools. Thank you for illustrating this so perfectly time and again.
The Republican House recently refused to vote on a bill to secure the border,
that which pachys claim to be the most important current issue.
I know that you know this.

What part of that bill "secured" the border, you halfwit? Biden can secure the border today just by enforcing our existing laws. We don't need any new laws that will make it easier for uneducated, undocumented economy seeking illegals.

White, black, brown, or whatever,
people who don't understand this CLEARLY
have no business being anywhere near a voting booth.

You just described yourself. Uneducated fools like you should be kept away from ballots.
What "switch" and what specific EO's are you referring to, my academic friend?

Do your own research you dimwitted hack. All Biden and Mayorkas have to do is enforce our current laws. But they refuse to. If you had a brain, you could comprehend the obvious instead of looking like a dumb hack peddling MSNBC malarky.