Black Americans flee the Democrat PLANTATION as Biden replaces them w/White Hispanics

Really? So Biden's reprehensible demagoguery and attempts to jail Trump are not a sign of panic? Moronic. :laugh:

No, they are signs of a grand jury indictment for 91 felonies. Were Republicans panicking when they had all those hearings for Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Alexander Mayorkas, border crisis, etc.

Nobody is panicking. They are all too busy trying to create dirt on their opponents.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
His willful blindness keeps him from seeing that black folk are well aware that the heroes of civil rights weren't always "pure as the driven snow". Case in point:

Why FDR Didn’t Support Eleanor Roosevelt’s Anti-Lynching Campaign
President Franklin D. Roosevelt feared losing Southern support for his New Deal legislation.

Talk about deceitful, Neo Lib WHITE WASHING. Calling THE KLAN ... Southern support. :palm:

Clearly, you are not Black and not aware, ... or just purposefully lying.

Trying to White wash, leftwing socialist FDR's pro lynching stance, and EXCUSE it because you can not justify it. :barf:

Racism has always been a leftwing socialist plank ... and still is today.

For the objective reader:

Dumb trolls like our Big MAGA Dog here just want attention to spew their parroted racist/bigoted propaganda. When proven wrong on one point, they just jump to another one with the frequency of a cheap ham radio. And note it's mostly jumbled sheet wearing sputtering, as if his opinion passes for historical fact.

The chronology of the posts shows how I dispose of this MAGA/Alt-right buffoon's babbling. He'll just do the SOS; lie, deny, dodge, attack, repeat ad nausea. Let's watch! :cof1:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
He'll can only see through his point hood any information that feeds into his narrative that belittles black folk while ignoring/denying all else (i.e., the Southern Strategy and Nixon, Atwater).

You have absolutely ZERO evidence that Nixon campaigned on a Southern strategy. VP Nixon worked with MLK to pass the FIRST CRA, the 1957 CRA signed by Ike. During Pres. Nixon's first term, he fought hard to desegregate Southern schools and was resoundingly successful. Not a very good strategy if you want Klan votes. :palm:

Atwater was in High School when Nixon won in 68. Atwater psychologically speculated about 'secret' code words. He was wrong. Lower Taxes and States Rights are NOT bad for Black Americans.

With the overturning of Roe V. Wade, Red Black States have taken that opportunity to save 10's of thousands of innocent Black lives.
For the objective reader:

As for the Southern Strategy, here's more for the Big Dumb Dog to be willfully ignorant about:

And in his latest dodge from conceding a point:

But the ever insipidly stubborn Big Dumb Maga Dog will run the gambit of talking points, NEVER acknowledging or conceding to facts that contradict his blather.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What "switch" and what specific EO's are you referring to, my academic friend?

Are we friends? Did you post under another name at one time? I don't recall examples of our friendship, academic or otherwise, but do remind me... ... the link you requested...

No, it was a sarcastic euphemism. You're not that sophisticated, are you?

No matter: the link you provided merely shows how Biden LEGALLY put forth orders to help the American people reeling from the pandemic....some of which REVERESED Dump's executive orders (of which you and your ilk had no problem with). Nothing "treasonous" about just don't like them out of knee jerk MAGA stupidity.
This thread has been VERY satisfying, say the least. Idiots like GUNO have been crowing about white replacement for YEARS. You all know the routine,... act like its just some natural event in an attempt to come off as level headed and non racist but then add in a bunch of NA NA NA NA NA bullshit designed to inflame. Imagine his surprise when confronted with the fact that it was never about replacing Whites,....but instead about replacing people who look like HIM! Hispanics now dwarf the Black population in sheer numbers and those numbers only grow larger by the day. What is coming has been well earned by folks like him. He got PLAYED for a fool and used like a tool only to be cast aside like a dirty rag. In the end everybody ends up getting exactly what they deserve . ;) YOU did this to yourselves.

Amazing how you look in the mirror when you type this revisionist, supposition & conjecture laden BS to seek confirmation/justification. You and the dumb trolls you circle jerk with STILL haven't learned that your opinion is NOT on par or a substitute for facts and the logic derived from said facts.

But do continue in your insipidly stubborn way...strangely entertaining.
THIS is the reason so many Blacks are now fleeing the proverbial plantation. They are WAKING UP to the fact that they have been played. Its all around them,....the evidence is clear, are being replaced. Join us now so TOGETHER we can get our country back on the right track so that peace and prosperity can be enjoyed by all of this country's people. Things are dire,.... but its not too late if we FINALLY have the fortitude to band together and make a choice NOW. You can continue to believe the "feel good" LIES or you can come to reality and win this fight once and for all. CHOOSE.......

That you're complementing your own BS should clue you in as to how pathetic you are in wanting attention/validation.
For the objective reader:

As for the Southern Strategy, here's more for the Big Dumb Dog to be willfully ignorant about:

And in his latest dodge from conceding a point:

But the ever insipidly stubborn Big Dumb Maga Dog will run the gambit of talking points, NEVER acknowledging or conceding to facts that contradict his blather.

Don't waste your time on TouchyLibtards clickbait. As usual, there is absolutely ZERO evidence of Nixon's Southern strategy Myth at his links ... which is why he can't post a Quote. :rofl2:
The NAACP estimates that between 1882 and 1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the U.S., and that the majority of the people killed in these lynchings were black. Members of Congress continued to sponsor anti-lynching legislation after FDR’s death in 1945, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. actually tried to pass anti-lynching laws several times in the ‘50s. But none made it through the Senate until Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Tim Scott sponsored an anti-lynching bill as the only black members of the 2018 Senate (it still needs to pass in the House and receive a presidential signature before it becomes law).

Hell, Truman was a former Klansman who desegregated the military. It is what it is. Black folk are pragmatic to a degree if anything else.

So let's watch our Big Dumb Dog continue barking the SOS, as he feels his consistent declaring that I'm not a black American is somehow justifying all his drivel. Strangely entertaining. ;)

You are so ignorant of Black history :palm:

Yes, almost half the people the KKK killed were republican Whites.

Now Democrat Blacks do the work of the Dem KKK, murdering over 10,000 Blacks every year. As if you White libs actually give a fuck.

The Great Migration began in 1910, and the KKK spread with it to the Northern and Western States.


Mapping the Second Ku Klux Klan, 1915-1940
Destroying another White lib myth.
Hell, Truman was a former Klansman who desegregated the military. It is what it is. Black folk are pragmatic to a degree if anything else.

Truman applied to the KKK in 1924 shortly after its rebirth in 1915 (thanks to Woodrow), but never participated.

Yes, Truman desegregated the military 2 months before the election.

So why was Truman able to defeat Biden's BFF, Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, even in the South?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Hell, Truman was a former Klansman who desegregated the military. It is what it is. Black folk are pragmatic to a degree if anything else.

Truman applied to the KKK in 1924 shortly after its rebirth in 1915 (thanks to Woodrow), but never participated.

Yes, Truman desegregated the military 2 months before the election.

So why was Truman able to defeat Biden's BFF, Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, even in the South?

The Big Dumb Dog dodges again! Here's an end to his bigoted BS that he'll lie and deny about:

And I've already deconstructed any future racist laden nonsense he'll run to:

Bark on, my Big Dumb Dog!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

The NAACP estimates that between 1882 and 1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the U.S., and that the majority of the people killed in these lynchings were black. Members of Congress continued to sponsor anti-lynching legislation after FDR’s death in 1945, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. actually tried to pass anti-lynching laws several times in the ‘50s. But none made it through the Senate until Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Tim Scott sponsored an anti-lynching bill as the only black members of the 2018 Senate (it still needs to pass in the House and receive a presidential signature before it becomes law).

Hell, Truman was a former Klansman who desegregated the military. It is what it is. Black folk are pragmatic to a degree if anything else.

So let's watch our Big Dumb Dog continue barking the SOS, as he feels his consistent declaring that I'm not a black American is somehow justifying all his drivel. Strangely entertaining.

You are so ignorant of Black history :palm:

Yes, almost half the people the KKK killed were republican Whites.

Now Democrat Blacks do the work of the Dem KKK, murdering over 10,000 Blacks every year. As if you White libs actually give a fuck.

The Great Migration began in 1910, and the KKK spread with it to the Northern and Western States.


Mapping the Second Ku Klux Klan, 1915-1940
Destroying another White lib myth.

Your revisionist rhetoric coupled with your supposition and conjecture only appeals to your fellow pointy hood wearers.

I deconstructed your original BS, as the chronology of the post shows. But rather than have the adult cojones to concede the point, you throw in the kitchen sink. Sorry toodles, but no matter how much you deny it, the Southern Strategy took place, flipping the sheet wearing Democrats to the GOP, and the freedom/equal justice Republicans to the Dems.

See genius, a LOT happens since your little map was drawn.

Now, do your usual dance of repeating yourself, creating all types of revisionist, opinion only scenarios, etc., like the barking MAGA mad Big Dumb Dog that you are.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
For the objective reader:

As for the Southern Strategy, here's more for the Big Dumb Dog to be willfully ignorant about:

And in his latest dodge from conceding a point:

But the ever insipidly stubborn Big Dumb Maga Dog will run the gambit of talking points, NEVER acknowledging or conceding to facts that contradict his blather.

Don't waste your time on TouchyLibtards clickbait. As usual, there is absolutely ZERO evidence of Nixon's Southern strategy Myth at his links ... which is why he can't post a Quote. :rofl2:

Since momma didn't teach you, I will: Denial is NOT disproval: You blow a lot of smoke, but you can't factually disprove or dismiss history:

Laugh, clown, laugh.
The Big Dumb Dog dodges again! Here's an end to his bigoted BS that he'll lie and deny about:

And I've already deconstructed any future racist laden nonsense he'll run to:

Bark on, my Big Dumb Dog!

Clickbait with no quotes. Typical of Touchy Libtard. You got nothing but your own racism and bigotry as you swing on white lib ball sacks.

Since Touchylibtard is afraid to answer the question, maybe another white lib can explain ...

why was Truman able to defeat Biden's BFF, Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, even in the South?
Last edited:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The Big Dumb Dog dodges again! Here's an end to his bigoted BS that he'll lie and deny about:

And I've already deconstructed any future racist laden nonsense he'll run to:

Bark on, my Big Dumb Dog!

Clickbait with no quotes. Typical of Touchy Libtard. You got nothing but your own racism and bigotry as you swing on white lib ball sacks.

Since Touchylibtard is afraid to answer the question, maybe another white lib can explain ...

why was Truman able to defeat Biden's BFF, Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, even in the South?

Only a complete MAGA moron who's limited mental state is exhausted would call a LINK to ANOTHER POST on this thread and a link to a site that gives a documented history on a subject (of which our Big Dumb Dog lies about) "clickbait". :palm: Had the doofus actually READ the information on the site linked, he'd have his answer. But of course, it's not the answer he wants, so he'll just lie and deny as he always does.

He's done, dear readers. When I reduced these sheet wearing simps to this level, my job is done and I leave them to stomp and fume their last predictable prattle ... that and follow me around like a bitch in heat.

And so it goes. ;)
Your revisionist rhetoric coupled with your supposition and conjecture only appeals to your fellow pointy hood wearers.

I deconstructed your original BS, as the chronology of the post shows. But rather than have the adult cojones to concede the point, you throw in the kitchen sink. Sorry toodles, but no matter how much you deny it, the Southern Strategy took place, flipping the sheet wearing Democrats to the GOP, and the freedom/equal justice Republicans to the Dems.

See genius, a LOT happens since your little map was drawn.

Now, do your usual dance of repeating yourself, creating all types of revisionist, opinion only scenarios, etc., like the barking MAGA mad Big Dumb Dog that you are.

Still can't post a quote from his source. :palm: I'm not going to go thru pages and pages to find it for you, you racist, bigoted, white lib POS.

Because there is no evidence for the Southern Strategy conspiracy theory.

All you have is psychological speculation about SECRET coded language. Which is bullshit. What's good for Whitey is good for Blacky.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your revisionist rhetoric coupled with your supposition and conjecture only appeals to your fellow pointy hood wearers.

I deconstructed your original BS, as the chronology of the post shows. But rather than have the adult cojones to concede the point, you throw in the kitchen sink. Sorry toodles, but no matter how much you deny it, the Southern Strategy took place, flipping the sheet wearing Democrats to the GOP, and the freedom/equal justice Republicans to the Dems.

See genius, a LOT happens since your little map was drawn.

Now, do your usual dance of repeating yourself, creating all types of revisionist, opinion only scenarios, etc., like the barking MAGA mad Big Dumb Dog that you are.

Still can't post a quote from his source. :palm: I'm not going to go thru pages and pages to find it for you, you racist, bigoted, white lib POS.

Because there is no evidence for the Southern Strategy conspiracy theory.

All you have is psychological speculation about SECRET coded language. Which is bullshit. What's good for Whitey is good for Blacky.

Check out his first sentence, dear readers. The Big Dumb Dog is proudly, stubbornly ignorant .... and he believes that is a rational defense for his racist rhetoric...denying that he is doing EXACTLY AS I SAID HE WOULD.

You see, bigoted trolls like our Big Dumb Dog are not really into a rational, fact based exchange. They just look for any excuse to repeat their dreck ad nausea, all the will making absurd and irrational accusations, dodges and such.

Once I've reduced these idiots to this repetitive level, I just dump them in the ignore bin for a month or so. They follow my posts and threads like a bitch in heat, having confidence from their circle jerk with fellow sheet wearers that they are triumphant in their 3rd rate propaganda. Pathetic.

Adios, my Big Dumb Dog. See you in a month or so.