Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

And you're a moron.

You’re a BIGGER moron, Na, Na, Na, Na ,Na!!!!!

An "unleveled playing field" exists. AA is a tool designed to "level" that "unleveled" playing field.

Once upon a time you could make that argument and it would be rational. Not any fucking more!!! How long does it take y’all blacks to take advantage of the so-called “level playing field????” You’ve had Affirmative Action for several generations now and only a minority of Y’all have taken advantage of it because you listen to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the other race-baiting blacks that want to keep you under their spell, in poverty and enslaved to government and the fucking Demo-rat’s social programs for votes scam by convincing you that your some kind of fucking victim that deserves reparations and whitey’s money.

Democrats are fighting to curb gun violence, and asking for simple "background checks", which the right objects to.

Fucking Demo-rats are fighting to disarm the population so when they revolt over the fucking bankruptcy that the Demo-rats are guaranteeing, it will be easier to control the minions.

Obviously, they must have something to "hide". Democrats see how many of the wealthy are able to use lawyers, loopholes in the law to get out of paying their fair share of taxes, which couldn't be more un-American.

If you had a fucking clue what you were talking about you’d know by now that the wealthiest among us no already pay a very “un-equal” share of the income taxes. The top 50% of wage earners in America pay “ALL” of the fucking income taxes and the top 1 % pay the most.
The Bush tax cuts was the equivalent of social welfare for the wealthy,

Again if you had a fucking clue what you were talking about and there were any truth to what you say, then you’d be able to explain how all of the Bush tax cuts got extended except for the top %. What the fuck did they “extend” if only the rich got Bush tax cuts? Oh! That’s right there’s no fucking way you can explain that, huh Goober?
“Equality?” Is that what you call what Democrats fight for? Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are.

Democrats fight for the inequality of “Affirmative Action.” Democrats fight for the inequality of taking law-abiding folks means of self-defense away from them and leaving criminals unequally better armed. Democrats fight for the inequality of progressive income tax brackets. Democrats fight for the socialist bribery scam of the black vote with social programs that keep blacks “enslaved” to a reliance on government and thereby unequal. Democrats are lower than whale shit!!!

Your perspective of the Left was clearly explained to you by Fox News. It's why I can't stand party people. They only get their information from their party and it makes them parrot off what they are told. If you want to actually learn politics, you have to dive into the Left, Right and Libertarians media's. Not just one.

"Affirmative Action" was made to force equality, though I think it's outdated and a proven failure.

You never could tell me where the Democrats are fighting to take all your guns, you just stated, "I know what they are really thinking" Just ignorance.

As far as taxes go, there would be no need for different tax brackets if pay equality was closer. But when the top wants to take millions and give the bottom pennies, the government decided it would force the top to pay for the bottoms well being or welfare. If the top made hundreds of thousands and the bottom made thousands, there would be no need for different tax brackets. Basic.

As far as bribing black voters into voting that is just ignorance Fox News taught you. Parrot.
what you would actually need to show is where in the constitution it gives ANY government entity the authority to regulate a naturally occurring weed or it's use. You can't, because it doesn't, therefore one could argue that there is no amendment needed to be shown in order to consume marijuana.

Tenth amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The constitution does not enumerate the rights of the people or the powers of the states. It enumerates the powers of the Federal government and list some powers that are prohibited to the states.

I would love for their to be a constitutional right to consume marijuana. But it does not exist, no matter how you read the constitution.

I can't believe discussion on the stupid OP is still going, but since it is I am going to go ahead and add my two cents.

Who uses the word in polite conversation? Comedians say it and I have heard white ones use it, Louis C.K. has a bit about it and the c word. South Park has alluded to it. Lisa Lampanelli used it. Comedians talk about lost of things that are not considered appropriate in most contexts but the good ones have learned how to do it without too much offense and their audience should be expected to know what they are going to get. You and Rush Limbaugh are not good comedians and nobody wants to hear you try out that kind of material. If your goal is to be a comedian, start with something easier and then work your way up.

The only other time you really hear it outside of comedy is by young black males who tend to be castigated as thugs for using that sort of language. I have seen some white guys that could pull it off in the same context and they are usually given negative labels as well. You are not going to hear Obama, Oprah or any professional black person throwing the n word around liberally. If they did it would not play well. So outside of comedians, no one can say it and avoid the baggage. If you are some old white dude or don't look the part of a thug you are pretty certain to get the racist label hung around your neck. So fucking what? Honestly, why do you need to use the word?
Tenth amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The constitution does not enumerate the rights of the people or the powers of the states. It enumerates the powers of the Federal government and list some powers that are prohibited to the states.

I would love for their to be a constitutional right to consume marijuana. But it does not exist, no matter how you read the constitution.
you did not answer the question. I asked you where the feds got their power to regulate a weed. you give me tenth amendment? the tenth amendment specifically states that powers NOT delegated to it feds by the states belong to the states or the people. so where is this power delegated at?
you did not answer the question. I asked you where the feds got their power to regulate a weed. you give me tenth amendment? the tenth amendment specifically states that powers NOT delegated to it feds by the states belong to the states or the people. so where is this power delegated at?

The feds don't have any such power. I already stated as much in the very next paragraph of the post to which you responded.

If you are going to argue the drug war is unconstitutional you would be better off to focus on the idea that the constitution gives the Feds no proper power to outlaw drugs. That's a big argument though and would require major changes in commerce clause interpretations that are unlikely. It also leaves states with the power to fight a drug war and the Feds could limit there focus to international and, actual, interstate trade.

... But you being a knee jerk reactionary moron dropped the context so you could pretend not to see it.
I can't believe discussion on the stupid OP is still going, but since it is I am going to go ahead and add my two cents.

Who uses the word in polite conversation? Comedians say it and I have heard white ones use it, Louis C.K. has a bit about it and the c word. South Park has alluded to it. Lisa Lampanelli used it. Comedians talk about lost of things that are not considered appropriate in most contexts but the good ones have learned how to do it without too much offense and their audience should be expected to know what they are going to get. You and Rush Limbaugh are not good comedians and nobody wants to hear you try out that kind of material. If your goal is to be a comedian, start with something easier and then work your way up.

The only other time you really hear it outside of comedy is by young black males who tend to be castigated as thugs for using that sort of language. I have seen some white guys that could pull it off in the same context and they are usually given negative labels as well. You are not going to hear Obama, Oprah or any professional black person throwing the n word around liberally. If they did it would not play well. So outside of comedians, no one can say it and avoid the baggage. If you are some old white dude or don't look the part of a thug you are pretty certain to get the racist label hung around your neck. So fucking what? Honestly, why do you need to use the word?

I like what you said there. I would add I had friends/classmates growing up that were white that grew up in rough minority (black) dominated neighborhoods in Oakland who used the n-word a lot and they were given a pass by black friends. They spoke as if they were black though they weren't speaking in derogatory terms against blacks. That's not to say all blacks would give them a pass but within their circle they were.

It's funny how I talk about the n*word way more on here than I do in the real world. In the real world it's never something that comes up.
you did not answer the question. I asked you where the feds got their power to regulate a weed. you give me tenth amendment? the tenth amendment specifically states that powers NOT delegated to it feds by the states belong to the states or the people. so where is this power delegated at?

Besides that (my previous response), it is not what you asked. You said...

what you would actually need to show is where in the constitution it gives ANY government entity the authority to regulate a naturally occurring weed or it's use.

Since I had already stated the constitution does not give the Feds a power to regulate/criminalize drugs, I assumed you meant to focus on the states. Anyone that is able to hold more than one idea in his head at a time (not you) would assume the same.
You’re a BIGGER moron, Na, Na, Na, Na ,Na!!!!!

Once upon a time you could make that argument and it would be rational. Not any fucking more!!! How long does it take y’all blacks to take advantage of the so-called “level playing field????” You’ve had Affirmative Action for several generations now and only a minority of Y’all have taken advantage of it because you listen to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the other race-baiting blacks that want to keep you under their spell, in poverty and enslaved to government and the fucking Demo-rat’s social programs for votes scam by convincing you that your some kind of fucking victim that deserves reparations and whitey’s money.

Fucking Demo-rats are fighting to disarm the population so when they revolt over the fucking bankruptcy that the Demo-rats are guaranteeing, it will be easier to control the minions.

If you had a fucking clue what you were talking about you’d know by now that the wealthiest among us no already pay a very “un-equal” share of the income taxes. The top 50% of wage earners in America pay “ALL” of the fucking income taxes and the top 1 % pay the most.

Again if you had a fucking clue what you were talking about and there were any truth to what you say, then you’d be able to explain how all of the Bush tax cuts got extended except for the top %. What the fuck did they “extend” if only the rich got Bush tax cuts? Oh! That’s right there’s no fucking way you can explain that, huh Goober?

So uneducated...

Here you are again stating the Left wants to disarm the population. And you won't be able to provide any proof of it. You should really drop that argument because you can't prove it. It's just what you are parroting from Fox News.

NRA gets 13+Million a year in donations from gun manufacturers. NRA tells everyone the Left wants to take your guns. The people buy like sheep. They bleed your pocket book and you defend them while hiding behind ammo crates with your guns waiting for the revolution like a tool.

It is what the Right Wing does. It's corporate controlled. Corporations tell the Right what to think and say. The Left isn't much different. But you can learn a lot about politics when you start watching what Corporations are donating to what party. Obama's biggest donors are; renewable energy, gays, and college. I bet you have noticed the wind mills, gay equality and college loan topics haven't you. It's just a good thing we didn't get stuck with Romneys donors. Military weapons, toxic dumping, big oil, coal (to prevent renewable energy takeover). Basics.
The feds don't have any such power. I already stated as much in the very next paragraph of the post to which you responded.

... But you being a knee jerk reactionary moron dropped the context so you could pretend not to see it.
my apologies for not being able to read your incomprehensible answer. Ok, so if you and I agree that the feds have no power, where are you finding that the states have such power? the only power that the states have would be in their own constitutions, would they not?
Can you imagine what the uproar would be if whites had a “National Association For The Advancement Of White Folks?” How about a “Congressional WHITE Caucus?” How about a “National Caucasian College Fund?”

Wonder if there will be “Affirmative Action” for White men by 2045 when white men become America’s minority?

That bothers you doesn't it? The idea that white people may become the minority. Scares you, huh? That we may not be the top of the food chain anymore.

Once Conservatives....excuse me....classical liberals are the biggest bunch of pussies in the country. You're scared of everything....the extremely rare home invasions to justify you hoarding guns and not wanting background checks.....your fear that the "queer" is going to try to come on to you and if they are legitimized, that they will turn straight people gay. Your fear of other religions based on the actions of a small percentage.of them.

Your whole ideology is based on stink of it....the fetched odor of fear.
That bothers you doesn't it? The idea that white people may become the minority. Scares you, huh? That we may not be the top of the food chain anymore.

Once Conservatives....excuse me....classical liberals are the biggest bunch of pussies in the country. You're scared of everything....the extremely rare home invasions to justify you hoarding guns and not wanting background checks.....your fear that the "queer" is going to try to come on to you and if they are legitimized, that they will turn straight people gay. Your fear of other religions based on the actions of a small percentage.of them.

Your whole ideology is based on stink of it....the fetched odor of fear.
when you say that you choose not to live your life in fear, we call it 'living in ignorance'. just sayin
my apologies for not being able to read your incomprehensible answer. Ok, so if you and I agree that the feds have no power, where are you finding that the states have such power? the only power that the states have would be in their own constitutions, would they not?

There was nothing incomprehensible about my comments. You just have trouble maintaining context, as you are an addle minded moron. You have done it again here.

Certainly, you could argue that state level prohibition of marijuana might violate a state constitution. That is not what we were discussing. We were discussing whether it violates THE Constitution which is commonly understood to be the federal one.
You’re a BIGGER moron, Na, Na, Na, Na ,Na!!!!!

Once upon a time you could make that argument and it would be rational. Not any fucking more!!! How long does it take y’all blacks to take advantage of the so-called “level playing field????” You’ve had Affirmative Action for several generations now and only a minority of Y’all have taken advantage of it because you listen to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the other race-baiting blacks that want to keep you under their spell, in poverty and enslaved to government and the fucking Demo-rat’s social programs for votes scam by convincing you that your some kind of fucking victim that deserves reparations and whitey’s money.

No, darling. AA keeps white employers accountable and deters them from using "favoritism", "nepotism" and "cronyism" to keep their workplaces "lily white". You really must think that all black people are uneducated, unsuccessful and so "weak-minded" and uninformed that we have to rely on Sharpton, Jackson and what you call "other race-baiting blacks" to do our thinking for us. That is a myth, and a Fox News promoted right wing nut "talking point". Enslaved to the government? Aren't you, looking for your income tax return, every February? Aren't you, if you're impacted by a natural disaster, with your hand out , expecting FEMA monies to rescue your ass?
And what fucking social programs are you referring to, "specifically"? Because I don't know what you mean. And you can keep your stinking reparation money as I reject the notion, out of hand. There isn't enough gold in Fort Knox to satisfy the debt owed, so I forgive it. And your white ass doesn't have any monies, to speak of, because if you did, your ass wouldn't be on this forum.

Fucking Demo-rats are fighting to disarm the population so when they revolt over the fucking bankruptcy that the Demo-rats are guaranteeing, it will be easier to control the minions.

No, you stupid bitch. The fucking Democrats are calling for common sense and sanity, and demanding that background checks be the litmus test for gun ownership, and that assault weaponry be banned, across the board, since they are not needed for hunting or self defense. Easier to control? Oh, you mean like Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Okla. City. Damn straight.

If you had a fucking clue what you were talking about you’d know by now that the wealthiest among us no already pay a very “un-equal” share of the income taxes. The top 50% of wage earners in America pay “ALL” of the fucking income taxes and the top 1 % pay the most.

Prove it.

Again if you had a fucking clue what you were talking about and there were any truth to what you say, then you’d be able to explain how all of the Bush tax cuts got extended except for the top %. What the fuck did they “extend” if only the rich got Bush tax cuts? Oh! That’s right there’s no fucking way you can explain that, huh Goober?
Your mother's name is Goober.
I’m surely a “liberal” of the most “classical” kind. I promote the preservation, protection and the defense of the so very, very LIBERAL” Bill Of Rights.

You fucking arguments are totally lacking in specifics, rationality and sanity. If your best argument is nothing more than fucking personal insults you’re nothing more than an intellectual midget. Personal insults are only valid when accompanied by rational. Specific, sane, arguments.

Really? Read this. All of it. If you can't, I understand that it may be due to you being an intellectual midget.