Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

That bothers you doesn't it? The idea that white people may become the minority. Scares you, huh? That we may not be the top of the food chain anymore.

Once Conservatives....excuse me....classical liberals are the biggest bunch of pussies in the country. You're scared of everything....the extremely rare home invasions to justify you hoarding guns and not wanting background checks.....your fear that the "queer" is going to try to come on to you and if they are legitimized, that they will turn straight people gay. Your fear of other religions based on the actions of a small percentage.of them.

Your whole ideology is based on stink of it....the fetched odor of fear.


Nailed it.
I never bullshit. Don't attempt to twist my words, you POS.

I wouldn't have to if you just spoke plainly. Here I will make it simple for you, do you or don't carry acid around with you and I don't mean bile as we all know that you've plenty of that??
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I wouldn't have to if you just spoke plainly. Here I will make it simple for you, do you or don't carry acid around with you and I don't mean bile as we all know that you've plenty of that??
Why don't you come across the pond, and meet me at Hobby Airport and find out. You remind me of the street urchins found in Oliver Twist.
And you're a moron. An "unleveled playing field" exists. AA is a tool designed to "level" that "unleveled" playing field. Democrats are fighting to curb gun violence, and asking for simple "background checks", which the right objects to. Obviously, they must have something to "hide". Democrats see how many of the wealthy are able to use lawyers, loopholes in the law to get out of paying their fair share of taxes, which couldn't be more un-American.
And Clinton all but ended welfare for blacks, during his first term in office. Blacks vote Democratic because their interests are best served there. Whites vote Republican because their interests are best served there. Duh. The Bush tax cuts was the equivalent of social welfare for the wealthy, and a reliance on the government to implement it.
Under whale shit, is the shit of the bottom feeders....and underneath that would be Republicans.

I posted this on my Facebook page, and got kudos galore.
Without reading any of the thread. Yes, black people can use the n-word and whites cannot without some heavier consequences than the black person who would have. This is neither surprising, nor even unjustifiable. I don't understand why anybody would be upset over it. Just don't use the word if you aren't willing to face the consequences of your action. It certainly isn't illegal to use.
So uneducated...

You surely are Goober!

Here you are again stating the Left wants to disarm the population. And you won't be able to provide any proof of it. You should really drop that argument because you can't prove it. It's just what you are parroting from Fox News.

But the proof has been right under your nose your whole life Goober. 22 thousand gun laws all provided by left-pea-brained authoritarians like you Goober. They even were successful in Washington D. C. to ban guns until the city got sued in the courts and had to allow citizens their second amendment rights. Was the city of Washington D. C. ever run by anybody but the left in your lifetime Goober?

NRA gets 13+Million a year in donations from gun manufacturers. NRA tells everyone the Left wants to take your guns. The people buy like sheep. They bleed your pocket book and you defend them while hiding behind ammo crates with your guns waiting for the revolution like a tool.

Would you expect gun manufactures to donate to the Obama campaign and the fucking Democrat Party Goober?

The NRA protects my Second Amendment rights Goober, actually they’re MY tool and I’m a proud buyer of their tools and their membership. What constitutional right of yours is your BIG fucking government providing for you Goober?

It is what the Right Wing does. It's corporate controlled. Corporations tell the Right what to think and say. The Left isn't much different. But you can learn a lot about politics when you start watching what Corporations are donating to what party. Obama's biggest donors are; renewable energy, gays, and college. I bet you have noticed the wind mills, gay equality and college loan topics haven't you. It's just a good thing we didn't get stuck with Romneys donors. Military weapons, toxic dumping, big oil, coal (to prevent renewable energy takeover). Basics.

Yeah! That’s why the fucking Obama campaign got the MOST money from Wall Street in the last 2 elections Goober. Look it up you under-educated twerp!!!
I am not a supporter of using any racial slurs against any race -- even IF you said the slur to somebody of YOUR race in a 'playful fashion'.
I don't care, it is disrespectful, derogatory, and you cant get lower than that.
I don't support any usage of words like "chink", "nigger", "fag", "cracker", or "kike", or "spic", things like that.
I see many blacks calling whites crackers and thinking it is ok to do so, when if a white man calls a black the N word, he gets a bullet right through his skull. With that being said, it still is not A-OK to think you can call someone a bad word because they called you a bad word.