Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

So you think laws outlawing drugs constitute a search? Are you kidding? That's ridiculously absurd. If you don't want to come off like a complete moron (and I find that somewhat doubtful) in future discussions of this I would suggest you go 1 amendment higher.

That’s your moronic interpretation, not mine.

The 4th amendment guarantees the right of “personal security.” Personal security includes a person’s unalienable right to do whatever the fuck they want with WITH THEIR OWN BODY Moron!!!

The 9th amendment was intended to protect certain common law rights, like the right to marry or enter into a contract, that preexisted the constitution.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! We hear all the time about the “intentions” of particular amendments and articles. All of that horseshit is purely irrelevant and simply fraudulent tactics used by crooked bastards to attempt perversions of the Constitution. Words say what they say and if they don’t mean something then an explanation must be included to the text excluding particular possible interpretations not intended.

The 9th amendment guarantees the people have every right they choose for themselves and the only possible disclaimer to that would be ”as long as they don’t violate any right of anybody else.”

It's a huge stretch to argue the 5th, 9th or 14th gives one a constitutionally protected right to consume marijuana.

If you are going to argue the drug war is unconstitutional you would be better off to focus on the idea that the constitution gives the Feds no proper power to outlaw drugs. That's a big argument though and would require major changes in commerce clause interpretations that are unlikely. It also leaves states with the power to fight a drug war and the Feds could limit there focus to international and, actual, interstate trade.

Again, this is besides the point that the drug war disproportionately impacts blacks and I see you evaded all of my other points on why whining about the NAACP and other groups is stupid.

OK! So you can explain why you ignored my challenge for you to explain why the federal government in 1919 determined they needed the 18th amendment for the prohibition of alcohol but Richard (tricky Dick) Nixon never even attempted an amendment to prohibit some drugs.

Then when you’ve taken that on you can provide the amendment or article in the Constitution that actually gives the feds the authority to institute a fucking drug war.

As for why the Drug War effects blacks more than other races, that’s arguable and if it has any real merit, it’s likely because more blacks are actually dealing in illegal drugs because there are more black gangs than other races.
“Equality?” Is that what you call what Democrats fight for? Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are.

Democrats fight for the inequality of “Affirmative Action.” Democrats fight for the inequality of taking law-abiding folks means of self-defense away from them and leaving criminals unequally better armed. Democrats fight for the inequality of progressive income tax brackets. Democrats fight for the socialist bribery scam of the black vote with social programs that keep blacks “enslaved” to a reliance on government and thereby unequal. Democrats are lower than whale shit!!!

And you're a moron. An "unleveled playing field" exists. AA is a tool designed to "level" that "unleveled" playing field. Democrats are fighting to curb gun violence, and asking for simple "background checks", which the right objects to. Obviously, they must have something to "hide". Democrats see how many of the wealthy are able to use lawyers, loopholes in the law to get out of paying their fair share of taxes, which couldn't be more un-American.
And Clinton all but ended welfare for blacks, during his first term in office. Blacks vote Democratic because their interests are best served there. Whites vote Republican because their interests are best served there. Duh. The Bush tax cuts was the equivalent of social welfare for the wealthy, and a reliance on the government to implement it.
Under whale shit, is the shit of the bottom feeders....and underneath that would be Republicans.
It's a huge stretch to argue the 5th, 9th or 14th gives one a constitutionally protected right to consume marijuana.
what you would actually need to show is where in the constitution it gives ANY government entity the authority to regulate a naturally occurring weed or it's use. You can't, because it doesn't, therefore one could argue that there is no amendment needed to be shown in order to consume marijuana.
And you're a moron. An "unleveled playing field" exists. AA is a tool designed to "level" that "unleveled" playing field. Democrats are fighting to curb gun violence, and asking for simple "background checks", which the right objects to. Obviously, they must have something to "hide". Democrats see how many of the wealthy are able to use lawyers, loopholes in the law to get out of paying their fair share of taxes, which couldn't be more un-American.
And Clinton all but ended welfare for blacks, during his first term in office. Blacks vote Democratic because their interests are best served there. Whites vote Republican because their interests are best served there. Duh. The Bush tax cuts was the equivalent of social welfare for the wealthy, and a reliance on the government to implement it.
Under whale shit, is the shit of the bottom feeders....and underneath that would be Republicans.

Final proof that you are unbalanced. Why would anybody do that when you could carry a taser? It is plainy obvious that you have psychiatric problems.

It's too bad that you are too stupid to detect bluster and hyperbole, in order to stress a point, and to point out the absurdity in another's post. You, yourself are way too many things; too many to list here, but suffice to say, I don't give a rat's booty, what you think of me, because your opinion counts for and as "nothing". You are full of yourself, and yourself, is the worst of humanity, you arrogant SOB.
It's too bad that you are too stupid to detect bluster and hyperbole, in order to stress a point, and to point out the absurdity in another's post. You, yourself are way too many things; too many to list here, but suffice to say, I don't give a rat's booty, what you think of me, because your opinion counts for and as "nothing". You are full of yourself, and yourself, is the worst of humanity, you arrogant SOB.
racist irony
What a crock.....poor folk in poor sections of our country (no matter what race they are) lack the same(EQUAL) access to education, jobs and the American Dream.

You think it's "unequal" to give those people a helping hand.

I'll tell you what....when the day comes that we ALL start out on the ground floor, I'll gladly get rid of affirmative action and drastically scale down the welfare system. But as long as this country is one where it depends on who's crotch you were pulled out of....where some have all the access to information and the best teachers in the world that they could ever hope for, and that access and quality of education drops as one's socioeconomic status drops.....I say fuck you.

Understand that the whole world of the neanderthals is crashing down to its final conclusion.

I mean, what's the world coming to when a fine southern belle like Paula can't even mention nigxxx without everybody having something negative to say about it .. then her having to watch her empire implode right before her crystal blue eyes.

Gays are now supposed to be considered people .. with the same rights as good straight white people? C'mon, what the fuck?

Marriage is no longer defined solely by the Almighty?

WHAT? More nonwhite babies born in America than WHITE ONES .. Aww, hell no.

Mixed-race marriages are exploding in the land of my grandpappy? You mean there are TV commercials that show a black man, a white woman and their child as if that shit should be consider OK????

I can't take anymore .. I CAN'T TAKE IT


Almost makes one feel sorry for the dumb motherfuckers ..

.. almost. :0)
And you're a moron. An "unleveled playing field" exists. AA is a tool designed to "level" that "unleveled" playing field. Democrats are fighting to curb gun violence, and asking for simple "background checks", which the right objects to. Obviously, they must have something to "hide". Democrats see how many of the wealthy are able to use lawyers, loopholes in the law to get out of paying their fair share of taxes, which couldn't be more un-American.
And Clinton all but ended welfare for blacks, during his first term in office. Blacks vote Democratic because their interests are best served there. Whites vote Republican because their interests are best served there. Duh. The Bush tax cuts was the equivalent of social welfare for the wealthy, and a reliance on the government to implement it.
Under whale shit, is the shit of the bottom feeders....and underneath that would be Republicans.

The beauty of that conversation is that moron actually believes itself to be intelligent. :0)

Everything you're saying is going right over its head. It's stuck somewhere between 1840 and 1945.

Sweet :0)
DS, just stick to white ethnic slurs like I do. They're the best.
I have an ethnic Italian friend, I told him a string of Italian jokes and he didn't crack a smile. So I switched over to Irish jokes and he laughed like hell. Some people are funny that way.

*no offense but that is the only praise you will get*

Blacks can say a word, but whites cant. It's the basic rubber band effect. Blacks still think it's ok because they have some power now, but it's not. They were never exposed to politics, because they were black. But equality is equality. If they can use the term, everyone can. That is what equality is and what the Left fights for.

And to my knowledge, the term "N"bomb means "uneducated" since the slaves were uneducated.

But as far as Paula Deen calling the actors "nigs" in her reenactment of a slave day feast? I'm pretty sure it would take an uneducated American to fight for this to be ok. The theme was "Plantation". It's just ignorance and I love to expose the turds that haven't accepted that blacks are just as important as them.

Or maybe you can tell me why a black is less important than you. Maybe that could clear things up for me...

"Black" isn't less important to me. White, black, red, yellow; it's all unimportant.
What a crock.....poor folk in poor sections of our country (no matter what race they are) lack the same(EQUAL) access to education, jobs and the American Dream.

You think it's "unequal" to give those people a helping hand.

I'll tell you what....when the day comes that we ALL start out on the ground floor, I'll gladly get rid of affirmative action and drastically scale down the welfare system. But as long as this country is one where it depends on who's crotch you were pulled out of....where some have all the access to information and the best teachers in the world that they could ever hope for, and that access and quality of education drops as one's socioeconomic status drops.....I say fuck you.

So you're for a school voucher system, right?
now you know that the libs cannot deal with that. you HAVE to be racist, otherwise they couldn't push their agenda of divisive hatred.
My friend they hate the shit out of that. They call a statement like that racist because it's "insensitive" to minorities. Damn straight I'm insensitive. I always have been. I don't give a fuck what color you are, or what side of the tracks you hail from, you ain't no different than me.
It's too bad that you are too stupid to detect bluster and hyperbole, in order to stress a point, and to point out the absurdity in another's post. You, yourself are way too many things; too many to list here, but suffice to say, I don't give a rat's booty, what you think of me, because your opinion counts for and as "nothing". You are full of yourself, and yourself, is the worst of humanity, you arrogant SOB.

So now you are saying that you were just bullshitting.
So Poet's a liar. He carries spare tampons in his purse instead. Or maybe the "acid" is just vinegar he uses when he douches.
What a crock.....poor folk in poor sections of our country (no matter what race they are) lack the same(EQUAL) access to education, jobs and the American Dream.

How the fuck can that be????? Y’all fucking bleeding heart leftist morons have spent billions upon billions of $ of other people’s money on fucking socialist programs and even passed laws requiring quotas for your slaves to be enrolled in the highest places of learning and even go to the head of the line for jobs.

You think it's "unequal" to give those people a helping hand.

NO! I think it’s Godly to voluntarily give other folks a helping hand. But I also think it’s a fucking vote buying scam when politicians forcefully extort folks for the fruits of their labors and use the proceeds thereof to create vote buying socialist programs for folks that either don’t know any better or are too fucking lazy to get off of their asses and pursue the American Dream.

I'll tell you what....when the day comes that we ALL start out on the ground floor, I'll gladly get rid of affirmative action and drastically scale down the welfare system.

Horseshit!! We’re all born naked and free and equal in the eyes of our creator. It’s only when people form governments and exhibit their authoritarian genomes that we remain naked, enslaved to BIG fucking government and in an endless fight to retain our freedom.

But as long as this country is one where it depends on who's crotch you were pulled out of....where some have all the access to information and the best teachers in the world that they could ever hope for, and that access and quality of education drops as one's socioeconomic status drops.....I say fuck you.

Yeah right!!! History is full of self-made successful folks and the vast, vast majority of them reside and resided right here in America. The difference between them and y’all fucking ”Self-Made Victims is they didn’t believe the horseshit that they were victims. They found a way to educate themselves and or invent something, or work long and hard hours and save and invest and start a business and innovate, be self-reliant and self-motivated. Lots of them came from the bottom of the heap. I say “fuck all of the self-made victims and the politically correct bastards they sleep with!”
there is nothing about you that is classic or liberal. You're a joke.

I’m surely a “liberal” of the most “classical” kind. I promote the preservation, protection and the defense of the so very, very LIBERAL” Bill Of Rights.

You fucking arguments are totally lacking in specifics, rationality and sanity. If your best argument is nothing more than fucking personal insults you’re nothing more than an intellectual midget. Personal insults are only valid when accompanied by rational. Specific, sane, arguments.