Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

I dont know anything about that lady.

I dont care if she leaves the party or not.

Hell I have no idea how she votes.

Now since its the republican party that has a race problem and not the dem party why should the dems need to purge ?

She a Democrat, remember the one's you said can't be racist?

You hate the Republican Party, you don't want them to win so quit pretending like you do. Get off your moral high horse you are on by claiming everyone but yourself is a racist.
the demographics are clear.

the repubulican party can not attract the votes of people of color.

but you just keep pretending that is not true

but people of color who vote Republican aren't really people of color are they? They're just sell-outs, Uncle Toms, oreo's, bananas and whatever other racial slur you come up with.
dude the dems dont have a problem with race.

they are not the party in need of a purge to correct their image.

The republican party is seen as the racist party by most people of color in this country
but people of color who vote Republican aren't really people of color are they? They're just sell-outs, Uncle Toms, oreo's, bananas and whatever other racial slur you come up with.

yes because they are willing to tap dance for the racist party
yes because they are willing to tap dance for the racist party


Why don't you share with us all you do personally for the black community Desh whether it's donating money to specific causes or volunteering your time in the community. It might be a lesson for people like me who supposedly "hate black people from the bottom of my (our) soul". (I assume I hate Hispanics and Asians in your mind too)
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Near 50 fucking years ago.

Now days half of the cops are black and most of the crime is black on black crime.

The fucking War On Drugs is unconstitutional and every race has been negatively affected by it.

White kids were killed in the south for marching with the blacks and thousands of whites died in a bloody civil war to free the blacks. Get the fuck over it!!!!!

Do you have something to support the assertion that MOST crime is black on black crime? Are you just basing that on your assumptions?

On what basis does the drug war violate the constitution? I think the war on drugs violates the spirit of the constitution, but you would have a very rough time trying to prove that it violates the letter.

Yes, all races are harmed by the drug war. That is beside the point that blacks are harmed disproportionately, which has a lot to do with why the harms of the drug war have been ignored.

The NAACP offered support and defense of the "white kids" who marched for blacks in the south and for other whites supporting equality, e.g., Loving. Acting the part of an ignorant blowhard is not a substitute for an argument.

Why did you ignore the point about religious organizations (this could apply to atheist organizations, as well)? Are they as wrong as the NAACP?

Special interest groups are a part of Democracy. African Americans have a special interest in combating discrimination. There are special interest groups opposed to affirmative action. But it is hard to imagine how white people, in general, could have a special interest besides supporting discrimination. What would it be?
dude the dems dont have a problem with race.

they are not the party in need of a purge to correct their image.

The republican party is seen as the racist party by most people of color in this country

Because your Party has lied about Republicans for decades and many folks are dumb enough to believe them.
"You're white? Don't use the friggin' word. Ever."

That's good advice .. just as, You're black? Don't use 'redneck' ever .. regardless of how much white people use it.

It's pretty much the same truth for all races.

I don't agree. "Redneck" doesn't have the same effect, because us redneck, honkies and crackers were never officially oppressed.
Classic republican rationale:

Democrats been lyin' to dem neeegroes fo' fitty years and deys just too dumb to figger out deys been lied to.

You can't make this shit up. And they wonder why blacks in America overwhelmingly continue to support the democratic party!

On what basis does the drug war violate the constitution? I think the war on drugs violates the spirit of the constitution, but you would have a very rough time trying to prove that it violates the letter.

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” (Amendment 4, United States Constitution)

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”(Amendment 9, United States Constitution)

If the Drug War doesn’t violate the letter of the Constitution, then explain why in 1919 the federal government found it necessary to pass and have ratified the 18th Amendment to the Constitution “the prohibition of alcohol” yet no such amendment was ever even sought to establish Richard Nixon’s fucking Drug War.
I don't agree. "Redneck" doesn't have the same effect, because us redneck, honkies and crackers were never officially oppressed.

I agree with that too .. but it's still inappropriate for us to call white people rednecks, honkies, and crackers even if they do.
Classic republican rationale:

Democrats been lyin' to dem neeegroes fo' fitty years and deys just too dumb to figger out deys been lied to.

You can't make this shit up. And they wonder why blacks in America overwhelmingly continue to support the democratic party!


Who’s wondering???? It’s not exactly a secret that the fucking Democrats have successfully convinced the vast majority of blacks that they’re VICTIMS of Evil Whitey and all evil whites are Republicans except for Paula Dean and that blacks are entitled to being financially supported by white taxpayers. Then the Democrats have their token hero blacks Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson who work the black neighborhoods with their race baiting rhetoric.

There’s no wonder in my world why stupid blacks are bribed and brainwashed by the Democrats and vote likewise.
Who’s wondering???? It’s not exactly a secret that the fucking Democrats have successfully convinced the vast majority of blacks that they’re VICTIMS of Evil Whitey and all evil whites are Republicans except for Paula Dean and that blacks are entitled to being financially supported by white taxpayers. Then the Democrats have their token hero blacks Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson who work the black neighborhoods with their race baiting rhetoric.

There’s no wonder in my world why stupid blacks are bribed and brainwashed by the Democrats and vote likewise.

Your stupid is indeed exceptional. :0) and very entertaining.
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” (Amendment 4, United States Constitution)

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”(Amendment 9, United States Constitution)

If the Drug War doesn’t violate the letter of the Constitution, then explain why in 1919 the federal government found it necessary to pass and have ratified the 18th Amendment to the Constitution “the prohibition of alcohol” yet no such amendment was ever even sought to establish Richard Nixon’s fucking Drug War.

So you think laws outlawing drugs constitute a search? Are you kidding? That's ridiculously absurd. If you don't want to come off like a complete moron (and I find that somewhat doubtful) in future discussions of this I would suggest you go 1 amendment higher.

The 9th amendment was intended to protect certain common law rights, like the right to marry or enter into a contract, that preexisted the constitution.

It's a huge stretch to argue the 5th, 9th or 14th gives one a constitutionally protected right to consume marijuana.

If you are going to argue the drug war is unconstitutional you would be better off to focus on the idea that the constitution gives the Feds no proper power to outlaw drugs. That's a big argument though and would require major changes in commerce clause interpretations that are unlikely. It also leaves states with the power to fight a drug war and the Feds could limit there focus to international and, actual, interstate trade.

Again, this is besides the point that the drug war disproportionately impacts blacks and I see you evaded all of my other points on why whining about the NAACP and other groups is stupid.
Classic republican rationale:

Democrats been lyin' to dem neeegroes fo' fitty years and deys just too dumb to figger out deys been lied to.

You can't make this shit up. And they wonder why blacks in America overwhelmingly continue to support the democratic party

We've been over this dozens of times before. You continuing with the lie is just more evidence to prove my assertion.

Again: any group that you grant special privileges is bound to support you. That's how Democrats control the unions and the gays as well.

The Democrat Party has always treated blacks special, from slavery, segregation, terrorist intimidation, and now affirmative action forever.
Yes, they would .. and Sharpton would be looking for another job.
Here's Al in 1994, a speech at Kean College: America’s founders consisted of “the worst criminals, the rejects they sent from Europe and sent them to the colonies.” “So [if] some cracker,” he continued, “come and tell you ‘Well my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,’ you better hold you pocket. That ain’t nothing to be proud of, that means their forefathers was crooks.”
Here's Al in 1994, a speech at Kean College: America’s founders consisted of “the worst criminals, the rejects they sent from Europe and sent them to the colonies.” “So [if] some cracker,” he continued, “come and tell you ‘Well my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,’ you better hold you pocket. That ain’t nothing to be proud of, that means their forefathers was crooks.”

You have me at a disadvantage brother. I am NOT a fan of Sharpton .. thus the disadvantage is that I don't want to try to defend him .. although that comment is indefensible.

I remember the comment .. and I remember the backlash he got from black people like me for making it.