Blame Congress for Inflation

Age: 31
Vice President of a Construction Lending Bank. $80,000,000 line
Licensed Home Builder in Minnesota
Degree in Economics - U of M

Even Keynes believed that the Quanity Theory of Money was true in the long run thus his famous quote:

"In the long run we're all dead".

You guys are out of your league. The rise in energy is mainly money inflation since 2001. Without that we wouldn't be in this situation. I thought you two were smarter than the general public I guess not.

"Half the price of gas is inflation and the speculation inflation creates"

Steve Forbes on too low of Fed Funds rates.

Now tell me how that is different than what you stated above. You twit.
lorax at least the VP makes an attempt you just act like a door to door software saleman. Meaning you don't know enough business to work in a real office.

Top, nobody sells software door-to-door. When was the last time someone knocked on your door and asked you if you wanted to buy software?
Language lesson for Superfreak:

Often, definition of words include a cause. For instance, "murdered" and "killed" both are descriptive of a dead person, however, they vary based depending on the cause that put them in the dead state. "Murdered" is similar to "killed" but is further refined by including a CAUSE as part of the definition. We say someone is "murdered" when they are put into a state of being dead intentionally by another person. It's the same thing with "inflation". Yes, it is a price increase, but the definition includes a cause with it like "murder" does. Inflation is specifically price increase DUE TO MONETARY SUPPLY. There may be also components of the price increase that are supply/demand related, but those components are not "inflation", as it is defined in the field of economics.

again you twit.... only a pure monetarist would claim that inflation is specifically price increase due to monetary supply. Stating your bullshit over and over again is not going to change that. As defined in economics inflation is a general increase in the prices of a basket of goods. It is NOT (unless you are a blind monetarist disciple) purely the portion of price increase due to monetary policies.
dhula, not only do you not understand business. You don't understan male slams.
Stick to your blue light specials and decorating your moblile home.
Top, nobody sells software door-to-door. When was the last time someone knocked on your door and asked you if you wanted to buy software?

I mean, I’m right aren’t I? You don’t actually sell software door-to-door, do you Onceler? Because if I’m wrong, I actually am looking for some upgrades, if you would want to come over and show me what you carry?
Age: 31
Vice President of a Construction Lending Bank. $80,000,000 line
Licensed Home Builder in Minnesota
Degree in Economics - U of M

Even Keynes believed that the Quanity Theory of Money was true in the long run thus his famous quote:

"In the long run we're all dead".

You guys are out of your league. The rise in energy is mainly money inflation since 2001. Without that we wouldn't be in this situation. I thought you two were smarter than the general public I guess not.

"Half the price of gas is inflation and the speculation inflation creates"

Steve Forbes on too low of Fed Funds rates.

Now, again, do explain this.... if the rise in energy is MAINLY due to deflation in the dollar (caused by loose policy as you correctly stated) WHAT is the remainder of the rise due to?????
dhula, not only do you not understand business. You don't understan male slams.
Stick to your blue light specials and decorating your moblile home.

Tops, your insults are stupid; there is nothing there to "understand." They are the incoherent mumblings of someone with incredibly poor communication skills.

I don't know why a bra-wearing girlie-girl like yourself would know about "male slams," anyway...
Oncelor your such a puss, your post on the manly topics of business and economics sound exactly like dhula's.
Oncelor your such a puss, your post on the manly topics of business and economics sound exactly like dhula's.

Business and economics are "manly" topics????

seriously, better remain silent and have people think you a fool than to open your mouth and prove them correct.
Now, again, do explain this.... if the rise in energy is MAINLY due to deflation in the dollar (caused by loose policy as you correctly stated) WHAT is the remainder of the rise due to?????

Probably supply/demand issues. Two separate things. There's inflation, and there's supply/demand issues. They will never be the same thing. ANd i don't understand why you continue to perpetuate your ignorance on the issue.
SuperFreak seems to be blaiming the rising inflation on rising oil. I'm saying that's not possible without a rise in the money supply. The money supply has rose much faster than growth since 01' thus it is the reason we have inflation. The extra money spent on oil decresses the amount of goods you can buy somewhere else which is deflationary and thus you will have balance. If you don't believe MV = PT don't, I don't care.
Probably supply/demand issues. Two separate things. There's inflation, and there's supply/demand issues. They will never be the same thing. ANd i don't understand why you continue to perpetuate your ignorance on the issue.

"Inflation is a rise in general level of prices of goods and services over time. Although "inflation" is sometimes used to refer to a rise in the prices of a specific set of goods or services, a rise in prices of one set (such as food) without a rise in others (such as wages) is not included in the original meaning of the word. Inflation can be thought of as a decrease in the value of the unit of currency. It is measured as the percentage rate of change of a price index[1] but it is not uniquely defined because there are various price indices that can be used.

Many economists believe that high rates of inflation are caused by high rates of growth of the money supply.[2] Views on the factors that determine moderate rates of inflation are more varied: changes in inflation are sometimes attributed to fluctuations in real demand for goods and services or in available supplies (i.e. changes in scarcity), and sometimes to changes in the supply or demand for money. In the mid-twentieth century, two camps disagreed strongly on the main causes of inflation at moderate rates: the "monetarists" argued that money supply dominated all other factors in determining inflation, while "Keynesians" argued that real demand was often more important than changes in the money supply."

Note the above for yourself and share it with Obfuscate since you both seem incapable of comprehending the differences between Keynesians and Friedman disciples. The difference lies in which was the PRIMARY cause of inflation. Neither suggested that they were the SOLE cause of inflation. You moron.
SuperFreak seems to be blaiming the rising inflation on rising oil. I'm saying that's not possible without a rise in the money supply. The money supply has rose much faster than growth since 01' thus it is the reason we have inflation. The extra money spent on oil decresses the amount of goods you can buy somewhere else which is deflationary and thus you will have balance. If you don't believe MV = PT don't, I don't care.

Once again you state YOUR strawman.

That is NOT what I said you twit. That is what YOU said my position is. Your inability to comprehend is not my problem, it is yours.
yeah wtf was I thinking in this PC world all stereotypes are wrong.
Blacks aren't better in basketball, Japaneese don't like camera's, Oncelor isn't gay.
I think the fascists are intentionally trying to redefine the meaning of inflation so they can reduce public knowledge of the impact fiat currency on the economy, so they can maintain their little fascistic money making scam.