Bogged down

Someone can repost the following so Darla can see....

No. Drilling in ANWAR or the Gulf is not likely going to lower oil prices because it is expected that demand will continue to rise.

Yes. ANWAR is at least five years from producing additional reserves from the point in time we start drilling.

The reasons we should be producing our own oil is....

1) It will help offset increases in demand, which in turn will help alleviate price pressures

2) The more oil we produce on our own, the better for our security.... not to mention the fact that it keeps our money HERE rather than giving it to another country.

As for biofuel.... we need to continue focusing on alt energy. Cellulose ethanol is where we should focus our efforts. We cannot continue to use our food for fuel. The next time you drive your car... keep in mind the food you are keeping from those starving from lack of grain.

Solar... for commerical property... right now the breakeven point for Solar is down to a year. Meaning that with the tax break from the government and the revenue flow from the extra energy sold back to the utilities, costs are recouped in about 12 months. Which means the decade after that, you have a positive revenue flow. The more commercial properties converted, the more it will also help reduce our dependency on other fossil fuel sources. Yet, this is getting NO publicity.... (probably because Dems would rather spend 1000 threads talking about how unfair Wright is being treated)
Direct taxation on production can be spent on research funding to get off the freebasing oil....
Bingo, and I'm ashamed of being a democrat turo-lib. But hey I'm a turncoat from the republicans. I must keep teaching.
Darla, so you trolled and article that said it would only go down 2cents. Did you look for and unbiased or whacky righty supply up price down crazy nonsense.

While it may have a sharper initial impact, with demand increases today and expected increases in the future, I doubt the extra production will do anything more than offset the increased demand (if that).
But you voted for him in 2000. And now we are all supposed to believe that it’s not you, it’s not conservatism, it’s bush. So let’s all vote for McMore and he’ll give us perpetual war on a dollar and fifty cents a day, gas as cheap as tapwater, no taxes, and a balanced budget! Hooray!
Hence the reason I have stated, "I now know what I get when I vote for the 'lesser of two evils' rather than what my principles say."

Of course, your memory lasts about 2 seconds when I say something. This will be gone as soon as you read it, and you will again post, "But you voted for Bush so you can't say you think he's a liberal spender and a social conservative!"
Bingo, and I'm ashamed of being a democrat turo-lib. But hey I'm a turncoat from the republicans. I must keep teaching.
Darla, so you trolled and article that said it would only go down 2cents. Did you look for and unbiased or whacky righty supply up price down crazy nonsense.

By unbiased I assume you mean a study funded by Chevron?
Someone can repost the following so Darla can see....

No. Drilling in ANWAR or the Gulf is not likely going to lower oil prices because it is expected that demand will continue to rise.

Yes. ANWAR is at least five years from producing additional reserves from the point in time we start drilling.

The reasons we should be producing our own oil is....

1) It will help offset increases in demand, which in turn will help alleviate price pressures

2) The more oil we produce on our own, the better for our security.... not to mention the fact that it keeps our money HERE rather than giving it to another country.

As for biofuel.... we need to continue focusing on alt energy. Cellulose ethanol is where we should focus our efforts. We cannot continue to use our food for fuel. The next time you drive your car... keep in mind the food you are keeping from those starving from lack of grain.

Solar... for commerical property... right now the breakeven point for Solar is down to a year. Meaning that with the tax break from the government and the revenue flow from the extra energy sold back to the utilities, costs are recouped in about 12 months. Which means the decade after that, you have a positive revenue flow. The more commercial properties converted, the more it will also help reduce our dependency on other fossil fuel sources. Yet, this is getting NO publicity.... (probably because Dems would rather spend 1000 threads talking about how unfair Wright is being treated)

I almost forgot... by the above I am quite clearly stating that McCain can get oil to $1.50 per barrell.

Hence the reason I have stated, "I now know what I get when I vote for the 'lesser of two evils' rather than what my principles say."

Of course, your memory lasts about 2 seconds when I say something. This will be gone as soon as you read it, and you will again post, "But you voted for Bush so you can't say you think he's a liberal spender and a social conservative!"


I am only sorry I was unable to again goad superfreak into having a meltdown. Ah well, another day, another day.
Direct taxation on production can be spent on research funding to get off the freebasing oil....

Personally I think ....

1) We should eliminate all subsidies for oil. I seriously doubt we ever have artificially low oil prices ever again. Thus, no need for subsidies.

2) For those that DO wish to invest in alt energy such as Shell... then you can incentivise them for doing so. ie... for every billion invested in alt energy research, they get "x" in a tax break. Similar to the tax break given for companies that invest in solar tech right now.

3) Those oil companies that choose not to invest in alt energy, like Exxon... well... no soup for you.
The answer is not to use food to make oil. If the dam hippies stop trying to block drilling our own reserves we could keep prices down while we pull out of the middle east. Then take that Iraq 1T and invest it into the industries and schools at the forefront of solar, wind, and blue energies.

Theoretically, that makes sense, but in reality any increase in domestic production would take a while to hit the market and when it did hit the market it would be so small as to have zero impact on the price of oil in the global market. Additionally, we don't have the refinery capacity to produce more gas regardless of oil supplies and the oil companies have no interest in investing in additional refining capacity.

Rather than focusing on increasing oil supplies our policies should focus on decreasing consumption of oil.
I have been giving serious thought to this program they have in MA:

I bet Evergreen Solar is happy to hear that.

I like the concept... people looking into it on the commercial side should also look at the breaks the fed gives. The combo could reduce the breakeven point even further.

The renewable energy task force here is pushing for CO to become the leader in the States in reducing fossil fuel dependancy. Solar is the biggest push right now given it is becoming so economically viable.
Within 10years we should be able to make solar paint.. that is the paint cells like on your metallic blue car will harness the solar energy. Also this would be useful for siding and roofs on houses.

Solar has the biggest potential i think.
Within 10years we should be able to make solar paint.. that is the paint cells like on your metallic blue car will harness the solar energy. Also this would be useful for siding and roofs on houses.

Solar has the biggest potential i think.

I agree. Solar is seeing the biggest advances right now. I think the combo of that and cellulosic ethanol production are the two areas we should continue pumping resources into.
a) Because its a cool looking building
b) Because I am planning to visit soon
c) Because I hit a substantial Jackpot on Sunday night
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

Or is it

f) I lost so much money there, they now control my life and I am thus required to advertise for them here as well as wear a mandatory sign around my neck saying "Foxwoods rules" for the rest of my life.
Or is it

f) I lost so much money there, they now control my life and I am thus required to advertise for them here as well as wear a mandatory sign around my neck saying "Foxwoods rules" for the rest of my life.

technically that answer would fall under e)
LOL some of those countries have fewer autos than KY and you can ride accross them on a moped in a few hours.

Of course if you count all KY's autos and pickups sitting up on blocks we probably equal all europe's autos.