Bogged down

bingo, now how about demand from China and India growing over 3% and not only not increased supplies from us. BUT CONTINUED INCREASE IN INPORTED OIL.
"Today, 07:54 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,407


Bingo, and I'm ashamed of being a democrat turo-lib. But hey I'm a turncoat from the republicans. I must keep teaching.
Darla, so you trolled and article that said it would only go down 2cents. Did you look for and unbiased or whacky righty supply up price down crazy nonsense."

Since you are a complete retard toppy... the above was your first post and the one I questioned. You were acting as though prices would go down further than the 2 cents in her article.

Once I corrected you. THEN you started in on the whole... "you are crazy if you think it will not have an effect on price" line.... which coincidentally is EXACTLY what I stated.

Then you continued to pretend that I was suggesting it wouldn't effect prices, despite the fact that I clarified it for you a half dozen times on this thread alone. Moron.
Bingo, and I'm ashamed of being a democrat turo-lib. But hey I'm a turncoat from the republicans. I must keep teaching.
Darla, so you trolled and article that said it would only go down 2cents. Did you look for and unbiased or whacky righty supply up price down crazy nonsense.

Do you deny you posted the above toppy????
like I said you get your ass handed to you and the diversion begins, nice one Himler.

You need to look up the term diversion toppy. Your understanding of the word is about as poor as your understanding of economics. I notice you are not denying your original post or the fact that I have stated over and over again exactly what you continue to pretend I haven't said.

Instead of your one line pieces of shit... how about you point out where I am wrong toppy.... or will you continue with your ignorance as you are on the other thread with BAC?

I have discovered there is indeed one GEDer type on this board... his name is toppy....
sure junior, I'm embarassed as the only turbo-lib who has a fucking clue on economics.
you are a bootstraping Nazi freak. You just got your head shoved up your as on supply and price and you go all junior high on me. LOFL
Today, 10:33 AM
The Almighty Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 9,064


Originally Posted by Topspin
Freak if gas production is increased and demand goes up as well you know dam well it's having downward pressure on price. If you had big increases in demand and no supply increase you get huge price spikes.

It is having downward pressure in the sense that it will help maintain current pricing, but not in the sense that it will drive prices down from current levels.

If demand increases continue at their current pace, even if we bring ANWAR on line as well as some significant production from the Gulf... the best we can do is offset the demand increases. It all depends on how much each are increasing. I am making the assumption that demand in China and India continues at a higher pace than new supply. Especially given the time lag for getting sites like ANWAR on line.

If you have big increases in demand and corresponding increases in supply... price stays the same toppy. IF demand continues to outpace supply, price keeps going up. It is highly unlikely that new supply outpaces demand increases."

Read the above toppy, then compare that to your original position that prices would drop further than the two cents. The only one that changed positions toppy is you.
what kind of ASSWHOLE brings in if demand goes way up in the discussion of if increased production is going to lower supply. Fuck you an idiot, yes you get a fucking cookie moron.
Most of these libies haven't been in an economics class much less have a degree in it.
You cloud the issue for them and they act as is going after new reserves is marginal to helping price. It's disengenous at best.
Now go back and look at my post from 7:39 this morning toppy... the post where I clearly state that increasing domestic production will help alleviate pricing pressures. Right after you were mocking Darla for saying prices would only decline 2 cents.

From then on you tried to act like reducing pricing pressure was your position. Probably because you were smart enough to realize just how ignorant your original position was.
what kind of ASSWHOLE brings in if demand goes way up in the discussion of if increased production is going to lower supply. Fuck you an idiot, yes you get a fucking cookie moron.
Most of these libies haven't been in an economics class much less have a degree in it.
You cloud the issue for them and they act as is going after new reserves is marginal to helping price. It's disengenous at best.

Do try to calm down and convert the above to English toppy. These simpleton rants of yours are quite sad.

Discussing ALL of the inputs to future pricing is key whey discussing future pricing. Simply saying that increasing production will reduce price is not realistic and that was pointed out to you after your original moronic post.
bullshit you pocket protector wearing mico-economic dork.
I have never acted like anything but adding BILLIONS of barrells of production would be great for our national security, economic security and price stability. You tried to minimize the impact with the if demand goes up price will go up inspite of supply increase (and yes you get a cookie for that gem your mommy would be proud.) No wonder you cold call.
with half our budget spent on the military

bullshit you pocket protector wearing mico-economic dork.
I have never acted like anything but adding BILLIONS of barrells of production would be great for our national security, economic security and price stability. You tried to minimize the impact with the if demand goes up price will go up inspite of supply increase (and yes you get a cookie for that gem your mommy would be proud.) No wonder you cold call.

Again toppy... I point you to your original post mocking Darlas article. You did just that.

Again toppy... you are completely spinning now when you say I tried to minimize it. I clearly stated that I expected it to help stablize prices toppy. In my post early this morning.... long before you ever mentioned the subject. I continued to reiterate that point throughout the thread. Just because you are incapable of comprehending what you read isn't an excuse for you to continue your charade once it has been pointed out how wrong you are.
You are Himler aren't you.
Dude I talk macro economics, I say increasing supply by billions lowers price.

Suck on your macro economic point, it's not close to relevant of the overall discussion as usual.
You are Himler aren't you.
Dude I talk macro economics, I say increasing supply by billions lowers price.

Suck on your macro economic point, it's not close to relevant of the overall discussion as usual.

Do I need to point out the stupidity of the above for you toppy? Or do you think you can read it and figure it out on your own?

I have to go, so you have until tomorrow to figure it out.