Bogged down

turbo-libs unite, worship the caribu

I have worked with $12 oil and $112 oil, I like $112 better.
No drilling in Alaska, Cali, or Florida.
Ching, we just raised our divident 12%
Gotta pay for this war somehow. And for my SS in a few years too :clink:
Plus you have to admit at those prices conservation and alt sources would get serious.
Theoretically, that makes sense, but in reality any increase in domestic production would take a while to hit the market and when it did hit the market it would be so small as to have zero impact on the price of oil in the global market. Additionally, we don't have the refinery capacity to produce more gas regardless of oil supplies and the oil companies have no interest in investing in additional refining capacity.

Rather than focusing on increasing oil supplies our policies should focus on decreasing consumption of oil.

This obviously from someone who never took economics and has no clue about the subject:readit:
This obviously from someone who never took economics and has no clue about the subject:readit:

Actually most of what he stated was correct. Though I think we should be increasing domestic production of oil and refinery capacity AS WELL AS increasing our efforts to reduce dependancy on oil. The combo of the two is the quickest path to reducing our foreign dependancy.
your another on that's never been in a business class.
Please provide other expample of products whereby you increase the production by billions and it has zero affect on price. This should be good.
your another on that's never been in a business class.
Please provide other expample of products whereby you increase the production by billions and it has zero affect on price. This should be good.

You are assuming no corresponding increase in demand. Given that demand continues to escalate faster than supply, even if we bring on new supply it will likely only offset the increases in demand. It should help us to curb further increases in oil prices, but it will not likely help to reduce the price.
Whats wrong with this picture?

Bogged down
Most expensive places to buy gas
Rank Country Price/gal
1. Sierra Leone $18.42
2. Aruba $12.03
3. Bosnia-Herzegovina $10.86
4. Eritrea $9.58
5. Norway $8.73
6. United Kingdom $8.38
7. Netherlands $8.37
8. Monaco $8.31
9. Iceland $8.28
10. Belgium $8.22
111. United States $3.45 :shock:

Oh yeah you forgot to add Saudi Arabia et al and Venezuela...
Saudi Arabia...$.45 cents per gallon
Venezuela...$.12 cents per gallon!
Freak if gas production is increased and demand goes up as well you know dam well it's having downward pressure on price. If you had big increases in demand and no supply increase you get huge price spikes.
Freak if gas production is increased and demand goes up as well you know dam well it's having downward pressure on price. If you had big increases in demand and no supply increase you get huge price spikes.

It is having downward pressure in the sense that it will help maintain current pricing, but not in the sense that it will drive prices down from current levels.

If demand increases continue at their current pace, even if we bring ANWAR on line as well as some significant production from the Gulf... the best we can do is offset the demand increases. It all depends on how much each are increasing. I am making the assumption that demand in China and India continues at a higher pace than new supply. Especially given the time lag for getting sites like ANWAR on line.

If you have big increases in demand and corresponding increases in supply... price stays the same toppy. IF demand continues to outpace supply, price keeps going up. It is highly unlikely that new supply outpaces demand increases.
Ok freak, if you don't have the billions of barrells added with that kind of demand you get prices going way up. You can dance all you wan't it's basic economics.
Ok freak, if you don't have the billions of barrells added with that kind of demand you get prices going way up. You can dance all you wan't it's basic economics.

Are you completely retarded? As I stated toppy.... yes, if no new supply comes on line, price increases. But the new supply does not equate to price decreases if demand also continues to rise.

your the fucking retard you moron,
your tying to show off and making yourself look like an ASS!!!
More supply = less price pressure
no need for you to dice that up, these turbo-libs have a hard enough time with the basics.
if supply increases and demand increases the price will still increase but not at the same speed of price increase if the supply doesn't increase. so maybe $150 a barrel instead of $200.