Boycott the Left!

Like I am going to make a file of your quotes. Like wtf would I do with that? I would do it if there was something in it for me. Are you planning on getting famous and dying young? That could make it worth something.

I don't know, you could sometimes open up your grind file and look over all my past quotes sighing happily as you reminisce over all my great moments.
This is unbelievable. The gender based harassment here has really gone over the top lately. I know the mods aren't going to do anything about it, though I am collecting usf's posts for the next time the dumb fucks try to tell me to play werewolf with him (and I can't wait to post them all in one shot in response). But I'm seriously done with it. I've tried ignoring it, and I've tried calling the attention of others to it in the hopes that general condemnation would clean things up. But the truth is that the men here simply don't give a fuck.

So, you guys are going to get it back both barrels from now on.

I'm glad to see that you've finally admited that you can't even play a stupid game like WW, without bringing in your own personal feelings. :D

I sometimes use the term "conservative" because I guess it's the term that fits me the most, or at least, the issues that I talk about the most. (fiscal stuff/guns/constitutional stuff)

I do find it funny when posters like pmp tend to think I am a full blown liberal or something. LOL I don't know how they get that idea. That just blows my mind

But truth is, I am pretty socially liberal, at least with regards to all the big issues these days. Ending the drug war, prison reform, gay rights, not religious (not exclusive to conservatives but in certain circles it is). I don't like rednecks, I don't like middle american values.

So what does that make me? I don't know.. that's why I don't like labels. One could say libertarianish but really I have problems with them today too, I think they are far too idealogical and don't see the big picture.

At the end of the day, I am mostly motivated by self interest sprinkled with a little bit of principle. That's most everyone else too btw, whether or not one cares to admit it.

You like talking about yourself dontcha grind?
There are still an abundance of sources which are unbiased and just present the facts. Most all of the details on any legislation can be looked at online at, there is no bias. As for news outlets, most any AP source is credible, as well as Reuters and the BBC...even NPR. They might have some bias, but for the most part, the information presented is reliable and accurate. When we get to the radical left-wing blog sites and dot orgs... there is nothing unbiased at all... they present nothing short of propaganda from the perspective of the left.

We don't see Conservatives here, propping up arguments and making their points using or Rush Limbaugh op-eds as their source. If they did, you would be the first to cry foul and call them out. Yet Liberals can literally do this all day long, and think nothing of it. They get angry that you won't accept their liberal-bias source as the legitimate truth, as if it were presented fairly and honestly without bias. And God forbid someone posts a link to FoxNews for anything! Fucking smoke starts coming out of the liberal's ears, as circuitry starts to short out! But Huffington Post? NO PROB!
legislation can be looked at online at there is no bias
I cant slog thru raw legisative language, i rely on interpretative summations, from varius site, i even watch FOX News - a 60 minute newscast, with good foreign coverage - not Richard Engle stuff, but more than< snippet 30 sec.>. Most of us get our news from TV and websites.
I multisource, look what seems to be common acceptance, and look for bias.
"Bias" might be that, or it might be something covered, other sites dont.One man's insight is anothe mans' hype.
I also go to Huff Po. I don't know you all well enough, if you aren't quoting Rush, that a plus, he's aswollen cyst on political commentary.

I'm just having problems trying to understand "what's your beef?" - we all know there are slanted sites, the only way i know of is to read OP-Eds.
and commentary, along with a firm grasp of the facts of policy. Americans are fairly ignorant of foreign policy STILL trying to nationbuild Afg.
I hear very litle discussion of drones, and "collateral damage" - just "we got bin Laden", also I hear way to much "Obama is a Keynenian."
Endgame: each poster/citizen has to find the truth, this board is helpful, i do agree thoughtful posters makeup a boards' quality.
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to be honest, I've always assumed you were too wasted to have a political never post on political issues....

not true. I may not post as most on political stuff, but I do put my two cents in. Talked about zimmerman case a lot. That's turned political. Talked about the ACA and had my meltdown over it, I routinely talk about general political alienation. I talk about tax issues, constitution stuff, gun rights, etc. You are just a simpleton.
I cant slog thru raw legisative language, i rely on interpretative summations, from varius site, i even watch FOX News - a 60 minute newscast, with good foreign coverage - not Richard Engle stuff, but more than< snippet 30 sec.>. Most of us get our news from TV and websites.
I multisource, look what seems to be common acceptance, and look for bias.
"Bias" might be that, or it might be something covered, other sites dont.One man's insight is anothe mans' hype.
I also go to Huff Po. I don't know you all well enough, if you aren't quoting Rush, that a plus, he's aswollen cyst on political commentary.

I'm just having problems trying to understand "what's your beef?" - we all know there are slanted sites, the only way i know of is to read OP-Eds.
and commentary, along with a firm grasp of the facts of policy. Americans are fairly ignorant of foreign policy STILL trying to nationbuild Afg.
I hear very litle discussion of drones, and "collateral damage" - just "we got bin Laden", also I hear way to much "Obama is a Keynenian."
Endgame: each poster/citizen has to find the truth, this board is helpful, i do agree thoughtful posters makeup a boards' quality.

You don't multisource anything, unless you mean you get all the left wing angles on things. You wouldn't know 'unbiased' if it were sitting in your lap calling you "Mama!" If you do LOOK for bias, you look for right-wing bias, and make sure you don't believe a word they have to say. Most of you don't depend on even the liberal news sites for info, you run to your little fucked-in-the-head BLOGS to see what everyone is buzzing about today, and then you go out like a swarm of killer bees with the marching orders for the day. You have no intention of being objective, you just want to convince people you are.

I don't have a beef, other than liberals duping conservatives into supporting their liberal propaganda outlets. If you don't like it or don't understand it, that's fine, I didn't post this for you. I don't care if you don't agree with me, or don't see the point... I never asked you.
I don't have a complaint. I presented a proposal for a boycott.

Complaints are for those who have no course of action to take.
You claimed that you get your info re. sites, from Wiki.

Isn't that a liberal propaganda site?
There are still an abundance of sources which are unbiased and just present the facts. Most all of the details on any legislation can be looked at online at, there is no bias. As for news outlets, most any AP source is credible, as well as Reuters and the BBC...even NPR. They might have some bias, but for the most part, the information presented is reliable and accurate. When we get to the radical left-wing blog sites and dot orgs... there is nothing unbiased at all... they present nothing short of propaganda from the perspective of the left.
Huffpo typically sources AP stories.
Uhmm... NO!
Conservapedia is an English-language wiki encyclopedia project written from a self-described American conservative, Christian, and creationist point of view.
According to the site's operators, the site "strives to keep its articles concise, informative, family-friendly, and true to the facts, which often back up conservative ideas more than liberal ones."[SUP][3][/SUP] It was started in 2006 by homeschool teacher and attorney Andrew Schlafly, son of conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly,[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] to counter what he called the liberal bias of Wikipedia.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] It uses editorials and a wiki-based system to generate content
