BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

This memo is cherrypicked spin by a Trump loyalist. That is ALL it is.

It gives ZERO proof that the FBI is biased against Trump. ZERO. No proof of abuse of powers of any kind. This is an embarrassment for Nunes, an embarrassment for Trump, and an embarrassment for anyone who tries to use this TRUE nothing burger (yeah - this is what one looks like) to try to discredit one of our most important agencies.

Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News — adding that the officials “could not point to any factual inaccuracies.”

The two officials — one from the bureau's counterintelligence division and the other from the legal division — followed up after an initial review of the memo during a rare Sunday trip to Capitol Hill by FBI Director Christopher Wray.
This memo was written strictly as red meat for Trump's base. We all know that.

I see it as a sign of desperation.

A 20 something year old staffer, or whatever, on Nune's staff is not going to put together a plausible memo that "destroys" Mueller's legitimate investigation. It ain't gonna happen.

Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News — adding that the officials “could not point to any factual inaccuracies.”

The two officials — one from the bureau's counterintelligence division and the other from the legal division — followed up after an initial review of the memo during a rare Sunday trip to Capitol Hill by FBI Director Christopher Wray.
You don't have to play. I don't care if you're aware of what happened today or not - you will be at some point.

Corruption can take a variety of forms. Nothing here rises to even close to a level where an organization like the FBI can be classified as "corrupt."

I'd say Nunes & the admin come closer to that characterization w/ this kind of reckless, partisan maneuver.

No one has yet said that "the FBI" is corrupt. We are looking at corruption in the upper levels in a specific case.
So the FBI used FACTUAL information to get a legal warrant..... where is the scandal?
Not much else to say. Trump's entire strategy on this - disparage and discredit vital American institutions like the FBI, the rest of the intel community, the media, et al. - just to protect himself, is incredibly reckless and has been from the start. I don't see how anyone can see it as a reasonable, rational thing to do. How do we even calculate the lasting damage that could come out of something like this? And what's next? How soon before something like the Constitution becomes inconvenient?

Do you not get it?

The Dossier was *a political instrument* picked up by the FBI and used in a political campaign against a presidential contender. And after that contender won, it was used to justify an investigation into his *alleged* involvement with Russia in the election—in order to discredit him and/or impeach him.

You know where they do that sort of thing? In Russia, for crying out loud. Talk about irony.

Mueller’s investigation just got gutted. I don’t know what Trey Gowdy has been smoking.
Do you not get it?

The Dossier was *a political instrument* picked up by the FBI and used in a political campaign against a presidential contender. And after that contender won, it was used to justify an investigation into his *alleged* involvement with Russia in the election—in order to discredit it him and/or impeach him.

You know where they do that sort of thing? In Russia, for crying out loud. Talk about irony.

Mueller’s investigation just got gutted. I don’t know what Trey Gowdy has been smoking.

But if the information was factual, who cares?
I mean, FINALLY they're the side that way overhyped something.

Big miscalculation here.

who were the ones talking about national security and how it would fundamentally undermine confidence in our institutions? pretty sure that was democrats. who were the ones trying to do a 11th hour hail mary talking about how the memo had been altered when the alterations consisted of semi colons and grammar corrections suggested by the democrats and FBI themselves?

Who was the side BEGGING the speaker of the house paul ryan to not release it? Oh yeah, democrats.
Not much else to say. Trump's entire strategy on this - disparage and discredit vital American institutions like the FBI, the rest of the intel community, the media, et al. - just to protect himself, is incredibly reckless and has been from the start. I don't see how anyone can see it as a reasonable, rational thing to do. How do we even calculate the lasting damage that could come out of something like this? And what's next? How soon before something like the Constitution becomes inconvenient?

What have you been smoking?
The spin/damage control over the next week is going to be epic.

Trump really doesn't think about things much. He reacts emotionally and impulsively. I think that probably works in real estate more than it does in global politics.

what damage control needs to be done? None. Personally the fact that you can't see how politically funded opposition research for the use of spying on a political campaign isn't a big deal to you says it all.
It’s odd that it’s almost anticlimactic in a sense.

Some of us have been saying for months and months that the Fake News Dossier was the basis for Russia Mania AND the Trump/Russia investigation. The only thing the Memo proves is that we were right all along.

The only remaining question is how long the Mueller investigation can remain relevant in light of the Memo.

my deep level analysis called most of this shit back in march or april last year. However, I am an intellectual giant, this is mostly for the normies out there. And it also puts to rest the conspiracy allegations. The FBI and DOJ were in bed with the DNC to undermine trump. it's obvious to anyone with 2 brain cells.
who were the ones talking about national security and how it would fundamentally undermine confidence in our institutions? pretty sure that was democrats. who were the ones trying to do a 11th hour hail mary talking about how the memo had been altered when the alterations consisted of semi colons and grammar corrections suggested by the democrats and FBI themselves?

Who was the side BEGGING the speaker of the house paul ryan to not release it? Oh yeah, democrats.

Maybe DEMOCRATS were just concerned that some might lose faith in our justice system.

I mean, you never see DEMOCRATS calling all police racist or claiming that a black man can't get a fair trial in America.
