BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Trump fans go ballistic on Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina) after he says the Nunes memo doesn’t discredit the Mueller probe

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on Friday said that the memo written by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) raised some concerns about the process by which FISA warrants are granted — but he also made sure to emphasize that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is entirely legitimate.

“As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller,” Gowdy wrote on Twitter. “The contents of this memo do not — in any way — discredit his investigation.”

Former CIA officer: "Democrats should be ‘showering gifts’ on Nunes for memo that makes stronger case against Trump"
So you think it is business as usual?

You think opposition research by a rival campaign should be the basis of surveillance against a political competitor? You are OK with that? Really?

So in 2020, you will be fine with Trump using his own oppo research to get a FISA warrant against who ever the democrat nominee will be?

This memo is cherrypicked spin by a Trump loyalist. That is ALL it is.

It gives ZERO proof that the FBI is biased against Trump. ZERO. No proof of abuse of powers of any kind. This is an embarrassment for Nunes, an embarrassment for Trump, and an embarrassment for anyone who tries to use this TRUE nothing burger (yeah - this is what one looks like) to try to discredit one of our most important agencies.
I can only conclude one of three things

1) JPP libtards didn't read the memo
2) JPP libtards read the memo, but really didn't understand it
3) JPP libtards read the memo, understand it and it rocked them to their core so they are sticking their heads in the sand

You guys had 1 minute of stroking and Pop ... Goes the Orgazim.
JPP doesn't get this yet. They will by next week.

This memo was written strictly as red meat for Trump's base. We all know that.

I see it as a sign of desperation.

A 20 something year old staffer, or whatever, on Nune's staff is not going to put together a plausible memo that "destroys" Mueller's legitimate investigation. It ain't gonna happen.
This memo is cherrypicked spin by a Trump loyalist. That is ALL it is.

It gives ZERO proof that the FBI is biased against Trump. ZERO. No proof of abuse of powers of any kind. This is an embarrassment for Nunes, an embarrassment for Trump, and an embarrassment for anyone who tries to use this TRUE nothing burger (yeah - this is what one looks like) to try to discredit one of our most important agencies.

you are embarrassing yourself with this "one of our most important agencies" bullshit. The FBI is just another government entity that can be as prone to bias as any other. To think otherwise is foolish.

And I am glad to hear that you will be OK with Trump launching FISA warrants against his 2020 opponent. Thanks for that. It will come in handy come election time. He will be able to wiretap whoever you dems put up
I can only conclude one of three things

1) JPP libtards didn't read the memo
2) JPP libtards read the memo, but really didn't understand it
3) JPP libtards read the memo, understand it and it rocked them to their core so they are sticking their heads in the sand

It's possible that different libtards did all three of those things. They aren't mutually exclusive.
This memo is cherrypicked spin by a Trump loyalist. That is ALL it is.

It gives ZERO proof that the FBI is biased against Trump. ZERO. No proof of abuse of powers of any kind. This is an embarrassment for Nunes, an embarrassment for Trump, and an embarrassment for anyone who tries to use this TRUE nothing burger (yeah - this is what one looks like) to try to discredit one of our most important agencies.

Lol k I’ll play.

What would FBI corruption look like?
This memo was written strictly as red meat for Trump's base. We all know that. I see it as a sign of desperation. A 20 something year old staffer, or whatever, on Nune's staff is not going to put together a plausible memo that "destroys" Mueller's legitimate investigation. It ain't gonna happen.

Run with that, stalker.
Release the Pee Tape Now!

No way can it be as highly classified as the "memo", so there's nothing stopping its release.
Dust in the Wind Kansas I close my eyes, only for a moment And the moment's gone All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity Dust in the wind All they are is dust in the wind Same old song, just a drop of water In an endless sea All we do crumbles to the ground Though we refuse to see Dust in the wind All we are is dust in the wind Oh, ho, ho Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky It…

Have another drink.
Lol k I’ll play.

What would FBI corruption look like?

You don't have to play. I don't care if you're aware of what happened today or not - you will be at some point.

Corruption can take a variety of forms. Nothing here rises to even close to a level where an organization like the FBI can be classified as "corrupt."

I'd say Nunes & the admin come closer to that characterization w/ this kind of reckless, partisan maneuver.
This memo is cherrypicked spin by a Trump loyalist. That is ALL it is.

It gives ZERO proof that the FBI is biased against Trump. ZERO. No proof of abuse of powers of any kind. This is an embarrassment for Nunes, an embarrassment for Trump, and an embarrassment for anyone who tries to use this TRUE nothing burger (yeah - this is what one looks like) to try to discredit one of our most important agencies.

The RePubs are all Dry Heaving ... :laugh:
You don't have to play. I don't care if you're aware of what happened today or not - you will be at some point.

Corruption can take a variety of forms. Nothing here rises to even close to a level where an organization like the FBI can be classified as "corrupt."

I'd say Nunes & the admin come closer to that characterization w/ this kind of reckless, partisan maneuver.

What’s reckless about it?

Even before the Memo was released we knew the Dossier was a political instrument paid for by the DNC and not a product of intelligence.

What’s reckless about it? Be specific.
You don't have to play. I don't care if you're aware of what happened today or not - you will be at some point. Corruption can take a variety of forms. Nothing here rises to even close to a level where an organization like the FBI can be classified as "corrupt." I'd say Nunes & the admin come closer to that characterization w/ this kind of reckless, partisan maneuver.

Looks like a prediction to me. This one's a keeper.