BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Kind of what I thought lol.

Not much else to say. Trump's entire strategy on this - disparage and discredit vital American institutions like the FBI, the rest of the intel community, the media, et al. - just to protect himself, is incredibly reckless and has been from the start. I don't see how anyone can see it as a reasonable, rational thing to do. How do we even calculate the lasting damage that could come out of something like this? And what's next? How soon before something like the Constitution becomes inconvenient?
Not much else to say. Trump's entire strategy on this - disparage and discredit vital American institutions like the FBI, the rest of the intel community, the media, et al. - just to protect himself, is incredibly reckless and has been from the start. I don't see how anyone can see it as a reasonable, rational thing to do. How do we even calculate the lasting damage that could come out of something like this? And what's next? How soon before something like the Constitution becomes inconvenient?

Sad ... Trump tried to show everyone he's a Big Swinging Dick, and he didn't even clear his Zipper before petering out.

Honestly, and I'm not saying this to provoke, but it's dismaying how quickly you've all fallen into Fox News/Hannity mode on stuff like this.

Read what's being said about this, please. What is being put out there is not out of the ordinary, and if reported IN context, is basically meaningless. There is no grand conspiracy or corruption revealed by this memo. This is a sad attempt by a Trump partisan to further degrade and discredit vital organizations like the FBI, for the simple reason of protecting Trump.

To be blunt, the stupidity of the 'you being fooled by Hannity/Fox' is just a load of crap. That is a cop out by those that know they don't have a leg to stand on.

How about YOU read what is there? To say this isn't out of the ordinary is complete nonsense. This is entirely out of the ordinary.

What this looks like is the FBI trying to degrade and discredit Trump. Not the other way around. It looks like they did it to aid the DNC and Clinton. It is not the entire FBI, but it certainly looks to be Comey, McCabe and others at the top.

But please, do enlighten us to the context you refer to. I can't help notice you didn't actually address a single thing in the memo, but rather went into a nonsensical attack instead.
Not much else to say. Trump's entire strategy on this - disparage and discredit vital American institutions like the FBI, the rest of the intel community, the media, et al. - just to protect himself, is incredibly reckless and has been from the start. I don't see how anyone can see it as a reasonable, rational thing to do. How do we even calculate the lasting damage that could come out of something like this? And what's next? How soon before something like the Constitution becomes inconvenient?

Light some scented candles and relax with a facial, little Thingy.
This memo is cherrypicked spin by a Trump loyalist. That is ALL it is.

It gives ZERO proof that the FBI is biased against Trump. ZERO. No proof of abuse of powers of any kind. This is an embarrassment for Nunes, an embarrassment for Trump, and an embarrassment for anyone who tries to use this TRUE nothing burger (yeah - this is what one looks like) to try to discredit one of our most important agencies.

how do you know it is cherry picked and not accurate?

because Schiff told you?

I know this is painful for you
I can only conclude one of three things

1) JPP libtards didn't read the memo
2) JPP libtards read the memo, but really didn't understand it
3) JPP libtards read the memo, understand it and it rocked them to their core so they are sticking their heads in the sand

They need some Cliff notes or maybe a 'Understanding The Memo For Dummies' booklet.