BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Honestly, and I'm not saying this to provoke, but it's dismaying how quickly you've all fallen into Fox News/Hannity mode on stuff like this.

Read what's being said about this, please. What is being put out there is not out of the ordinary, and if reported IN context, is basically meaningless. There is no grand conspiracy or corruption revealed by this memo. This is a sad attempt by a Trump partisan to further degrade and discredit vital organizations like the FBI, for the simple reason of protecting Trump.

Are you drinking this early in the day?
Seriously, step back and look at this big picture.

There was a friggin conspiracy, from the TOP of the food chain to derail a political candidate, for president no less.
So stop, if you want any dignity in future conversations leave this one alone
What corruption? You guys are so reckless w/ these charges. It's extraordinarily sad - you have no idea the damage you are collectively doing right now. All to protect a boorish liar who likely was engaged in activities he should not have been engaged in, or at least involved in a cover-up of those activities.

Let your feelings out, little Thingy.

What "activities he should not have been engaged in" or "cover-up of those activities" are you referring to in your emotionally-charged outburst?
Are you drinking this early in the day?
Seriously, step back and look at this big picture.

There was a friggin conspiracy, from the TOP of the food chain to derail a political candidate, for president no less.
So stop, if you want any dignity in future conversations leave this one alone

If there was a conspiracy, prove it. Don't be as reckless as this. I'm amazed at how quickly & willingly you all are to jump on the Hannity bandwagon & protect this guy at all costs.
What corruption?

You guys are so reckless w/ these charges. It's extraordinarily sad - you have no idea the damage you are collectively doing right now. All to protect a boorish liar who likely was engaged in activities he should not have been engaged in, or at least involved in a cover-up of those activities.

You still don't get it. There was no intel exposed here. No legit grand DOJ & FBI sources and operations divulged. This was a FAKE CARTOON STORY propagated by Clinton, et al to get a FISA warrant in order to "spy" on the opposition candidate.
If there was a conspiracy, prove it. Don't be as reckless as this. I'm amazed at how quickly & willingly you all are to jump on the Hannity bandwagon & protect this guy at all costs.
Read the memo again!

Ever feel like you're just pissing into the Wind ... ?

Nope ... me neither, but I'm sure Guest can shed some light on the subject.
we cant really lock up our only black president :/ it would not look good.

So many black men are already incarcerated, Comrade. Must be due to racism.

Say, aren't the DEMOCRATS whining about the "damage" the Nunes memo is supposedly doing to people's respect for law enforcement agencies the same DEMOCRATS who support the notion of "resistance" to an "institutionally racist justice system"?
What corruption?

You guys are so reckless w/ these charges. It's extraordinarily sad - you have no idea the damage you are collectively doing right now. All to protect a boorish liar who likely was engaged in activities he should not have been engaged in, or at least involved in a cover-up of those activities.

What activities are those?
What corruption?

You guys are so reckless w/ these charges. It's extraordinarily sad - you have no idea the damage you are collectively doing right now. All to protect a boorish liar who likely was engaged in activities he should not have been engaged in, or at least involved in a cover-up of those activities.

So you think it is business as usual?

You think opposition research by a rival campaign should be the basis of surveillance against a political competitor? You are OK with that? Really?

So in 2020, you will be fine with Trump using his own oppo research to get a FISA warrant against who ever the democrat nominee will be?
I can only conclude one of three things

1) JPP libtards didn't read the memo
2) JPP libtards read the memo, but really didn't understand it
3) JPP libtards read the memo, understand it and it rocked them to their core so they are sticking their heads in the sand
Dust in the Wind

I close my eyes, only for a moment
And the moment's gone
All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song, just a drop of water
In an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground
Though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Oh, ho, ho
Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky