BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

-- i think this is the most important thing.
Then you assumed wrong. Read the memo. It claims:

>> The "dossier" compiled by Christopher Steele on behalf of the Democratic National Convention formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application. <<

It goes on to claim that the origin of the Steele dossier was not explained to the FISA judge (apparently he didn't ask).

What other information the FBI provided is not mentioned at all. And that summarizes Nunes' case.

The Dossier was ‘essential’ to getting the FISA warrants. In other words, no Dossier, no FISA warrants and no basis for the Trump/Russia investigation. That’s what ‘essential’ means.

LOL... you think this is a nothing burger? If this memo is accurate, then it clearly shows the corruption at the FBI and its collusion with the DNC and Clinton campaigns.

Honestly, and I'm not saying this to provoke, but it's dismaying how quickly you've all fallen into Fox News/Hannity mode on stuff like this.

Read what's being said about this, please. What is being put out there is not out of the ordinary, and if reported IN context, is basically meaningless. There is no grand conspiracy or corruption revealed by this memo. This is a sad attempt by a Trump partisan to further degrade and discredit vital organizations like the FBI, for the simple reason of protecting Trump.
The Dossier was ‘essential’ to getting the FISA warrants. In other words, no Dossier, no FISA warrants and no basis for the Trump/Russia investigation. That’s what ‘essential’ means.


id rather not shut down mueller anymore :) this whole thing is more damaging to democrats than the russia thing. Mueller lets us keep it in the spotlight.
Honestly, and I'm not saying this to provoke, but it's dismaying how quickly you've all fallen into Fox News/Hannity mode on stuff like this. Read what's being said about this, please. What is being put out there is not out of the ordinary, and if reported IN context, is basically meaningless. There is no grand conspiracy or corruption revealed by this memo. This is a sad attempt by a Trump partisan to further degrade and discredit vital organizations like the FBI, for the simple reason of protecting Trump.

Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

-- i think this is the most important thing.

in a nutshell, yea.

And please we really need to stop trying to explain this to these loons, if they can not A.) see the problem with the Dossier / Hillary / DNC / FISA Warrant / Russian investigation connection,
or B) The hypocrisy of what they would be singing today had this shoe been on the other foot. they simply can not be reached.
What Trump has done to their dignity, sense of worth, and connection to reality just really disqualifies them from any discussion beyond "Anybody watch the Simpsons last night".

Liberals, both politicians and their legion of doom, Main Stream media has been reduced to nothing more than cartoons.
And it serves them right for being so anti-American
Honestly, and I'm not saying this to provoke, but it's dismaying how quickly you've all fallen into Fox News/Hannity mode on stuff like this.

Read what's being said about this, please. What is being put out there is not out of the ordinary, and if reported IN context, is basically meaningless. There is no grand conspiracy or corruption revealed by this memo. This is a sad attempt by a Trump partisan to further degrade and discredit vital organizations like the FBI, for the simple reason of protecting Trump.

Well, if all that corruption is "ordinary" and just another day in the office for the DOJ and the FBI, then we really DO need to continue draining the swamp.
in a nutshell, yea.

And please we really need to stop trying to explain this to these loons, if they can not A.) see the problem with the Dossier / Hillary / DNC / FISA Warrant / Russian investigation connection,
or B) The hypocrisy of what they would be singing today had this shoe been on the other foot. they simply can not be reached.
What Trump has done to their dignity, sense of worth, and connection to reality just really disqualifies them from any discussion beyond "Anybody watch the Simpsons last night".

Liberals, both politicians and their legion of doom, Main Stream media has been reduced to nothing more than cartoons.
And it serves them right for being so anti-American

All the screwing and no Kiss or Flowers?
id rather not shut down mueller anymore :) this whole thing is more damaging to democrats than the russia thing. Mueller lets us keep it in the spotlight.

True lol.

His ship just got broadsided, politically. I also get the idea more revelations are coming. And they won’t be anonymous leaks.
Well, if all that corruption is "ordinary" and just another day in the office for the DOJ and the FBI, then we really DO need to continue draining the swamp.

What corruption?

You guys are so reckless w/ these charges. It's extraordinarily sad - you have no idea the damage you are collectively doing right now. All to protect a boorish liar who likely was engaged in activities he should not have been engaged in, or at least involved in a cover-up of those activities.