BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!


Political origins of the dossier were known to senior FBI & DOJ officials, withheld and unknown to the judge!
that is your defense of them using shoddy information?

So if Page was under watch before, it justifies them using political opposition research obtained during a Presidential election by a presidential opponent and not telling the truth to the FISA Court? Good for you

The whole thing regarding what was told the FISA Court is strictly Nunes's, rather the WH's, interpretation of what was told the FISA Court, none of it has been documented, strictly a personal view of what the documents say, why is that so difficult for conservatives to accept?

It's going no where other than the inneundo and conspiracy wheel, which is why it was initiated
Biggest political scandal in US history.

I have a couple appointment tomorrow morning, but I'll be checking in regularly to see when the announcement of end the investigation actually happens.

BTW ... how do you like your Bird?
Biggest political scandal in US history.

You forgot the "bigger than Watergate" line.

As we've seen with all the right wing initiated "scandals," lot of noise, little substance, we can now add this one to the heap, the WH's aim from the offset was to start the inneundos burning, but all the conspiracies started won't bring down Mueller nor challenge his credibility
Orr met with Steele in summer of 2016; Steele was actively engaged in the defeat of Trump; FBI & DOJ used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier; Congratulations NYT, WaPo & CNN, LOL!!!

Orr continued along with Fusion GPS to make up more stuff to pass along to the media.

Need more proof out there that the msm wasn't and isn't in bed with the swamp????????? Total corruption!
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I have a couple appointment tomorrow morning, but I'll be checking in regularly to see when the announcement of end the investigation actually happens.

BTW ... how do you like your Bird?

A "couple appointment"? Why are you telling us about your need for sex therapy? ;)

I drove The Bird yesterday, just under 100 miles. A little too soon to judge how much I like it, since I've only owned it 32 years.
The whole thing regarding what was told the FISA Court is strictly Nunes's, rather the WH's, interpretation of what was told the FISA Court, none of it has been documented, strictly a personal view of what the documents say, why is that so difficult for conservatives to accept?

It's going no where other than the inneundo and conspiracy wheel, which is why it was initiated

FBI read it and stated they found no inaccuracies in the Nunez memo.
Orr met with Steele in summer of 2016; Steele was actively engaged in the defeat of Trump; FBI & DOJ used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier; Congratulations MYT, WaPo & CNN, LOL!!!

Orr continued along with Fusion GPS to make up more stuff to pass along to the media.

Need more proof out there that the msm wasn't and isn't in bed with the swamp????????? Total corruption!

Now if you could only document anything you said we could believe you, but you can't, other than Nunes, and he can't document what he says, no wonder Trump's own FBI said it was bogus
You forgot the "bigger than Watergate" line.

As we've seen with all the right wing initiated "scandals," lot of noise, little substance, we can now add this one to the heap, the WH's aim from the offset was to start the inneundos burning, but all the conspiracies started won't bring down Mueller nor challenge his credibility

"Biggest" doesn't need to mention any lesser scandal. Watergate was a theft of information. This was a coup attempt.
The whole thing regarding what was told the FISA Court is strictly Nunes's, rather the WH's, interpretation of what was told the FISA Court, none of it has been documented, strictly a personal view of what the documents say, why is that so difficult for conservatives to accept?

It's going no where other than the inneundo and conspiracy wheel, which is why it was initiated

Dude, give it up, you're only making yourself look foolish at this point. It's over.