BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Orr met with Steele in summer of 2016; Steele was actively engaged in the defeat of Trump; FBI & DOJ used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier; Congratulations MYT, WaPo & CNN, LOL!!!

Orr continued along with Fusion GPS to make up more stuff to pass along to the media.

Need more proof out there that the msm wasn't and isn't in bed with the swamp????????? Total corruption!

Fusion GPS was originally funded by Republicans to find out Trump shit for those running against him in primaries, When Trump won, they abandoned it. Then Clinton people took it over. Then Steele was hired to find out about Trump /Russian ties, since that was his field of expertise . It is nothing, just politics.
Dude, give it up, you're only making yourself look foolish at this point. It's over.

But you can't refute anything I said, show us where Nunes's memo is anything beyond Nunes's interpretation of the classified documents. It isn't a Committee report, just Nunes's conclusion, prove your point and show us where I am wrong

Your turn, or, we'd have to assume you are the one looking foolish
But you can't refute anything I said, show us where Nunes's memo is anything beyond Nunes's interpretation of the classified documents. It isn't a Committee report, just Nunes's conclusion, prove your point and show us where I am wrong

Your turn, or, we'd have to assume you are the one looking foolish

As you've been reminded repeatedly, it was examined by FBI officials, and found to contain no inaccuracies. Why don't you refute that.
Fusion GPS was originally funded by Republicans to find out Trump shit for those running against him in primaries, When Trump won, they abandoned it. Then Clinton people took it over. Then Steele was hired to find out about Trump /Russian ties, since that was his field of expertise . It is nothing, just politics.

btw, what are "groans"? lol

seems like you are butthurt over me for something. I'll happily give you what you give me on it. whatever they are.
I read all about it, nothing we did not already know. Poof, you got duped again!

Really? You knew that the FBI went to the FISA Court using only the Steele Dossier?

How did you know that?

I know many of us assumed it, but it was never confirmed before today
Political origins of the dossier were known to senior FBI & DOJ officials, withheld and unknown to the judge!
that's fraud..or deprivations of liberty based on false testimony.

The whole thing is based on a bunch of lies..oh look!

The DNC just put out a "statement" about "Trump and his henchmen"

what a crock..Fire Mueller and prosecute the IC leadership

*working -back later*
What have you learned new from the Republicans memo?

We learned that the FBI used a Yahoo article written by Michael Isikoff as a corroboration, but that article was planted by Steele so it wasn't really corroboration was it.

Let me ask you counselor. If you go to a Judge for a warrant, is it incumbent upon you to indicate where that evidence for the warrant comes from? For example, let's say you tell the Judge that you have a witness. Is that all that is necessary, or do you need to provide more? Is it relevant for the judge to know if the witness you are using has any nefarious motives?

Do you think it was proper for the FBI to withhold from the FISA court where the Steele Dossier came from? Do you think it was proper for them to withhold Steele's obvious negative bias toward Trump?

McCabe admitted that without the Steele Dossier there would have been no FISA warrant. No FISA warrant, not basis for Obama to spy on the Trump campaign. No spying on the Trump campaign, no Russian collusion and no Mueller investigation.

Get it yet?