BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

But you can't refute anything I said, show us where Nunes's memo is anything beyond Nunes's interpretation of the classified documents. It isn't a Committee report, just Nunes's conclusion, prove your point and show us where I am wrong

Your turn, or, we'd have to assume you are the one looking foolish
"interpretation" would be like I wrote"The entire matter should be fired/ended" < -that's my opinion based on the FACTS provided by the memo.

But the facts don't change that Page was put under a FISA by Steele dossier- which led to unmaskings etc.
We learned that the FBI used a Yahoo article written by Michael Isikoff as a corroboration, but that article was planted by Steele so it wasn't really corroboration was it.

Let me ask you counselor. If you go to a Judge for a warrant, is it incumbent upon you to indicate where that evidence for the warrant comes from? For example, let's say you tell the Judge that you have a witness. Is that all that is necessary, or do you need to provide more? Is it relevant for the judge to know if the witness you are using has any nefarious motives?

Do you think it was proper for the FBI to withhold from the FISA court where the Steele Dossier came from? Do you think it was proper for them to withhold Steele's obvious negative bias toward Trump?

McCabe admitted that without the Steele Dossier there would have been no FISA warrant. No FISA warrant, not basis for Obama to spy on the Trump campaign. No spying on the Trump campaign, no Russian collusion and no Mueller investigation.

Get it yet?

Depends on many factors.
Orr met with Steele in summer of 2016; Steele was actively engaged in the defeat of Trump; FBI & DOJ used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier; Congratulations MYT, WaPo & CNN, LOL!!!

Orr continued along with Fusion GPS to make up more stuff to pass along to the media.

Need more proof out there that the msm wasn't and isn't in bed with the swamp????????? Total corruption!

Deep State shenanigans coupled with Fake News.
Depends on many factors.


Let's try this another way.

Let's say in 2020, the Trump DOJ/FBI goes to a FISA Court using "opposition research" from a partisan but doesn't tell the Court where it came from so that the Trump administration can conduct surveillance on their political opponent. Would you be OK with that?

I was really thinking this could be a dud, but it is actually bigger than I thought it would be.

I actually know that you and your fellow libs really know it is bad too, you just don't have the balls to admit it
Schiff is full of Shit. no "sources and methods " are compromised.
It looks like it was put together with explicitly not to do so.
Keep up the Republican lies!


Let's try this another way.

Let's say in 2020, the Trump DOJ/FBI goes to a FISA Court using "opposition research" from a partisan but doesn't tell the Court where it came from so that the Trump administration can conduct surveillance on their political opponent. Would you be OK with that?

I was really thinking this could be a dud, but it is actually bigger than I thought it would be.

I actually know that you and your fellow libs really know it is bad too, you just don't have the balls to admit it

It would depend on the veracity of the information, not who paid for its collection.
Well, if an investigation was started based on lies and withheld information, doesn't that make the investigation a moot point?

There are two key points from this memo which are irrefutable

1) The origins of the dossier were kept from the FISA court. The FISA court was NOT told that this was political opposition research
2) The FISA court was not told that Steele was anti Trump.

Now take your partisan blinders off for a second. Don't you think that was relevant information for a FISA Court to know?

what it SHOULD tell idiots is that the FISA court is nothing more than a political rubber stamp for tyranny.