BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

FBI Agents Association Decries 'Partisan Politics' After Release Of Nunes Memo

The FBI Agents Association decried what it called the distraction of congressional “partisan politics” after a House GOP memo alleging anti-Trump bias at the bureau was released Friday afternoon.

“The American people should know that they continue to be well-served by the world’s preeminent law enforcement agency,” FBIAA president Tom O’Connor said in a statement. “FBI Special Agents have not, and will not, allow partisan politics to distract us from our solemn commitment to our mission.”

Despite strenuous objections from the Justice Department and FBI, the White House ordered that the declassified memo, which was put together by staff for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), be released with no redactions.

It alleges that the DOJ and several top FBI officials failed to disclose that a dossier of damaging information about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia served as part of the basis for a surveillance warrant against a former adviser to the campaign.

Read more:

"I guess, to him, upholding the Constitution is pro-Democrat." TIM KAINE: Trump’s on a tweet rampage against FBI/DOJ for being too helpful to Dems. But there’s a problem with that theory: Comey? Republican. Wray? Republican. Mueller? Republican. Sessions? Republican.
Rosenstein? Republican. I guess, to him, upholding the Constitution is pro-Democrat.

Have another drink. You aren't familiar with the bipartisan nature of the "deep state", are you? Why do you suppose the original oppo research was funded by a Republican?
The spin/damage control over the next week is going to be epic.

Trump really doesn't think about things much. He reacts emotionally and impulsively. I think that probably works in real estate more than it does in global politics.
The spin/damage control over the next week is going to be epic.

Trump really doesn't think about things much. He reacts emotionally and impulsively. I think that probably works in real estate more than it does in global politics.

I don't know who much that can take it ...
Apparently the "resistance" knew the dossier was unsubstantiated, at best, Ms. Stretch.

Sounds like criminal conspiracy to commit fraud to me.

Absolutely. There was no was cartoon...made up...fraud...Hillary bought it and it was sold as intel.
The spin/damage control over the next week is going to be epic. Trump really doesn't think about things much. He reacts emotionally and impulsively. I think that probably works in real estate more than it does in global politics.

This happens to be domestic politics, little Thingy.

I suspect that the spin/damage control - including your attempt in this thread - will indeed be "epic".
FBI Agents Association Decries 'Partisan Politics' After Release Of Nunes Memo

The FBI Agents Association decried what it called the distraction of congressional “partisan politics” after a House GOP memo alleging anti-Trump bias at the bureau was released Friday afternoon.

“The American people should know that they continue to be well-served by the world’s preeminent law enforcement agency,” FBIAA president Tom O’Connor said in a statement. “FBI Special Agents have not, and will not, allow partisan politics to distract us from our solemn commitment to our mission.”

Despite strenuous objections from the Justice Department and FBI, the White House ordered that the declassified memo, which was put together by staff for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), be released with no redactions.

It alleges that the DOJ and several top FBI officials failed to disclose that a dossier of damaging information about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia served as part of the basis for a surveillance warrant against a former adviser to the campaign.

Read more:

There was no was a "declassified" cartoon story.
What are those Asshole staffers doing rummaging around in highly classified documents?

Then on top of that, composing a misleading memo using it as a source and getting it released to the public?

I call FOUL and where is the law enforcement dudes to arrest them all?

If our classified documents are no longer safe, we might as well declassify any and all and toss them to the newspapers.

... and Hillary did what?
Staff are cleared because they work for Intel Committee..learn up on classification rules
this is more weaponization of intelligence.
We saw the same thing with the IRS weaponization going after con groups/ yet nobody gets fired/prosecuted.

which means it can happen again
the question is if the onlly info they had is on george pidopopoplois how did they get a FISA warrant on Page if the steele dossier was not used?
Well it looks like they did a crack job ... on crack. :laugh:
yeah sure, whatever. dude.
The fact FISA is politicized, by known false applications of the Steele dossier to the point McCabe says the warrant would never have been issued otherwise is just all fine and dandy in Democratic world.

You guys back in my daze used to actually care about assaults on the Constitution and the 4th..
The spin/damage control over the next week is going to be epic.

Trump really doesn't think about things much. He reacts emotionally and impulsively. I think that probably works in real estate more than it does in global politics.

Are you in the right thread lol?

What ‘damage’ needs controlled by Trump? Did Trump finance a phony document then have people in government use it to trick the FISA court into spying [dare we say ‘wiretapping’] on Hillary’s people?

If that would have happened Mueller would have a much easier investigation.
Sort of a nothing burger.

Trump wants badly to fire people and for inconvenient things to just go away. Thus the hype.

LOL... you think this is a nothing burger? If this memo is accurate, then it clearly shows the corruption at the FBI and its collusion with the DNC and Clinton campaigns.