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Incorrect. You apparently aren't smart enough to understand "denial of service." I tried to help you. In fact, I've tried to help you on many topics but you are never appreciative and you are never capable of grasping what I teach you.

I see that you are desperate to highlight something that I don't know. I recommend doing a deep dive into a topic that I actually don't know. There aren't many, but some do exist, e.g. baby shower planning.

A DOS is an attack on the system of the provider not on a user.
Here is the explanation from wikipedia
In computing, a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to a network.
The most common way is to overwhelm a server by sending more requests than it can handle. That is why the first line of defense is to restrict the number of requests from any one IP address in a given amount of time.

It's like you are determined to prove you are stupid.
Hint - Turn on shower, place baby in shower. :laugh:
You are pivoting.

You had only one job, i.e. post the original signed subpoena listing the specific documents to be surrendered and from what location are they to be found. Please post that.

I am not the one pivoting since I have only been dealing with counts 1-31 of the indictment which are charged under 18 U.S.C. § 793(e).

Your spinning until you are dizzy and can't see straight doesn't mean I am weaving back and forth.
A DOS is an attack on the system of the provider not on a user.
Nope. A Denial of Service attack is any deliberate action that results in a denial or degradation of services provided. Your attempted redefinition fails.

By the way, yes, there are DoS attacks directed at one/specific person/people's account(s). You are guilty of confusing one particular instance for the entire class. You are not a Java programmer. Ask me how I know.

Here is the explanation from wikipedia
Wikipedia is a non-authoritative source that is awash in errors. All quotes from Wikipedia are immediately discarded. Find an authoritative source.
I am not the one pivoting
Yes, you are pivoting. Now, produce that signed subpoena showing the documents covered. While you're at it, post the Trump-signed Non-Disclosure Agreement that covers those documents.

You need both of those in order to be Constitutional/legal in bringing Donald Trump to trial.
Yes, you are pivoting. Now, produce that signed subpoena showing the documents covered. While you're at it, post the Trump-signed Non-Disclosure Agreement that covers those documents.

You need both of those in order to be Constitutional/legal in bringing Donald Trump to trial.

ahhh.. Poor baby had to truncate my post to try to make an argument that makes sense.

Maybe you wouldn't make yourself look so stupid if you followed the link to the indictment. No need for a signed subpoena or a NDA to charge 18 U.S.C. § 793(e) which is clearly a charge that is legal to bring since multiple people have been indicted and convicted for it over the last 50 years.

Here, try responding again to my entire post -
I am not the one pivoting since I have only been dealing with counts 1-31 of the indictment which are charged under 18 U.S.C. § 793(e).

Your spinning until you are dizzy and can't see straight doesn't mean I am weaving back and forth.
Nope. A Denial of Service attack is any deliberate action that results in a denial or degradation of services provided. Your attempted redefinition fails.

By the way, yes, there are DoS attacks directed at one/specific person/people's account(s). You are guilty of confusing one particular instance for the entire class. You are not a Java programmer. Ask me how I know.

Wikipedia is a non-authoritative source that is awash in errors. All quotes from Wikipedia are immediately discarded. Find an authoritative source.

Maybe I should ask a java programmer :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

I am guessing you don't know what IP tables are. You are guilty of using a weak defense against a DoS attack if you are using java to defend against such an attack. A properly set up IP table will stop the attack long before any java app is called.
An attempt to hack or attack a single account is not a DoS attack. Never has been and never will be when it comes to IT security. Even if an attacker is trying to repeatedly and rapidly attack one account, the repeated attempt will be blocked by the IP table before your java code comes into play.

Defense against a DOS attack has nothing to do with OOP. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Quick, give us your java code that you use to block a denial of service attack. (Hint- Don't use ChatGPT to write it for you.)
Maybe I should ask a java programmer
Yes, sure ... so ask me.

I am guessing you don't know what IP tables are.
You are one endless chain of time-wasting pivots.

I know everything you need me to know. Do you have a point? If your only point is to flail forever, taking wild stabs at guessing something that I don't know, the universe will die a heat death before you finish. You are going through a great deal of trouble just to distract everyone's attention away from your goof of thinking that one type of Denial of Service attack was the entire class of such attacks. Is it really worth the trouble, especially considering how I will simply be reminding everyone yet again in the very next post?

You are guilty of using a weak defense against a DoS attack if you are using java to defend against such an attack.
Java is a programming language. Why do you think it is a utility?

A properly set up IP table will stop the attack long before any java app is called.
No iptables can stop the type of attack I mentioned.

An attempt to hack or attack a single account is not a DoS attack.
It is if the result is to deny or degrade the account's ability to utilize the services offered.
ahhh.. Poor baby had to truncate my post ...
You haven't posted the subpoena. It was your one job. Oh well, your claim is dismissed. Let me know when something changes.

No need for a signed subpoena or a NDA to charge 18 U.S.C. § 793(e)
... but you need it to keep all of the documents from being tossed. No subpoena clearly delineating certain documents, no refusal to surrender the documents. No NDA, no violation of any NDA.

which is clearly a charge that is legal to bring since multiple people have been indicted and convicted for it over the last 50 years.
How many of those people were Presidents whose clearance was granted by We the People through the Constitution upon being elected President
(which can only be taken away by We the People), as opposed to those who were granted a clearance via some office of the Federal government?
Yes, sure ... so ask me.

You are one endless chain of time-wasting pivots.

I know everything you need me to know. Do you have a point? If your only point is to flail forever, taking wild stabs at guessing something that I don't know, the universe will die a heat death before you finish. You are going through a great deal of trouble just to distract everyone's attention away from your goof of thinking that one type of Denial of Service attack was the entire class of such attacks. Is it really worth the trouble, especially considering how I will simply be reminding everyone yet again in the very next post?

Java is a programming language. Why do you think it is a utility?

No iptables can stop the type of attack I mentioned.


I know what Java is. Java doesn't do anything on it's own. You have to write an applet or a program with it before it can do anything. A properly set up IP table will prevent any attack from ever getting to your java code since all packets must first be allowed to pass through based on the rules set up in the IP table.
An IP table with rules set up to block every attempt to connect will stop every attack you mentioned since an inability to even contact the server means that there can be no DOS attack of any kind.
If the attacker can't send a get or fetch command to the server, they can never download any java code.

It is if the result is to deny or degrade the account's ability to utilize the services offered.
That isn't a denial of service attack. That is the provider using his rights and blocking someone from using the service. It's what an IP table does. It can block your IP address from accessing the server.

I notice you were unable to provide an example of the java code you claimed can block a DOS attack. It seems you aren't really a java programmer. But I already knew that.
You haven't posted the subpoena. It was your one job. Oh well, your claim is dismissed. Let me know when something changes.

... but you need it to keep all of the documents from being tossed. No subpoena clearly delineating certain documents, no refusal to surrender the documents. No NDA, no violation of any NDA.

How many of those people were Presidents whose clearance was granted by We the People through the Constitution upon being elected President
(which can only be taken away by We the People), as opposed to those who were granted a clearance via some office of the Federal government?

Now we are getting somewhere. You at least have acknowledged that the documents weren't returned. This is now leading to the obstruction charges in the indictment
A subpoena was issued requiring that Trump turn over all documents with classified documents.

Then evidence was found that he didn't turn over all the documents required by the subpoena so a search warrant was issued.

When the search warrant was executed over 100 documents with classified markings were found. Documents that were specifically asked for by the subpoena.
Your claims are clearly false based on the documents in the court record.
Sybil claims to be a climate expert, a computer programmer, a legal expert and a Constitutional scholar but never a sock puppeteer. Which one is he really?
Mantra 41 Idiocracy

Since Sybil is you (and doesn't exist here except in your head), and you have already demonstrated you are completely illiterate on the definition of climate, openly deny theories of science and believe in the Church of Global Warming, cannot program your way out of a wet paper bag, and deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions, and since you have many socks, you are lying.
Since Sybil is you (and doesn't exist here except in your head, and you have already demonstrated you are completely illiterate on the definition of climate, openly deny theories of science and believe in the Church of Global Warming, cannot program your way out of a wet paper bag, and deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions, and since you have many socks, you are lying.
Your denials are the most fun part about you, Sybil.

Mantra 48 Psychotic Buffoonery

Sybil isn't here.
Sybil isn't here.
Is Sybil transgender?

Why should I care about climate change, Sybil? I'll be dead in 15-20 years.
Now we are getting somewhere. You at least have acknowledged that the documents weren't returned.
I don't know exactly what was "returned" but the subpoena you posted is not valid for an obstruction charge. Nobody can "command" anybody else to provide everything on ... but not limited to ... a particular list, and then claim that certain items that were not delivered were somehow covered in the "but not limited to" clause. Also, the subpoena doesn't specify particularly the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, which is a 4th Amendment requirement. Calling it a "subpoena" instead of a "warrant" does not change the requirement; the purpose is the same, i.e. to gather evidence for a trial.

This is now leading to the obstruction charges in the indictment
... which now appears totally bogus, given this new perspective that you have shown. The subpeona (potentially) violates Donald Trump's 4th Amendment rights. I personally don't know the extent to which Donald Trump is aware of every single document he posesses or has under his control, and I don't know to what extent Donald Trump made an effort to locate the documents and respond to the subpoena. Yes, yes, I'm sure that you are going to claim to know all of this with the greatest of omniscience ... and I don't believe you.

A subpoena was issued requiring that Trump turn over all documents with [classification markings]
Overly broad. Operative words: "but not limited to the following: " ... while missing any specification of location, erasing any validity to any obstruction charges.
This is all you've got. This is all you've ever had.

I know what Java is.
I should hope so. I just finished teaching you what it is. You thought it was a network security utility. Too funny. By the way, you're welcome.

Java doesn't do anything on it's own.
Actually, Java does, in fact, "do things" for the programmers who program in Java, which accomplishes a great deal with its strong typing. I bet you don't know what that accomplishes.

You have to write an applet or a program with it before it can do anything.
Correction, one would have to be writing an applet or a program for Java to do what it does. Once the applet/program is written, then it's the applet/program doing something. Java, as a programming language, does what it does, as a benefit to programmers who use it.

A properly set up IP table will prevent any attack from ever getting to your java code
Then, by your circular definition, you can never have a properly set up iptable because China will always be able to find a way to break it, which means that it wasn't "properly set up".

That isn't a denial of service attack.
You're a moron. A Denial of Service attack is definitely a deliberate action resulting in the denial or degradation of ability to utilize the services offered. I know that you claim otherwise, i.e. that one specific type of DoS attack is the entire category of DoS attacks.

You are mistaken.

It's what an IP table does. It can block your IP address from accessing the server.
I was thinking, instead of being a total doofus with me and demonstrating that you are willing to embarrass yourself to new extremes just to try to ferret out something that I don't know, ... why don't you instead share your expertise with JPP. Write up a short blurb about iptables and explain what the various functions do, and perhaps identify their cloud-based equivalents.

I notice you were unable to provide an example of the java code you claimed can block a DOS attack.
I'd like you to point to where I made that claim, and not to where you made the claim that I made the claim. Thanks.
I don't know exactly what was "returned" but the subpoena you posted is not valid for an obstruction charge. Nobody can "command" anybody else to provide everything on ... but not limited to ... a particular list, and then claim that certain items that were not delivered were somehow covered in the "but not limited to" clause. Also, the subpoena doesn't specify particularly the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, which is a 4th Amendment requirement. Calling it a "subpoena" instead of a "warrant" does not change the requirement; the purpose is the same, i.e. to gather evidence for a trial.

... which now appears totally bogus, given this new perspective that you have shown. The subpeona (potentially) violates Donald Trump's 4th Amendment rights. I personally don't know the extent to which Donald Trump is aware of every single document he posesses or has under his control, and I don't know to what extent Donald Trump made an effort to locate the documents and respond to the subpoena. Yes, yes, I'm sure that you are going to claim to know all of this with the greatest of omniscience ... and I don't believe you.

Overly broad. Operative words: "but not limited to the following: " ... while missing any specification of location, erasing any validity to any obstruction charges.

Any subpoena that breaks the law is null and void. Trump does not have to turn over classified information to anyone.