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The equal protection clause means no one is immune when it comes to the law.
Then why is Biden not being prosecuted? Why is Nancy Pelosi not being prosecuted? They both have committed crimes. Biden has violated most of Title 18. Nancy Pelosi attempted to usurp the authority of the Senate and of the President, and organized the Jan 6th riots.
Multiple courts have ruled that Trump is not special
Blatant lie. No court has made any such ruling.
and is subject to the same laws as everyone else.
Apparently not. Biden is one of those 'everyone else', but he is immune from the law.
Even the Supreme Court has refused to take his cases claiming special status.
Blatant lie. Trump never attempted to file such a case with the Supreme Court.
The funny thing is, the investigations all started before Trump ran for President.

Trump is running for President to avoid being prosecuted. He can't win the Presidency even if he is the GOP nominee.

The persecutions all started before Trump became President, just as soon as he announced his intent to run.
Trump is not running for President to avoid being prosecuted.
Trump has never lost an election. I know that scares the shit out you.
If you have classified military information in your home and refuse to turn it over to the government, I would hope they do it to you too.
Personally, I don't have to worry about it being done to me since I didn't take any classified documents.

So when is Biden going to be prosecuted for that? YOU said the law applies equally to everyone!
Even staff is biased, particularly Phanty.

There is no requirement among the staff to have no opinions. We all have our own political opinions and are welcome to argue them. So long as the rules are applied without regard to politics. We do rather well at that, IMHO.

Phantasmal has been a welcome member in the staff and has done a great job.
There is no requirement among the staff to have no opinions. We all have our own political opinions and are welcome to argue them. So long as the rules are applied without regard to politics. We do rather well at that, IMHO.

Phantasmal has been a welcome member in the staff and has done a great job.

I never said otherwise. Indeed I agree with you here. I only said Phantasmal happens to be particularly biased. Not in the application of the rules, but in his opinions.
Time is linear, unless you live in a fantasy world

March 30, 2022: The FBI opens its investigation.

April 26, 2022: The grand jury investigation begins.

May 11, 2022: A grand jury issues a subpoena to Trump and his office requiring that they turn over all classified materials in their possession.

Aug. 8 2022: The FBI searches searches Mar-a-Lago, seizing 102 classified documents — 75 in the storage room and 27 in Trump’s office, including three found in office desks.

Trump announces for President - Nov 15, 2022 (After the investigation started and after Trump's home was searched and documents found.)

The FBI has no jurisdiction in this matter.
No law was broken by Trump.
The grand jury cannot order anything.
Trump does not have to turn over any documents to anyone.
The FBI broke the law, including Title 18. They have no authority to view or seize classified documents.
I guess you didn't read the Constitution. Only the President is Commander in Chief. Previous presidents are no longer CiC but are merely citizens like the rest of us when it comes to classified information.

WRONG. Trump has all the authorization he needs to retain any document he wishes. He doesn't even need to declassify them. EVERY FORMER PRESIDENT has this authority!
Unlike a black man in 1920 Mississippi, Trump did rape a white woman in a dressing room in a department store. But he didn't get criminally charged, he lost a civil case so I guess we already see he has been treated better than blacks in the south in 1920.

No rape. No crime.
You are just claiming a civil case in a Kangaroo Court to be a criminal case with some kind of 'merit'.
Your failure to understand the law, the Constitution and your desire to make up facts would point to your being delusional.
You are describing yourself.
The law says it's a crime to not return the documents once you are made aware that you have them. Trump was told he had the documents.
No such law.
There is no evidence Biden knew.
Yes there is. The classified documents he was unauthorized to have were IN HIS HOME. The ONLY way for them to get there is if they were stolen!
Dubya and Obama did not take years to determine what to return since everything was sent to the NARA before they left office.
Just like Trump. NARA packed the boxes and shipped them to Mar-a-Lago.
Like I said, you are delusional.
You are describing yourself again.
The civil case said explicitly that the jury found there wasn't enough evidence to Trump put his penis in Ms Carroll which is the legal definition in rape in NY.
The jury did find that Trump sexually assaulted Ms Carroll by inserting something in her vagina which meets the normal definition of rape in most of the US and is commonly understood to be rape. The judge ruled that calling it rape is correct under those standards so Trump is a rapist by the normal definition even if it isn't rape by the legal NY definition.

There was no rape. A Kangaroo Court judge cannot redefine 'rape'.
The Presidential Records act makes nothing a crime. It only states what is government and what is personal.
Blatant lie.
Classified documents can never be personal documents under the PRA.
Blatant lie.
Other laws make it illegal to retain government documents and not return them when asked.
Blatant lie.
Those laws require that the documents be willfully retained or willfully not returned before it becomes a crime.
No crime. Trump has all the authority he needs to retain any document he wishes.
Your delusions about espionage are just delusions.
Blatant lie. Biden had NO authority to possess any classified documents from the government.
Courts require facts.
And you conveniently ignore them.
Facts - The person knows they have a document, the person refused to return the document. Those facts appear to exist in the case of Trump.
So? No crime. Trump can retain any document he wishes. He does not have to return them.
Those facts don't exist in the case of Biden or Pence.
Blatant lie. Biden knew the classified documents were in his home! He illegally retained them for YEARS. They were accessible to Hunter, who was traveling to Ukraine and China at the time!

Biden's espionage is an impeachable offense.
So is Biden's acceptance of foreign government money for personal use (bribery).
So is Biden's support of weapons, aid, and comfort to the enemy in time of war.
So is Biden's open support of the invasion of the United States.
Funny thing about the indictment. It never charges Trump with violating the PRA

Willful Retention of National Defense Information
(18 U.S.C. § 793(e))

Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice
(18 U.S.C. § 1512(k))

Withholding a Document or Record
(18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(b)(2)(A), 2)

Corruptly Concealing a Document or Record
(18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(l), 2)

Concealing a Document in a Federal Investigation
(18 u.s.c. §§ 1519, 2)

Scheme to Conceal
(18 U.S.C. §§ lOOl(a)(l), 2)

False Statements and Representations
(18 U.S.C. §§ 1001(a)(2), 2)

Trump isn't charged with having classified documents. He is charged with:
having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over documents relating to the national
defense, did willfully retain the documents and fail to deliver them to the officer and employee of
the United States entitled to receive them.

It doesn't matter if the documents were classified or not. It only matters if they related to the national defense and if Trump willfully retained them.

None of Trump's crimes are charged under the Presidential Records Act. The PRA is what revealed Trump's crimes when he argued with the NARA about what documents he could keep.

All of Trump's crimes are charged under chapter 18 of the US code.
The PRA is in chapter 22 of the US code.

Are you smart enough to know that 22 is not the same as 18?

Apparently YOU are not smart enough to know that Title 18 as stated here does not apply BECAUSE of Title 22 and the Constitution of the United States.
Phantasmal has been a welcome member in the staff and has done a great job.
I dispute the latter half. Phantasmal allows Terry and Cypress to egregiously alter posts in violation of the rules but immediately gives me a warning if I add clarity, ... and allows both of them to engage in Denial of Service attacks with impunity.

Phantasmal is not doing a good job.
In fact, Cohen said all of this when he testified in front of Congress. He followed Trump's orders and got 3 and a half years in jail. It took years for the case against Trump to be organized. So for Daffy a bad combination exists. Others in his corrupt organization have served time covering up for him, or getting nailed for actually doing what he tells them to do. How can he possibly escape the responsibility for his criminal organization?