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This is only part of it, since it was just a summary judgement by the judge. It means that Letitia James has a narrower scope for her case.

The bench trial for specific illegal conduct starts next week.

There is no illegal conduct. Trump broke no law.
In a summary judgment, Donald Trump and his executives were found liable for persistent fraud in NY.

Judge has ordered the dissolution of his LLC business certificates, including the Trump Organization.

Henceforth, the former President of the United States cannot even operate a lemonade stand in the Empire State.

Considering the status of New York, why would he want to? New York is no longer a State. It's current form of government is oligarchy.
The case is over. He lost. The jury will determine damages.
You talk appeals. You do not care that he is a crook? He lost his permits to operate in New York. Trump keeps losing because he is inherently dishonest You do not care, but many Americans do.

The case is not over. There is no jury. Trump has committed no crime. Losing in a Kangaroo Court in New York is a hollow victory for the Democrats.
Twice impeached - strong arming Zelensky for dirt on Biden, inciting J6
Liable for sexual assault
Liable for paying hush money to a whore he fucked when he had a newborn
Guilty of persistent fraud
Guilty of fraud in Trump U
Stole from his own charity
91 felony counts pending

These are not wishful thinking. Not innuendo without evidence. Not conspiracy theories. Not about any siblings or children.

These are facts about the man himself. His brand. His legacy.

And you still support that.

Says as much about you and those like you than the sleazebag himself.

Listing Democrat persecution of Trump gets you nothing.