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Yet without the PRA, there is NO WAY to make even the farcical charges Mobster Jack made.

Prior to the PRA presidents kept any damned document they pleased. What Xi's Biden Regime is doing with this malicious prosecution is attempting to rewrite federal law. Mobster Jack is doing what you're doing, pretending that Trump was not president.

Remember, this will not be presented to a lynch mob in Manhattan. They will not play make believe in order to lynch the enemy of your Reich.

I suspect that the Regime will drop the case once they get close to the election. The ONLY purpose of this farce is to corrupt the election, after all.

Care to explain how the PRA led to the charges?
Did the PRA cause Trump to refuse to return the documents?
Did the PRA cause Trump to defy a grand jury subpoena?
Did the PRA cause Trump to obstruct justice when he hid documents?

Trump could have avoided the crime if he had simply turned over the documents. Instead he decided to commit the crime that multiple people have been convicted of: (18 U.S.C. § 793(e)).

I suspect you have an IQ of 80. That doesn't mean the DoJ will drop charges against Trump.
It seems you are too stupid to know what a judge is or that the judge oversees the trial and the jury verdict and sentence.

Let me cite this part again for you.
This jury did not award Ms. Carroll more than $2 million for groping her breasts
through her clothing, wrongful as that might have been. There was no evidence at all of such
behavior. Instead, the proof convincingly established, and the jury implicitly found, that Mr. Trump
deliberately and forcibly penetrated Ms. Carroll’s vagina with his fingers
, causing immediate pain
and long lasting emotional and psychological harm

The case you are claiming the jury didn't find rape is a defamation case.
Not only that the judge found that the finding of rape exists and that the finding is to be used in the next defamation case so there is no need to reexamine the evidence of rape since the jury already decided that Trump was a rapist as the word is commonly used.

So feel free to say the truth out loud. Trump is a rapist!

Again you roll to the defamation case and not the actual suit.

Are you dishonest, or genuinely too stupid to grasp that these are different cases?
Again you roll to the defamation case and not the actual suit.

Are you dishonest, or genuinely too stupid to grasp that these are different cases?

They were combined until Trump tried to get the Feds to say he had immunity for his defamation made when President. That was denied but not until after the 2 defamations were separated to be tried at different times.
The two cases rely on the same facts. Defamation can't occur if the statement is true. The jury found that Trump's claim was not true and Ms Carroll's claim was true. Trump is a rapist using the common understanding of the term.
Trump sexually assaulted Carroll with an act that is normally considered rape even if not rape under the narrow NY definition.

The jury's finding of fact in the first case is the same finding of fact used in the second case. Facts haven't changed.
I guess we won’t see the “but, but, but, he didn’t break any laws did he” any more

Matters little to the MAGA militia, obvious the NY AG was out to get him, and Hunter cheats more, besides, as Trump himself stated, he could even shoot someone in broad daylight and not lose votes

Trump broke no law.
MAGA isn't a militia.
Trump never said any such thing. Wordstuffing.
[h=1]Judge rules Donald Trump defrauded banks, insurers as he built real estate empire[/h]

Source: AP

Updated 4:25 PM EDT, September 26, 2023

NEW YORK (AP) — A judge has ruled that Donald Trump committed fraud for years while building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House.

Judge Arthur Engoron, ruling Tuesday in a civil lawsuit brought by New York’s attorney general, found that the former president and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing financing.

The decision, days before the start of a non-jury trial in Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit, is the strongest repudiation yet of Trump’s carefully coiffed image as a wealthy and shrewd real estate mogul turned political powerhouse.

Beyond mere bragging about his riches, Trump, his company and key executives repeatedly lied about them on his annual financial statements, reaping rewards such as favorable loan terms and lower insurance premiums, Engoron found.

Read more:

Copy of this ruling (PDF) -

So? The judge has no authority here.
Donald Trump committed fraud for years while building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House, a court has ruled.

Judge Arthur Engoron found that the former president and his company deceived banks and insurers by massively overvaluing assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing financing.

The judge found Trump, his company, and key executives repeatedly lied about his wealth on annual financial statements, resulting in rewards including favourable loan terms and lower insurance premiums.

Those tactics crossed a line and violated the law, the judge said, rejecting Trump's argument that a disclaimer on the financial statements absolved him of any wrongdoing.

There is no fraud. Trump broke no law.
It appears the judge has ordered the dissolution of the Trump Organization and any entities they created in NY state as the penalty for violating count 1 of the suit. The court will appoint the person to oversee the dissolution of the entities. This probably explains why there was a kerfuffle a few months back when Trump was trying to move all his corporate entities out of NY.

There will still be a trial for the counts 2 - 9 to determine financial penalties for Trump, Eric, Don Jr and the others individuals and corporations sued by the OAG.

The judge has no authority here.
Trump, Don Jr, and Eric will not be allowed to own corporations in NY, and the judge will decide the penalty after evidence.

The first question in the coming trial is answered, many claims made to banks that lent them money were fraudulent. They did not really have the value they claimed, by a long shot.

The Business certificates Trump corporations work under are no longer valid as of today. Someone will be appointed to take over the dissolution of these several corporations, selling off the pieces.

The judge has no such authority here. There was no fraud.
I think it is unclear at this time. Basically it means Trump can't conduct business in NY. Whether that means he will be forced to sell all assets or just assets in NY is unknown at this time.

As an LLC, will the assets revert to the owner of the LLC or will the assets need to be sold and the proceeds go to the owner of the LLC? It would certainly appear that Trump will not own anything in NY when this is done.

The judge has no such authority here.
The judge has some real zingers in there. Well worth the read if you have half an hour and just skim over the legal rulings cited.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but value is in the eye of the marketplace.

He also seems to think the the numbers could not be inflated because he could "find a buyer from Saudi Arabia" to pay any price he suggests.

The judge lays out the fraud pretty well and it's hard to argue that it could be simple misunderstanding. Trump got professional appraisals of property and then the same year gave the bank values that were 200% - 2300% larger than the professional appraisal.

There is no fraud. Assessed value is not market value.