Breaking News

Yep, you’ll vote for someone who:

Is twice impeached
Defrauded people with Trump U
Stole from his own charity
Fucked a whore when his wife had a newborn at home
Found guilty of paying hush money to the whore
Guilty of libel and sexual assault. Twice
Guilty of persistent fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars
Charged with 91 felonies, including violations of the Espionage Act.

Says a lot about you character and judgement. But you display that daily, anyway.

Listing Democrat persecution of Trump gets you nothing.
The problem for Trump is he won't win any appeals because the court record is not what you think it is. The court ruling cites facts, figures and laws. None of which are on Trump's side which is why he lost so bigly.

Perhaps you didn't notice but Trump lost one appeal yesterday and it wasn't even close.

The court cited made up shit, made up figures, and broke the law. The appeal on this hasn't been filed yet, dumbass.
You made this claim which is old and was overturned quickly by the appeals court.
According to the court spokesman, appeals court Justice David Friedman granted an interim stay of the trial, and referred the matter to a five-judge panel, which expects to rule in the last week of September.}

Your bullshit doesn't count in a court of law. Particularly when an appeals court panel of 5 judges without dissent denies the claim by Trump's lawyers that Engoran is biased

It DOES count in a court of law.
Federal courts don't take appeals from state courts unless there is a constitutional issue involved.
Sure they do.
What civil rights issue does a rich white man have that is covered under the US Constitution?
Go read the Constitution (I know you find that revolting).
I doubt he can claim that his civil rights were violated because of his race.
I guess you don't know what a simile is, do you?
Justice is equal since the State of NY can sue anyone that provides false business documents. There is a long history of the state doing just that. Not allowing Trump to be sued would be a violation of the equal justice under the law that you claim to want to protect.

There are no false business documents. The judge broke the law.
And all the time that the appeals last, Donald J Trump's businesses are controlled by a court appointed overseer that can restrict what money Trump can take out of his businesses.
I'm fine with the appeals taking 100 years. I doubt Trump will be fine with that.

No 'court appointed overseer' can take money or property from Trump.